Dad "oldmanmopar was taken to hospital last night

Send my best to Steve. Hope he gets better and recovers soon.
Tell'em rumblefish said, Get well soon! From all of us here.
Its Steve I just got home. I saw the thread my daughter posted. I was suppose to have surgery in fall on my neck. Well things are not going as planned. I just survived a second heart attack.

During a Cat scan and ultra sound they found something on my lung and liver. I will be going back for more test.

I want to thank you all for the prayers and kind words. Doesn't look like I'll be on here for a while. I especially want to thank all who came here for just being a friend . Have no worries about me I am a christian and know I am in Gods hands. If things go well I will be back. Its my family that will need the prayers. They are taking this harder then me. I have been living on pain meds since 2005. I am just getting run down. No ambition or strength.

I had my wife and daughter send the console and the shock plates today. No other sales or transactions will be made by me as of now. I told my son he can do what he wants with the parts if something happens to me. This is and always will be a great site. hope to be back . Steve

Here are some pics of the family some of you have already met. Something to remember us by.
and guard dog Bullit


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Very sorry to hear this my friend. We all wish you strength with your health. You have a beautiful family, this should help you through the hard times ahead and help you fight the battle. Good luck, and see you back here.
Good luck to you and your family with all of your troubles. Prayers sent for your family and you. Hope to see you post a few more times
Thanks again Steve. May God bless you and your family. All of you are in our thoughts. We want to see you on here for many, many more years!
As the evening comes to and end for me tonight my prayers go out for you and your beautiful loving family, and to all the doctors to use the wisdom gave to them to see you threw this Oldmanmopar
Give it your all, for you have faith and know your family needs you in there life.
Our prayers will be with you. Me, my wife and two sons for some good news and see a big smile in you and your families harts and you can bet Bullit knows and is a healer hid in your home in a lab's body.

My healer in my life will be sending positive thoughts out to you.


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Prayers said for your Father and of course you and your family for a quick and complete recovery.
A little over eight years ago they found a "spot" on one of my kidneys and I had surgery to remove part of that kidney (it took 3 months to feel better). Then almost to the day, a year later they found cancer in my other kidney. At that time they tried a new technique thats called RFA. I had the procedure in the morning and was released that night. I was back in the garage and working on the car 3 days later. This technique is now used for "spots" on the lungs, kidney and other areas. I never had chemo or radiation and have been "C" free, thank God, since then. Talk to your Doctors and see if you're a candidate for RFA.

Best wishes,

Gary T.
Sending Well wishes for You and Your Family. May you have a good report and recover quickly!
Saying prayers for you Steve and your beautiful family. You've put yourself in God's hands...well He may have plans to keep you around for a long time. I am speaking from experience.
I'm sure glad to see you postin, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you but look forward to git yur *** out and go fishin!!!! that fixes everything!!!!!
Sorry to hear of the health troubles, but glad to see you posted back here. Ya got not only a great looking family, but a loving one as well. And as waggin said get out fishing it is a cure all!
Ps...were they short a few candles on the birthday cake??