Cold spell....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Weather chuckle-heads are calling for 6 or so chilly, single digit or below zero nights coming up here soon. Have a neighbor that lives in a tent......brrrr......
Yep here too. We are getting 2-6 inches of snow in the next couple days. Then for later in
the week. They say below zero at night. Always works that way, here in northern Wisconsin. The great God forsaken northwoods!
I hope he has a good sub zero sleeping bag, I've spent a lot of cold *** nights in a tent on deer hunts.
The paper says we have a "Hard Freeze" coming this week. That would be a low of 21! I guess that is a hard freeze for this part of CA because many here have never lived in the Midwest or the Northeast. My family is from Duluth and my dad was born a Yooper- You betcha it gets cold there.

We had 18 back over Christmas about 20 years ago. Many families came home from out of town visits only to find water running out their front doors from burst plumbing run through the attics in most of the subdivisions here. Uff dah! What a mess from the collapsed ceilings.

Oh well, that does mean I have to cover the sprinkler valves up today.

You guys have an extra toddy and stay warm out there!
Wind picked up a bit just now....Don't feel sorry for him....his two kids, both under 2....that is a different story....
Would you rather have the annual weather cycle you have now or the opposite, which I have, with horrid hot summers (April/May-September) and mostly pleasant winters (3 weeks of really cold to us)? When you step outside here in the summer people say its hard to breathe. I have done the tent thing {as a kid} in the north where it got below zero every winter-but not permanently, just for fun.

That tent sure has to clear up the budget some. I would not want to try it here.
For some reason, the wife wanted to camping in June last year. If you folded me up into an oven it would not have been less comfortable.

This is the best time of weather here, dipping into the 40's at night at worst and as high as 70 in the day. We still have the gnats, west-nile-virus mosquitos, fire ants, and constrictors-snakes as pests... Not sure if I would trade for bears and cold or your volcano. Do you have earth quakes that far north? I know Alaska did.
we are getting severe winter storm warnings here in SoCo but yet its 65 degrees out now.....

that's how blizzards have happened in past years ....its warm the day before the storm gets here.

just be safe I just spent the last hour and chopped a bunch of firewood and brought it to the garage so that if nature decides to show who is boss im ready
Would you rather have the annual weather cycle you have now or the opposite, which I have, with horrid hot summers (April/May-September) and mostly pleasant winters (3 weeks of really cold to us)? When you step outside here in the summer people say its hard to breathe. I have done the tent thing {as a kid} in the north where it got below zero every winter-but not permanently, just for fun.

That tent sure has to clear up the budget some. I would not want to try it here.
For some reason, the wife wanted to camping in June last year. If you folded me up into an oven it would not have been less comfortable.

This is the best time of weather here, dipping into the 40's at night at worst and as high as 70 in the day. We still have the gnats, west-nile-virus mosquitos, fire ants, and constrictors-snakes as pests... Not sure if I would trade for bears and cold or your volcano. Do you have earth quakes that far north? I know Alaska did.

:D One of my friends went tent camping at Lake Havasu AZ in July once.
He called and told me he couldn't sleep because the overnight low was 117 degrees, and he had to keep spraying himself with a water bottle.
It was 127 degrees during the day, but he said if you stayed in the water it wasn't too bad.

Would you rather have the annual weather cycle you have now or the opposite, which I have, with horrid hot summers (April/May-September) and mostly pleasant winters (3 weeks of really cold to us)? When you step outside here in the summer people say its hard to breathe. I have done the tent thing {as a kid} in the north where it got below zero every winter-but not permanently, just for fun.

That tent sure has to clear up the budget some. I would not want to try it here.
For some reason, the wife wanted to camping in June last year. If you folded me up into an oven it would not have been less comfortable.

This is the best time of weather here, dipping into the 40's at night at worst and as high as 70 in the day. We still have the gnats, west-nile-virus mosquitos, fire ants, and constrictors-snakes as pests... Not sure if I would trade for bears and cold or your volcano. Do you have earth quakes that far north? I know Alaska did.

Spent 15 LONG summers in Hell.....aka the AZ Desert.....I will gladly take this weather over that any day. Ernie & I were out running errands yesterday, coming home at 4:30 it was already dark and snow flurries were falling....I asked The Boss, who spent the first 43 or so years of her life in Hell if she wanted to move back.....she smiled and said never.....and started griping about we had better get a truck load of snow this winter....She was upset this morning to see that we only had a dusting of snow....she was hoping for at least a foot of the glorious white stuff....

Earthquakes? Not that I know of. I did read someplace where a fault line runs thru the Eastern Washington area.....
we are getting severe winter storm warnings here in SoCo but yet its 65 degrees out now.....

that's how blizzards have happened in past years ....its warm the day before the storm gets here.

just be safe I just spent the last hour and chopped a bunch of firewood and brought it to the garage so that if nature decides to show who is boss im ready

And less than 4 hours later, we're down in the single digits.

I can't believe at 4:30, on the train home, it's dark outside.
For the first time since we have been here I plugged in our diesel pickem truck earlier.....
Got up to 45F yesterday here in Ohio.
I rode and washed my scoot, be back out
today if it don't rain.
Skies are gray and no sun, dark at 5:00.
It used to be the cold great white north but the temp seem to be colder in northern USA - that is, excluding the west of Canada :)
Today's high will hit 67 degrees, foggy and visibility has been down to 1/4 mile for the last 3 mornings... Things to do today before this winter blast hit's here Friday :coffee2:
Top of gas tanks in our car's, fill 2 4 gallon gas jugs with gas for the generator and place it next to my meter/power supply outside, bring Buddies indoor kennel in (just in case it get's below 25 degrees) witch I believe it will... Our problem will be ice, rain will hit then turn to an ice storm (power lines could fall under all the weight of the ice) We was out of power out here in the sticks for a few days back in 2009 and this system looks just like it :sad: hunker down and enjoy some hot totties and hope this system passes sooner then they are predicting ............. You all stay safe and get prepared for the worst.. I have many members close by so today is the day to get everything dun you can....


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The cold snap is here.
Daytime highs of -18c here and only getting colder. (that's 0 degrees f)
We had a blizzard here on Monday that dropped about 8'' of snow and wind gusts of about 45 mph.
The snow and wind have stopped here for now, but it's going to get down to -30c (that's about -25 degrees below f).
Winter's here!
Global warming my ***!
-23C or about -8F here this morning, with a wind chill of -32C. We just came out of a 2 day blizzard that dumped over 18" of snow on us. Fun stuff!! :) I had to plow my 225 yard driveway 4 times in 24 hours becuase of the falling and drifting snow.