Do you worry about your car when you take it out?

Mine is my daily driver. Park it away from the mob, leave doors unlocked . If worried about location, undo positive cable on battery in trunk. As previously posted, More worried about someone breaking into it than stealing it.
I enjoy driving mine. I usual make decisions a head of time whether to drive it or not

During the work week, traffic can be very heavy in the bay area - usually not a good time

Parking in San Francisco is painful most of the time or reguires a valet - not a good time

Driving into work ( i plan to leave early), some customer meetings ( leave later morning and head straight home) or most places I do not worry.

The people on the road, cutting me off and/or tailgating
I drive my cars everywhere - I just try to watch where I park and don't worry about it most of the time windows down - doors unlocked
My real concern is leaving the car overnight at a hotel. That freaks me out even with an alarm.
I worry more about drivers than vandals. All wadded up is hard to fix!
i wouldn't worry much about it man, i take my car everywhere i leave my windows open. i do hate that sand though.
more people giving it compliments than anything else. you will be surprised not that many haters out there.

all i have for security is a pedal lock....
i recently fixed my E-brake but that was my biggest worry ... my car rolling away...
i wouldn't worry much about it man, i take my car everywhere i leave my windows open. i do hate that sand though.
more people giving it compliments than anything else. you will be surprised not that many haters out there.

all i have for security is a pedal lock....
i recently fixed my E-brake but that was my biggest worry ... my car rolling away...

Hmmmm......similar cars.....both socal, makes me feel a little better. ..

Of course it's very insured.
Guess I'll go on and drive it pretty much anywhere I want and see how it goes.

I own a 72 Corvette convertible. I put àbout 1500 miles a year. Very seldom do I go to dinner and leave it in a parking lot and if I do I worry the whole time. I'll take it to the grocery store but always park it very far away from all other cars. Once I do park it I lock the doors even though the tops down. That way I can tell the insurance co it was locked. I do drive it to the beach once a year for the better show but its parked right in front of my condo and I cover it every night. Yes I worry àll the time but its insured and I want to enjoy it. It's been redone about 5years now and no incidents yet. Just be careful where you pàrk it and àll should be good
The more I get into my 64 Val, the more I realize how simple a car it really is. It would be sooo easy to hot wire it. No steering wheel lock or transmission lock like every car built since the 70's. And it's a convertible. I'm thinking when I have it out, the top will probably be down but it definitely will have some kind of kill switch. I just noticed the steering wheel has some somewhat large cracks where the spokes join the hub. If I need to replace it I might consider an aftermarket removable wheel. It just seems to me that it could be started and driven away within about 30 seconds without doing something. I'm not worried if the area has people around but a more remote location might scare me off. It is not on the road yet but I intend to drive it quite a bit but we'll see how I adjust depending on the feeling I get.

I drive my 68 cuda about 1200-1500 miles per year. We have a short season here and its mostly to shows or car cruises. Lots of cruises. It is far from a show car but it means a lot to me. Most people wouldn't even notice a key job on this car. I hardly ever lock the doors and one positive thing is there definitely aren't many cudas on the road so it stands out and would be easy to spot if stolen. But, most people would think nothing of a flat bed tow truck stopping it front of an old car and, winching it on the bed and driving off. Happens all the time and nothing much can be done to stop that unless you happen to come onto the scene and are packing.
I think a judge would understand why you shot the perp's nuts off when he hears it was a Mopar. :)
I don't worry at all, they are meant to be driven/ be fun machines, mine is in the project stage, I work on a friends Cuda' which has a healthy 440, she lets me drive it when ever, gravel roads what ever, that being said I did break one of my own bones when I caught a hooligan trying to break in to my 69 Swinger.
If your worried, an ignition kill switch is a basic and effective method of keeping your car.
The "Pro" will get your car. A real good pro will take it out of your garage.

Drive! Be happy! It's what you worked hard for.
Dents, dings, scratches are going to happen.
Rocks on the road or falling off of trucks, idiots with leaf blowers, kids on bikes, crap happens.

If you want your car to be mint on mint perfect all the time, leave it in the garage inside a bubble.
Mines a 4 speed. kids can't drive 4 speeds to steal it anyway.. lmao
I don't worry about my car being stolen. Plymouth built in a simple anti-theft device; the push button transmission. My adjustments put neutral somewhere between neutral and reverse. First, they'd have to know it was a push button. Second, they have to find neutral.

However just last month we were out enjoying a rare weekday off and on the way home after some debate decided to stop by my local suburban Walmart to pick up a prescription. Parked at end of the lot miles away from any other car under a camera and run in. Less then 15 minutes later returned to find my stereo deck hanging half outside my glovebox. Still attached by the difficult to release wiring harness that I has wire tied to everything under the dash that didn't move (learned my lesson with the windshield wiper arm - nother story). Went back into the store were first no one knew what to do and further found out the cameras were fake or disabled. After storming out saying the lot is their responsibility, got home only to find the asshats had taken the garage door opener as well. All in all not devastating but made Mr really aware where I leave her.
, got home only to find the asshats had taken the garage door opener as well. .

I certainly hope you "did something" about changing the garage door opener. On that note, many of these are not as secure as you think, and some are vulnerable to RF transmitters.
I have no museum pieces nor do I want any. ins. thru collector car ins. co. if I can't drive it, what good is it!???
the haters.... it can happen. has happened to me once in 30 years. I live in the sticks and any driving I do now is just rural and small town stuff.

I had a tripe black 71 cuda once. every time I took it out , seems like there were always cars coming toward me across the centerline. not highway, but driving it in the small town. I think they were staring at it and easing toward me not knowing it! LOL
This is the reason I always give people when they ask "when are you gonna paint it?" I love being able to not give a crap about door dings and scratches, i backed into a small concrete column scraped the quarter panel a bit and i was just like "meh no big deal" because it already looks like crap there haha.

Someone did try to steal my duster once, they couldn't get past the ignition lock cylinder and even if they had the engine was being worked on and couldn't start. That was my fault though i forgot to lock the doors duhhh

For you guys with the pre-1970 cars just get one of those big steel lock bar things for the steering wheel they sell them at most parts stores.
we take the dart and mustang to the shore quite a bit. i try to park it carefully so not to get door dings but other than that i don't worry too much.
I drive mine everywhere. My Duster and Challenger are my only running cars, the '74 is the newest car I own. I love them both, and I do all of my own work, so there's a lot of blood, sweat and tears in them. You better believe I'd be PISSED if something did happen to them.

But they're cars. The fun part about them isn't having them, it's USING them. They're meant to be driven, they're meant to be enjoyed. If driving your car isn't enjoyable for you because you're too worried about what might happen to it in the parking lot, it's time to sell and buy a Honda. Or get over it. There is nothing worse in this hobby than garage/trailer queens. No matter what happens to my cars, I know that I can fix it- if it's fixable. If it's not, I'll take my insurance money and buy another one to fix. Obviously I wouldn't want anything to happen to any of my cars. But that's the reality of driving them, things can and will happen. But I'm not going to let the possibility of something happening to them stop me from enjoying them. I mean, I get to drive an old Mopar musclecar pretty much every day. How awesome is that?! :prayer:

Yes, I take a little more time in the parking lot to make sure I'm not crammed into some spot with only 3 1/2" to someone else's door. I don't really worry about someone trying to steal it, the average car thief couldn't even drive the damn thing with it's 16:1 manual steering, tuff wheel and 275's, manual brakes, 4-speed with ceramic clutch, etc. That would be the annoying part, coming out and finding that someone tried to steal my car and only made it 10 feet before they hit something because they couldn't turn the 275's up front far enough to get out of the parking lot. :violent1:

Alarms are pretty much useless. All they do is annoy people, and no one actually pays attention to them anymore. Better off with an ignition kill switch to the coil or similar. If they can get around that, they're stealing it regardless. Mine doesn't need an alarm anyway. If someone starts it up, I can just listen for the sound of my exhaust and every car alarm that's within a hundred feet of my car because they'll be going off too.
Drive it, drive it, drive it! I put 3 to 4000 miles every summer up here, it's a ragtop so try to get it out as much as possible. I'm like the other guys, I park at end of lot and try to stay away from other cars if possible. A few years ago when I had my 68 Dart ragtop we took the Lake Superior Circle tour around entire lake in Dart. About 1700 miles and 7 days on the road (12 mpg) every gas stop was a mini car show. Great time might do it again in the 65 Dart. Good luck :)
There are alarms that are cell based, I've thought about trying to rig something up there. You'd have to figure a way to hide it and make it independent of vehicle power

"LoJack" by the way, is useless around here for hundreds and hundreds of miles.

In addition to the little tricks with switches, etc, I'm going to run Bullitt wheels. I've seriously thought about simply a padlock and plastic covered chain stuffed through a back wheel. With a simple "grab stick" you could easily thread it in without getting dirty.

If "they" have the time and show up with a rollback or wrecker, not much you can do without a GPS based cell or similar

If you run into "this guy" LOL you are screwed

[ame=""]Tow Trucks & Recovery Vehicles Century Express Series High Volume Towing - YouTube[/ame]
There are alarms that are cell based, I've thought about trying to rig something up there. You'd have to figure a way to hide it and make it independent of vehicle power

"LoJack" by the way, is useless around here for hundreds and hundreds of miles.

In addition to the little tricks with switches, etc, I'm going to run Bullitt wheels. I've seriously thought about simply a padlock and plastic covered chain stuffed through a back wheel. With a simple "grab stick" you could easily thread it in without getting dirty.

If "they" have the time and show up with a rollback or wrecker, not much you can do without a GPS based cell or similar

If you run into "this guy" LOL you are screwed

Tow Trucks & Recovery Vehicles Century Express Series High Volume Towing - YouTube

have see them clear out south street in philly very quick with trucks like that