Cruising the want ads. Something all should know



Going left turning right
FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Danielsville Pa. 18038
I always look at the want ads. If I don't see a location or a bogus location under your signature I rarely answer the ad. Its not worth my time if your to far away for shipping cost.

Just a thought for those hiding their location for some reason.

ALSO!! I beleive if you are a honest person using this site why hide where you are from.

No location? Usually no reply. won't even read the ad.

I know some others feel the same way.
Well said and if you don't post your location in your ad, the ad will probably get deleted.
I always try to post at least my Zip Code when posting an ad plus where I live is posted under my username. If everyone would do at least that, it would help.
in the ttile I always post Missouri....... but, 99. 367 % of all mopar buyers and in general, all live at least 800 miles away from here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
The reason i do not have my exact location is because of recent thefts in my area. I can keep it generalized to a specific province.

I live in a small town as well so if the wrong person was looking for me and found out where i am, things may start to disappear. I do not trust to many people any more. Maybe i am getting old and senial but i have kids and the parts i sell help pay for my own project and also for some kids clothes etc.

i really fear some clown decides to steal my dart which has alot of stuff on lock down now.
I always look at the want ads. If I don't see a location or a bogus location under your signature I rarely answer the ad. Its not worth my time if your to far away for shipping cost.

Just a thought for those hiding their location for some reason.

ALSO!! I beleive if you are a honest person using this site why hide where you are from.

No location? Usually no reply. won't even read the ad.

I know some others feel the same way.

Not everyone that "hides" or not discloses their location on their signature etc are "shady"...

When I was younger, we always had to have an unlisted phone number. My grandfather owned a company. There was a union there and they would get demanding sometimes and even would strike. Union strikers "are not nice people"... :protest:

I remember when my dad's 68 charger came home with nails in all four tires because he crossed the picket lines and went to work during the strike. He couldn't strike - his dad owned the business... There's a picture of this in our family picture album.

There was always the possibility that if any union worker did not agree with my grandpa and got mad at him, they could go after him and/or his family (us), so we always had an unlisted number and were careful who we gave it to. It could have meant harm to us if we didn't...

When he died, it was a family only funeral for the same reason. The only people that attended were my grandma, my dad and his sister with their families. That's it... (My mom's parents didn't go, and they were my other grandparents)

My grandpa would try to give in a little in the negotiations, but they always kept pushing for more, more, more.... But you can't give in to all of the union's demands, because you need to keep some money in the business so it can stay afloat.

Union strikers are not always the nicest people... Jimmy Hoffa, etc...


Here's a story about one of the strikes...

My dad drove a 68 Charger with a 383 2bbl at the time. There was a set of train tracks next to the business. Every day when my dad was leaving, he would look to see if the train was coming, and if it was clear, he would nail it and haul *** to get across the tracks before another train would come...

It was during a strike, and he was leaving to go home after work. The tracks were clear so dad nailed it and turned and got over the tracks so he wouldn't get caught by a train (which usually was passing at least every half-hour)....

As dad was turning, a union striker tried to kick his car. He brought his leg back and then gave it all he had....

But dad did his "usual thing" (Not knowing about the striker trying to kick his car). As the guy's foot went forward to hit the Charger, it was gone and the guy fell right on his ***.... Doh!!! (he underestimated the speed of dad's Charger...)

Dad found out about this from another worker who was leaving behind him that day. The guy said that he was laughing so hard, his eyes were watering and he had to wait 5 minutes before he could see clear enough to drive....
you'll see that my location isn't under my user name - - why? 'cause I like to F around.. anything I can change - I do.. Damn Yankee :D - guess I'm just "funny" like that.. of course, if I were to post a for sale ad, I would follow the rules.. why go through the process of writing up an ad just to have it deleted because you didn't pay attention to the rules.
The same applies to people in the witness relocation program....
The same applies to people in the witness relocation program....

Now there's a thought...

"We need to you to stay underground. You're life and the safety of your family is at risk."

"Yeah, but if I don't post my specific street address on the internet then no one on FABO will buy parts from me!"
When I was younger we had a party line. You would pick up the phone and your neighbor would be on. If you had something to hide you didn't have a phone. There was trust back then.

What I don't understand is how listing at least your state would give your location.

That would at least give someone an idea of what end of the country your from. Why waist my time answering want ad for a part needed that the shipping would not be feasable.

I think it would be a good Idea to at least list your state behind your location. But that is only my oppinion.
When I was younger we had a party line. You would pick up the phone and your neighbor would be on. If you had something to hide you didn't have a phone. There was trust back then.

What I don't understand is how listing at least your state give your location.

That would at least give someone an idea of what end of the country your from. Why waist my time answering want ad for a part needed that the shipping would not be unfeasable.

I think it would be a good Idea to at least list your state behind your location. But that is only my oppinion.

LOL. Craigslist is worse. "The latest thing" around here for location is "United States" or "My Place" or "My Garage."

I have news. I aint gonna drive clear across the state of WA, OR, or Montana for some of this stuff. Phone numbers tell us nothing anymore, with everybody using cells. Be upfront be honest. It's easy.
Late last year, there was a member on this forum looking for parts for a 62 Signet, of all things.
Guess what, there was a 62 Signet, sittiing out in one of the rows of Mopars, at the local Pick-N-Pull wrecking yard, here in town.
I figured i would help the guy out and let him know about this car.
When checking his location, some silly, stupid, lack of information was given.
Hey, i didn't know if this guy was local to Sacramento, within driving distance, or in California for that matter.
Or on the other side of the USA, on the east coast.
Turns out i think he was in Florida, or the Carolina's, back east.
I wouldn't have taken the time to reply, or send a message, knowing a location is 3,000 miles away.
No more help from me without, a location given in the profile.
Just my two cents on the subject.
the reason i dont put my location is that if someone knows you live 500 miles away, they know that you are not gonna take time to drive to their town to file a police report, but if im 50 miles away, i would drive that far just to file a report over a $10 scam , just to get them stopped, and if you do get think the person is a scammer, pull a background report ,and if they have 4 or 5 listed address,then you can be sure they really are scamming.background report on line are .95 cents
if you dont believe my thread, pull a report on chance copp, lives in chillicothe ohio, scammed me for $86 on a bodies ,pulled background had 3 city address and 2 in the county,i went to city police, they wanted to know which address he lived, told them i didnt know, they said i would have to file with the county, went to county police, asked me what address, told them i dont know, they said they couldnt file a report if he lived in city, they wanted to be dick tracy and do their job, never got a report filed,2 weeks later, chance called me ,said he and his friends partied good on my money,said he was making a good living scamming on ebay, craigslist, abodies and b bodies
When surfing the want ads here, I always look at a members stats to find the zip code. More looking at whole cars, for the ease of going to look at the car in person.
In today's world, I wouldn't be posting my exact location for a variety of reason, least of which is due to my profession. It's for my safety as well as my family's safety. Does it completely keep me off the grid, no, but at least someone has to hunt far harder. I don't publicly post my address, city or phone number here or on facebook or any other site. I will not do so either. I also do not have stuff shipped to my house for the same reason.
I just complained about the same thing,but with the for sale ads. I am in the market for another a body and was browsing the for sale section and nearly nobody posts the location in the title forcing me to open each thread and then scan the ad quickly to attempt to see if the car is located nearby or on Mars. Since shipping is expensive on something like a car and I wouldn't purchase something I couldn't see in person before buying,that info is critical and should be posted in the title.
I just complained about the same thing,but with the for sale ads. I am in the market for another a body and was browsing the for sale section and nearly nobody posts the location in the title forcing me to open each thread and then scan the ad quickly to attempt to see if the car is located nearby or on Mars. Since shipping is expensive on something like a car and I wouldn't purchase something I couldn't see in person before buying,that info is critical and should be posted in the title.

Wow..... people are getting lazy if they can't take the 30 seconds to open a post to check the location, i mean seriously?!

I agree the location for any want or sale ad should be in the post somewhere, but in the title to save time oh come on.