Check out this guys model skills

I had to look hard just to see they was a model =P~
He must be one of the best of the best Tony :cheers:
When I seen his finger holding a car and seeing his small scale homes and store's he has built I just looked at all of them drooling on my key board =P~
Thank you for sharing :happy10: very nize indeed =P~
I just got that link off a model forum the other day. Very nice.

Actually I think it was from you, here Tony.
The guy's a master! Thanks for the link. toolman
I just got that link off a model forum the other day. Very nice.

Actually I think it was from you, here Tony.

I was waiting for Tony to jump in and tell ya Noel :happy10:
I have a picture of him hear by my computer 8)
Truly amazing talent and good use of the camera angles.Thanks for the link Tony.8)
That,s some very cool talent,thanks for sharing Tony!I didn,t see any :burnout: from MeMike at the Burger Joint! LOL.Just kidding Mike.:-D
Very nice!!!!!! I like how he used a real back drop, so realistic,Like going back in time.
I saw this on our local mopar forum. Its very nice and I love to build models but it just cost to much for me. This guy seems to have a lot of money tied up in them.
Very skilled. I saw this over on the Studebaker forum. Wonder if he works for a movie prop company.