Do you believe in mediums?

Hey if she just wants to go to see what's the harm. Its when you let them convince you to start giving them large sums of money or make life changes based on it that will get you in trouble. Life would be good if all people were honest but that's not the case. People will clean you clock if you give them half a chance. Sad but true.
My wife is going to see a medium on wednesday and I am going with her. what are your opinions on that?

I believe they're as full of it as a Christmas beast.. Like what's he name in NY. Walks up to a group of people and asks if they've recently lost SO and SO. 2 minutes later she finally gets a response from someone else that lost said relative...
99 percent of them are bunk, there are a few that actually have a gift

The gift of cold reading?

Come on now, they're all phonies giving people false memories of loved ones. I'm disgusted by these idiots.

Look at one of the most well known one.(sylvia brown). That C-word told the mother of a kidnapped girl that her daughter was definitely dead. Its disgusting.
I've got a brother that went to a reader in
Urbana Ohio her name is Mrs. Teal.
She guessed enough to suck him in then told
him one of his kids was going to die in a car crash.
Scared him bad, so bad he went to a couple others
because she couldn't tell when or where.

If you believe in this GARBAGE your an IDIOT!!!!!!!

Heres a test if your not sure if your an idiot.
Man, please don't do this. I understand that you have to if your wife wants to, but these people are scam artists. Period. They are experts at personal psychology and they know how to pull on "strings". I hope that this won't affect your relationship with your wife.
Were a Chevy shirt and see if she outs you for a liar.
I believe in Medium's,........If yer talkin about Steak or my wife's t shirt size,....otherwise it's gibberish...
I haven't believed in mediums since I crossed the 200lb threshold!!!
I usd to. But over the years I've progressed to Larges and now I'm an XL.
You heard about the midget psychic who just escaped from jail, right?

Now he's a small medium at large.
No, no, and no

If you really want to get scammed, see if "Shaky Dave" is still alive. He wanders, depending on what hit man is looking for him, between Goldendale, WA and somewhere in Florida. He is (or was) buying up old HP optical spectrum analyzers and "converting" them to paranormal detectors (etheric analyzer/ monitor)

"Shaky Dave" (Farnsworth) claims to be a descendant of the famous Farmsworth.


Some sort of alleged etheric image from "their" website, no real explanation.


This particular individual, a radio amateur with callsign W7ILG, is one person who I absolutely refuse to converse with on the air.
Y a i have heard this guy on the air before too ...KC0LBH here BTW!
I have no personal experience with them, but I will admit I find the possibility a little fascinating. Not enough to pay for one mind you, but it would be kinda to cool to witness a legit medium.
If you do go, go for the sheer entertainment....and try to convince her the same. Like watchin a soap opera.
I wear Smediums, too cheap and don't want to admit I have gotten Large!

Make sure you fill us in on this little jaunt!
How much does it cost?
I can do a reading right from here.
You will leave confused and a little bit poorer from the experience both emotionally and financially.
Bet i'm 100% correct.