Do You Remember Your First Cigarette?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
I was maybe ten years old and Dad was smoking non-filter cigarettes or rolling his own. I asked for a drag one time and he granted my request. I coughed and coughed and coughed, never again picking up a cigarette. Dad started smoking at the age of ten and quit at the age of fifty. In his 80's he was diagnosed with COPD and walked around with a little oxygen generator.

Learned real fast in the Army that if you smoked you got more and longer breaks. If you didn't smoke or drink coffee you were the ones that had to
pick up the butts off the ground.
So I learned to smoke.
I tried my buddies cigarette at 11 and took one drag and handed it back. thing I ever did because I never smoked.
Never tried, parents smoked and that’s all I needed to know about that.

My stiff legged grandpaw (horse fell on his leg), gave me half of his rolled prince albert , didn't take much before I gave it back to him , I was 5 yrs old , and never forgot it .
I did start smoking/playing with cig. when about 9, full time at 14-15, tied everything under the sun , quit around 32 after getting hung on swisher sweets , loved those things.
Nothing at all since then , but did go thru the skoal and chewing tobacco thing . Dam nasty habit , cant stand the smell of that stuff now!
First one I ever tried was the last one I ever tried. I mightta been 12. I do smoke a decent ceegar a couple times a year, but like Bill Clinton, I don't inhale.
My smoking career lasted several weeks at around 12 or so. "Some kid" at school had cigs behind the backstop on the school baseball diamond----they had 2X12's around the backstop thus you could hide. This went on for a short time, then one day my sister and I got down a pack of camels tucked away out in the garage. I did not know this, they were OLD. Dad had kept them, unopened, at the end of WWII. I was around 12 so these were around 15 years old. SICK!! AND we got caught and got "the blistering of our lives"

This would have been around 1960
First one I ever tried was the last one I ever tried. I mightta been 12. I do smoke a decent ceegar a couple times a year, but like Bill Clinton, I don't inhale.
I wouldn't smoke a Bill Clinton cigar.....
You never know where it's been.
I took a bet that I could dip a quarter tin of Copehagen for an entire 21 point basketball game. After 5 minutes I was spinning so hard I could not stand, then I was dragging myself to the trashcan to puke. The guys laughed so hard that I didnt have to pay the bet. Never again. 'Sandlot' chaw scene was pretty darn close. Co-workers husband lost his entire lower jaw to dip caused cancer. That pic would scare anyone 'dip curious' straight. F'n nasty habit, both roommates in the Marines dipped.
I was around 12 or 13 buddy of mine stole some from his mom. We both got sick. I never smoked them again. Glad I never did. My buddy still does though.
Dad smoked unfiltered Camels - died of his 2nd heart attack at age 44 when I was 7 years old. Doctor attributed his heart attack to both cigarettes and overwork/stress from long, long hours as a railroad engineer during WWII. He was tall and thin so wasn't an overweight issue. Also very good golfer and played as often as he could (always walked the course) so wasn't a conditioning issue.
My only drag on a cigarette was about age 9 or 10. Thought I was going to die.
My grandfather lived next door to us and was a heavy smoker. I could always tell when he woke up in the morning by hearing him start coughing. He developed lung cancer in his early 70s and literally coughed a lung up while sitting on the edge of his bed one morning.
Those are the reasons I've never smoked.
My dad smoked his whole life. In the house, in the car, I hated it. So never a smoker.
Dad smoked unfiltered Camels - died of his 2nd heart attack at age 44 when I was 7 years old. Doctor attributed his heart attack to both cigarettes and overwork/stress from long, long hours as a railroad engineer during WWII. He was tall and thin so wasn't an overweight issue. Also very good golfer and played as often as he could (always walked the course) so wasn't a conditioning issue.
My only drag on a cigarette was about age 9 or 10. Thought I was going to die.
My grandfather lived next door to us and was a heavy smoker. I could always tell when he woke up in the morning by hearing him start coughing. He developed lung cancer in his early 70s and literally coughed a lung up while sitting on the edge of his bed one morning.
Those are the reasons I've never smoked.
An awful way to go. Glad you never me. "I can live without them"
Learned real fast in the Army that if you smoked you got more and longer breaks. If you didn't smoke or drink coffee you were the ones that had to
pick up the butts off the ground.
So I learned to smoke.
I had a job and noticed that this one employee would often step outside for a smoking break, I then noticed it was longer than your typical break and more often. So the next time he stepped out I joined him, no smoke just talk. When we came back in the boss asked where I was, I said on a smoking break, she said you don't smoke, I shrugged and went back to work. From then on the other guy kept his smoking to his regular breaks, he later told me he wasn't mad, he'd been trying to cut back.

Smoking was cool as kids we bought the bubble gum cigarettes some of them even had so much of that little bubble gum powder you can push through them and itd come out like smoke.
7th grade, camel,lucky,p.mall
Gave up smoking after off n on by 18.
Smoking sucks...and like how most things that are treated that crack,******, gaysex, voting democrat, going to it if you want, just don't do it around me.
Smoking was cool as kids we bought the bubble gum cigarettes some of them even had so much of that little bubble gum powder you can push through them and itd come out like smoke.
7th grade, camel,lucky,p.mall
Gave up smoking after off n on by 18.
Smoking sucks...and like how most things that are treated that crack,******, gaysex, voting democrat, going to it if you want, just don't do it around me.

^^^^^^ He said. discos. ^^^^^^
I remember the first time i inhaled a cigarette. My older brother and his friend in backyard had me take a drag and said breathe it in again. Coughed for awhile made me feel sick. Still hardly touched a cig after that. Dustin
I was a transplant from England to Gawga in 1956, my sorta cousin turned me on to smoking , if you can call it that. We went out in the fields and found this old graying weed plant called "Rabbit Tobacco" and rolled it up in newspaper, coughed out little lungs out and thought we was kool, what were We thinking?
I never got the urge to smoke. Married a smoking 19yr old woman. Her smoking never bothered me.
When my mother died at age 60, the autopsy showed that her lungs were black; having lived 43 years with a pack-a-day husband. But lung-cancer is not directly what killed her.
As a kid, I remember rolling smokes for Dad on a 3 or 4 wide little machine, no filters. I really liked the smell of the fresh from the tin tobacco. But I never got the itch to try smoking it.
Growing up, I never cared much for the smell of the smoke, but after Mom's death, I hated it. To be fair to Dad, I got baptized about 6 weeks prior to Mom's demise, which mighta had something to do with the hate. Dad lived another almost 17 years, dying not of cancer, but of an infection he contracted in the hospital, after he went in for a voluntary repair of an expanding artery in his abdomen. He had been a smoker for about 72 years. For his final 17 years he lived with the knowledge that his smoking in the house, had led, in part at least, to the early death of his dear wife and life-long companion.
Dad had 7 sisters and 6 brothers, and 4 of those brothers succumbed to cancer from smoking; only Dad and his eldest brother, a staunch Believer didn't get it. Now; my atheist Daddy married a good and practicing Christian woman, and lived with her for 43 years.
To be truthful; Dad's youngest brother was a pipe smoker, was into and out of Christianity almost like a yo-yo,had a Christian second wife, and a big fat heart-attack got him, just like it got my mother. At age 60,he was 10 years my senior.
Both of my brothers are gone now,only the one of cancer at age 62.5, and one of my two sisters,at age 60, had a not-so-minor heart-attack, which,you guessed it, drove her straight to Christianity.
So as you can see, the 60s seem to be the general age limit of most of my clan. I am now 66.5, and gaining on Uncle Henry, the long-ago deceased Believer, and Dad's eldest brother. But as for me, I'm looking forward to a natural expiration date in my 80s, if the World should still be here.
Make of that what you will.
Dad caught me at the age of 13 with a half pack of non-filtered Camels and offered to buy me more. Dad smoked L&M's and was getting some for himself. So he bought me three packs and a carton for himself. I thought that was cool of him until he made me smoke all three packs, one after another. I thought I was gonna die! And never touched one again.