Chrysler wants more money,or pulling out of Canada

I'm glad I don't work there, or I'd be pissed at the comment about the workers. The workers account for 7% of the vehicle cost, thats it. I never once got a paid birthday, or summer bonus. The workers just gave concessions, but upper management are still receiving millions in bonuses and salary. As for unions, more companies should have them to raise everyone's standard of living.

The goverment , and CEO's of large companies are raping the middle class. They are creating more lower class.
XXX10 Woody!!:cheers:
i still think that, if you are out of work,and hungry, you should eat your rice grinder! this auto mess started in the 70's. it took 40 years to get here and it won't get better soon. i've never in 30 years of car ownership had a ricer (1 chevy and no fords) and, if ma goes down tonight, i will NEVER own a ricer. don't blame this on any one group accept the buying public. they did it to the u.s. auto manufacturers.trying to be all world friendly and sh#t.what has japan or any other country EVER done for us, but sap our economy. i feel really bad for all the union folk that are in such dire straights.but you guys in the industry know that if you looked in the parking lot on any day,(at the car plants) there were foreign makes in the lot. and i've heard the owner say "just trying to save money".a-holes. the cure is to place federal exise taxes on every thing that comes through the port. protectionist, maybe. but at some point you gotta say WTF. maybe if the ricer is twice what the domestic is, daddy will buy it(domestic) over the ricer.we floated the rest of the world's economy for long enough. and don't get me started on the illegals sending all of thier earnings back to thier country of origin. millions of dollars a month, gone. with no chance of ever getting it back.i wish i could type better. i've got a good rant going here.
Good post. My grandfather retired from Ford and when I was a kid I asked him why all he would buy was a Ford he answered with they put a roof over my head and this food on my table. I think if more thought this way the big 3 would have less problems. Just my 2 cents.
It's about time we take care of our own in North America. The fleecing of America is almost complete now. All of our jobs are going overseas. Free Trade has been a disaster.

It's time the policy makers start changing things, or we need to get them out office. Like was said earlier there are more millionaires and billionaires out there than ever before.

We the little guys, have been f*cked over royally.

Rant over.
Well, If anyone has half a brain. Witch I dont think they do. They will let Chrysler go to hell. I think they are going down. Unless everyone buy's a chrysler, there screwed.
This should be added to the Bible:

In response to your request to call legislators and ask for a bailout for the United States automakers please consider the following, and please also pass this onto Troy Clark, the president of General Motors North America for me.

You are both infected with the same entitlement mentality that has bred like cancerous germs in UAW halls for the last countless decades, and whose plague is now sweeping the nation, awaiting our new "messiah" to wave his magical wand and make all our problems go away, while at the same time allowing our once great nation to keep "living the dream"?

The dream is over!

The dream that we can ignore the consumer for years while management myopically focuses on its personal rewards packages at the same time that our factories have been filled with the worlds most overpaid, arrogant, ignorant and laziest entitlement minded "laborers" without paying the price for these atrocities and that still the masses will line up to buy our products

Don't tell me I'm wrong. Don't accuse me of not knowing of what I speak. I have called on Ford, GM ,Chrysler, TRW, Delphi ,Kelsey Hayes, American Axle and countless other automotive OEM's and Tier ones for 3 decades now throughout the Midwest and what I've seen over the years in these union shops can only be described as disgusting.

Mr Clark, the president of General Motors, states:

There is widespread sentiment in this country, our government and especially in the media that the current crisis is completely the result of bad management. It is not.

You're right. It's not JUST management. How about the electricians who walk around the plants like lords in feudal times, making people wait on them for countless hours while they drag ***, so they can come in on the weekend and make double and triple time for a job they easily could have done within their normal 40 hour week ?

How about the line workers who threaten newbies with all kinds of scare tactics for putting out too many parts on a shift, and for being too productive (mustn't expose the lazy bums who have been getting overpaid for decades for their horrific underproduction, must we?!?!? Do you really not know about this stuff?!?

How about this great sentiment abridged from Mr. Clarke's sad plea:

Over the last few years, we have closed the quality and efficiency gaps with our competitors.

What the hell has Detroit been doing for the last 40 years?!?

Did we really JUST wake up to the gaps in quality and efficiency between us and them?

The K car vs. the Accord?

The Pinto vs. the Civic?!?

Do I need to go on?

We are living through the inevitable outcome of the actions of the United States auto industry for decades.

Time to pay for your sins, Detroit .

I attended an economic summit last week where a brilliant economist, Alan Beaulieu surprised the crowd when he said he would not have given the banks a penny of "bailout money". Yes, he said, this would cause short term problems, but despite what people like George Bush and Troy Clark would have us believe, the sun would, in fact, rise the next day And something else would happen where there had been greedy and sloppy banks new efficient ones would pop up. That is how a free market system works- it does work if we would let it work.

But for some reason we are now deciding that the rest of the world is right and that capitalism doesn't work - that we need the government to step in and "save us". Save us, hell ! We're nationalizing; and unfortunately *too many of this once fine nations citizens don't even have a clue that this is what's really happening. But they sure can tell you the stats on their favorite sports teams - yeah ? THAT'S important? * Does it occur to ANYONE that the "competition" has been producing vehicles, EXTREMELY PROFITABLY, for decades now in this country?...

How can that be???

Let's see?

Fuel efficient ?

Listening to customers?

Investing in the proper tooling and automation for the long haul?

Not being too complacent or arrogant to listen to Dr W Edwards Deming 4 decades ago

Ever increased productivity through quality, lean and six sigma plans?

Treating vendors like strategic partners, rather than like "the enemy"?

Efficient front and back offices?

Non union 'DejaVu Sans Mono'"?

Again, I could go on and on, but I really wouldn't be telling anyone anything they really don't already know in their hearts.

I have six children, so I am not unfamiliar with the concept of wanting someone to bail you out of a mess that you have gotten yourself into. My children do this on a weekly, if not daily basis, as I did at their age. I do for them what my parents did for me (one of their greatest gifts, by the way). I make them stand on their own two feet and accept the consequences of their actions and work them through.

Radical concept, huh?

Am I there for them in the wings? Of course. But only until such time as they need to be fully on their own as adults.

I don't want to oversimplify a complex situation, but there certainly are unmistakable parallels here between the proper role of parenting and

Detroit and the United States need to pay for their sins.

Bad news people. !!! It's coming whether we like it or not.

The newly elected Messiah really doesn't have a magic wand big enough to "make it all go away". I laughed as I heard Obama "reeling it back in" almost immediately after the vote count was tallied. "We might not do it in a year." Where was that kind of talk when he was RUNNING for office?

Stop trying to put off the inevitable.

That house in Florida really isn't worth $750,000.

People who jump across a border really don't deserve free health care benefits.

That job driving that forklift for the big 3 really isn't worth $85,000 a year.

That couple whose combined income is less than $50,000 really shouldn't be living in that $485,000 home.

Let the market correct itself people. it will. Yes it will be painful, but it's gonna be painful either way, and the bright side of my proposal is that on the other side of it is a nation that appreciates what is has, and doesn't live beyond its means and gets back to basics and redevelops the work ethic that made it the greatest nation in the history of the world - and probably turns back to God.

Sorry - don't cut my head off, I'm just the messenger sharing with you the "bad news".
26% raise, good one :laughing: I work for the provincial government and 26% is about 20 years worth of raises, our contract is coming up in a year and we'll be getting zero, zero and zero over three years and probably loose some of the things we have. We've had many of those 0,0 and 0 contracts, a good one is 2,2 and 2. There's already talk of cutting our hours by 20%. Now the boys at the top, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Premier, they just vote themselves whatever they want but that bears no resembalnce to the rest of us. I try not to believe everything I read or hear, for instance you're paid $20 an hour more than the Honda guys or you make $90 an hr with benefits, the first is more believable than the second but I really don't know.

I agree. $34 dollars an hour base rate with one of the the best benefit packages going? I know a lot of very well educated people and skilled tradesmen that don't do that well. I don't know too many government employees that bring home that salary. Our soldiers are sleeping in dirt holes and coming home in body bags from Afghanistan for half those wages. Labour rates are one reason the big three are failing. Greedy executives are another. The biggest reason is the Japanese build a better product and don't have unions to deal with. I also agree the Chrysler is not the same company it was 40 years ago the quality and value is not there. We could throw endless amounts of money at the big three, if no one is buying their cars we may as well burn it. The population of Canada is 33,213,000 and Harper has been bullied by the left wing into spending $38,000,000,000 on an economic stimulus package. Thats $1144 per Canadian and amounts to $4576 for my family of four. I'm not willing to take on a $4576 debt for any poorly managed company. We will always need transportation so let them sink! One of the better managed auto builders will buy the plants and start building cars again. Remember it was the big three that forced Studebaker, Packard and many other good car companies out of business with cut throat business tactics. They will find sympathy in the dictionary between sh*t and syphilis in my house.

Fire away I know I got a few of you mad but I'm up for a logical rebuttal.
Hooligan,good name!Have you ever worked the line for any of the big 3??Didn,t think so.I,m done..P.S six kids,no wonder your crusty!
The majority of the Canadian & American population say no to bailouts for the Big Three. The people have spoken. So add about 1/2 million, or more to the unemployment line (this includes suppliers and spinoff jobs)

The banks that f8cked people over in the mortgage mess are getting money, without any conditions. Only recently are they being watched more carefully. In the beginning some of the bailout money was being used for management bonuses.

But thats another topic, the people that caused the economic mess.
The majority of the Canadian & American population say no to bailouts for the Big Three. The people have spoken. So add about 1/2 million, or more to the unemployment line (this includes suppliers and spinoff jobs)

The banks that f8cked people over in the mortgage mess are getting money, without any conditions. Only recently are they being watched more carefully. In the beginning some of the bailout money was being used for management bonuses.

But thats another topic, the people that caused the economic mess.
Bailout money to G.M,they gave a G.M exec.14 Million to retire!From the bailout money.Make Obama angry!
Bailout money to G.M,they gave a G.M exec.14 Million to retire!From the bailout money.Make Obama angry!

There you have it.

Why do they help the ones that created the financial mess? The anger should be turned on the "fatcat" CEO's that killed the economy. What about the people that are losing their homes because of the crooks. Not to mention the speculators that drove oil prices up. People are losing their pensions, and retirement savings.

Obama will have a tough time changing things because Washington is full of fatcats that land their friends government contracts. He'll have to backoff from the pressure. It's the same here in Canada.
Hooligan,good name!Have you ever worked the line for any of the big 3??Didn,t think so.I,m done..P.S six kids,no wonder your crusty!

I didn't write that. A supplier to GM wrote that. Greg Knox I think his name is. Google it.

I just agree with him.

And yes, I worked at the GM stamping plant in Wyoming, MI for three years. It was basically a political circus. Waste of time.

Unions are a JOKE.
Yes I agree Woody.

And they are using the media as the tool to lay blame with. Yet the only ones to ever pay the price are the workers of the middle class/and working poor.

In this particular century,there are more millionairs/billionairs than ever. The gap between the rich and poor is at an all time high. And people still believe the media when they demonize the unions. And upper management still goes home with record bonuses/perks and never has to take a pay cut.

Then the govt hushes us up by telling us it could be worse.

We are being manipulated.
Sorry my friend but in the case of the auto industry the unions not only need to be demonized, they need to be done away with completely. They are undeniably the major reason that American manufacturers can not compete. You can complain about CEO compensation all you want but that is not the problem. An examination of the industry shows American CEOs and other top execs making about the same as their counterparts in Europe and Japan. The cost of parts/supplies etc. are about the same. Where is the big difference? UNION LABOR costs. Here are the numbers for average labor cost from the U.S. Labor Department:

Chrysler - $75.86/hour.
GM - $73.26/hour.
Ford - $70.51 / hour.
Toyota - $47.60/hour.
Honda - $43.00/hour.
Nissan - $42.00/hour.

The UAW is killing the industry and there is simply no denying it. How are the American manufacturers supposed to compete when it costs them 55% - 60% more to build the same car?
Where did Chrysler money go?
Bob Eaton $60,000,000
Daimler $10,000,000,000,000
Lasorda $15,000,000
Bob Nardelli $23,000,000
Dieter Zetcht $ 30,000,000
You missed one:

Bob Eaton $60,000,000
Daimler $10,000,000,000,000
Lasorda $15,000,000
Bob Nardelli $23,000,000
Dieter Zetcht $ 30,000,000

Union Labor Costs $6,507,291,000. PER YEAR. 6.5 BILLION!!!!

That number is based on U.S. Department of Labor numbers for the average total yearly compensation for Chrysler's 48,927 active union workers. That does not include the additional billions paid to their 205,797 inactive, retired, or otherwise unproductive union workers which dwarfs the costs for their active labor. BTW. Where did you find the claim that Daimler was paid $10 Trillion? That is just ridiculous. Whoever you got that from misplaced a decimal point BIGTIME.
You missed one:

Bob Eaton $60,000,000
Daimler $10,000,000,000,000
Lasorda $15,000,000
Bob Nardelli $23,000,000
Dieter Zetcht $ 30,000,000

Union Labor Costs $6,507,291,000. PER YEAR. 6.5 BILLION!!!!

That number is based on U.S. Department of Labor numbers for the average total yearly compensation for Chrysler's 48,927 active union workers. That does not include the additional billions paid to their 205,797 inactive, retired, or otherwise unproductive union workers which dwarfs the costs for their active labor. BTW. Where did you find the claim that Daimler was paid $10 Trillion? That is just ridiculous. Whoever you got that from misplaced a decimal point BIGTIME.

Yep you're right, should be 10 billion. Was posted on the Chrysler site.
Someone lamented the lack of support for union workers among the public. These Department of Labor numbers may explain it for you:

The average total compensation for UAW workers is around $73.00/hour while the average total compensation for the average worker of the same skill level in the U.S. economy is around $28.50. And now the government wants the average worker making $28.50 to bailout the union workers whose compensation is $73 an hour? They get to pay more taxes to bail out people who make 250% more than they do for doing a comparable job? Hmmmmmm....why would the average citizen have a problem with that? Union laborers are just that. Laborers. They do not deserve the same compensation as people with Masters degrees and P.h.D.s.
I didn't write that. A supplier to GM wrote that. Greg Knox I think his name is. Google it.

I just agree with him.

And yes, I worked at the GM stamping plant in Wyoming, MI for three years. It was basically a political circus. Waste of time.

Unions are a JOKE.

I agree that unions have out lived their usefulness. In Canada we have the Canada labour code that does a great job of protecting the employee and yes we have that act largely because of unions. With the current legislation in Canada unions are obsolete. Let the hard working, intelligent, dependable workers rise to the top. Unions hinder the separation of the wheat from the chaff. I know none of us in western Canada have ever worked on the line as Ottawa has seen to that. No other province has ever been given the opportunity to manufacture cars. Toyota wanted to put a plant in Revelstoke BC and that got quashed by Ottawa.
Susan J. Demas | Analysis | Capitol Chronicles December 09, 2008 20:47PM[/B]

Categories: Business

Here's something you probably haven't read about amidst all the ginned-up outrage over the Big Three's corporate jets: If you let the autos go bankrupt, it will cost American taxpayers more than four times what they're asking.
Yes, we could be out about $66 billion if two of the Big Three go bye-bye.
This comes from a report issued by the Anderson Economic Group headed by Patrick Anderson. Free-market types should listen up because the erudite Anderson is hardly some way-out lefty - he's one of their own. Anderson is not a big fan of burdensome regulation and taxes. He is one of Michigan's top economists. And his research clearly shows that taxpayers would get a better deal if the Big Three get their $15 billion bridge loan.
This report should be required reading for every taxpayer. Mitt Romney and U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) should be treated to autographed copies.
The report says that if two of the autos fail, 1.8 million jobs will be lost in the first year, and about $66 billion dollars will disappear in federal and state tax revenue over a two-year time period. Some jobs and technology will be permanently shifted overseas. Right now, GM and Chrysler are teetering. If Ford goes, the nonprofit Center for Automotive Research estimates the number of jobs lost will rocket up to 3 million.
The report looks at a scenario if the federal government grants a $30 billion loan. Right now, the amount is only $15 billion. Even assuming the companies only repay $15 billion of the $34 billion, taxpayers will be out a total of $16 billion. That's not ideal, but it's a far rosier picture than being stripped of $66 billion thanks to unemployment cost and tax revenues lost.
It's clear that those clamoring for bankruptcy are only looking in the short-term. They say that they want to keep more cash in taxpayers' pockets. Well, if you want to save money, the bridge loan is the way to go.
Susan J. Demas | Analysis | Capitol Chronicles December 09, 2008 20:47PM[/B]

Categories: Business

Here's something you probably haven't read about amidst all the ginned-up outrage over the Big Three's corporate jets: If you let the autos go bankrupt, it will cost American taxpayers more than four times what they're asking.
Yes, we could be out about $66 billion if two of the Big Three go bye-bye.
This comes from a report issued by the Anderson Economic Group headed by Patrick Anderson. Free-market types should listen up because the erudite Anderson is hardly some way-out lefty - he's one of their own. Anderson is not a big fan of burdensome regulation and taxes. He is one of Michigan's top economists. And his research clearly shows that taxpayers would get a better deal if the Big Three get their $15 billion bridge loan.
This report should be required reading for every taxpayer. Mitt Romney and U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) should be treated to autographed copies.
The report says that if two of the autos fail, 1.8 million jobs will be lost in the first year, and about $66 billion dollars will disappear in federal and state tax revenue over a two-year time period. Some jobs and technology will be permanently shifted overseas. Right now, GM and Chrysler are teetering. If Ford goes, the nonprofit Center for Automotive Research estimates the number of jobs lost will rocket up to 3 million.
The report looks at a scenario if the federal government grants a $30 billion loan. Right now, the amount is only $15 billion. Even assuming the companies only repay $15 billion of the $34 billion, taxpayers will be out a total of $16 billion. That's not ideal, but it's a far rosier picture than being stripped of $66 billion thanks to unemployment cost and tax revenues lost.
It's clear that those clamoring for bankruptcy are only looking in the short-term. They say that they want to keep more cash in taxpayers' pockets. Well, if you want to save money, the bridge loan is the way to go.
Yes. It would be a disaster if they went away completely. I saw a quote that 1 in 10 American jobs is tied to the auto industry in some way. The only problem with the scenario is that Chapter 11 is not necessarily the end. Companies come out of Chapter 11 all the time are are often stronger for the experience. If the big three go Chapter 11 the first thing any judge will do is void all the inexcusably expensive union contracts that put them in bankruptcy in the first place. That alone will make them profitable businesses. Bailouts on the other hand only postpone the inevitable. The cost of union labor is simply unsupportable.
Yep you're right, should be 10 billion. Was posted on the Chrysler site.
I thought so. Still a huge number but even if you add it to the salaries you listed it is nothing compared to their union labor costs.
I agree that unions have out lived their usefulness. In Canada we have the Canada labour code that does a great job of protecting the employee and yes we have that act largely because of unions. With the current legislation in Canada unions are obsolete. Let the hard working, intelligent, dependable workers rise to the top. Unions hinder the separation of the wheat from the chaff. I know none of us in western Canada have ever worked on the line as Ottawa has seen to that. No other province has ever been given the opportunity to manufacture cars. Toyota wanted to put a plant in Revelstoke BC and that got quashed by Ottawa.
Very well said.
Seriously, I'm not here to argue. Just give my input on the matter.

I'm tired of people calling autoworkers, overpaid, uneducated losers. I would love to put any of you on my job I had for a week. We'll let you chase vans down an assembly line every day. I have a permanent injury from using airguns on the job. I had to leave. So did alot of other people because of injuries, it's the price you pay for the big bucks.

Did you know that 70% of the people trying for a job at Chrysler could not pass the intitial aptitude and dexterity testing? There are accountants, and other well educated people working there because the money is good.

I think many people would love to get a job paying good wages like I was making. Maybe that's why so many are anti-union. Is it envy?

Anyways I'm no longer there, and I'll probably not be able to find a job.

In a way I hope the BIG 3 all go bankrupt so people get their wish. Then I can see all of them with me in the unemployment line.

I'll pull up in my Dodge or Plymouth. I won't buy another car because all that will be left is ricers. I refuse to buy one of those.

Seriously, I'm not here to argue. Just give my input on the matter.

I'm tired of people calling autoworkers, overpaid, uneducated losers. I would love to put any of you on my job I had for a week. We'll let you chase vans down an assembly line every day. I have a permanent injury from using airguns on the job. I had to leave. So did alot of other people because of injuries, it's the price you pay for the big bucks.

Did you know that 70% of the people trying for a job at Chrysler could not pass the intitial aptitude and dexterity testing? There are accountants, and other well educated people working there because the money is good.

I think many people would love to get a job paying good wages like I was making. Maybe that's why so many are anti-union. Is it envy?

Anyways I'm no longer there, and I'll probably not be able to find a job.

In a way I hope the BIG 3 all go bankrupt so people get their wish. Then I can see all of them with me in the unemployment line.

I'll pull up in my Dodge or Plymouth. I won't buy another car because all that will be left is ricers. I refuse to buy one of those.


Amen brother!

2shelby's,what makes you think I have no education? I have a steam engineers ticket,payloader training,forklift training,a process operators ticket,a grade 12 education,a first aid ticket,confined space training,scott air pack training,fire supression tickets..etc etc .I bet I have over 30 tickets. And yes Im union. With benefits included I probably make $45 -50/hr and I work damn hard for my money due to that fact that:

1) Labour cuts/layoffs have decreased the workforce by 75%.There is still the same amount of work to do though. And for some bizzare reason,there are about 50% more staff...

2) Company I work for runs all thier machinery to failure. No such thing as fixing stuff until they absoluely have to. Makes my job damn tough to do!

3) I have so called "educated" ASSHOLES telling me how to do my job that never have pushed more than paper. Because they have a pinky ring they think they know everything,but come to me for advise when something goes wrong . An education in a class room is no substitute for real world experience!

I'll bet you never have had a union job. The truth of it is,we sustain injuries,get sick and are exposed to hazards far more frequently than any office worker. Try shoveling pure arsenic with a shovel while dressed in paper coveralls,helmet and 1/2 face respirator! Or tapping slag from a fiery 1200 degree celcius furnace. Or working in a cell house filled with toxic sulfuric acid vapours. And I'm sure that auto workers can tell you thier own horror stories...

And unions have not outlived thier usfullness. Is worker rights abuse non existent now? Can the average joe afford to go to court when his rights have been violated? How far do you really trust your government to protect your worker rights? How many employers would really put thier workers before profits? We as union workers will NEVER GIVE UP AND BOW DOWN!

2 shelby's Im guessing you have never held a union position...and Im willing to bet the union labour costs have been distorted.
Yes, they may find a way to take the millions or billions from the people who have it. (Salem witch hunts, guillotine... it's nothing new and all been done before.) Once they get the rich peoples money, you can bet they will never give it to you. Oh, by the way, are you middle income? Your next. After you they'll go after the rest of us. All we have to do is let them.
Give two people each a half a mill and in a week one guy will have it all, not because he took it, but because the other guy gave it to him. Just works that way.
Oh, and by the way, which one of these poor people are going to sign your paycheck?