Dont loan out your tools


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
Also posted on facebook:

Never lend your tools out !!!!!!

I had a "buddy" who needed to borrow a cam bearing tool. So I loaned it like an idiot and turns out he didn't need it for himself but his buddy who I don't know and needed it for a mustang of some sort.

So he takes my cam bearing tool and leaves it at his buddies place in a shady part of town, who is the one who actually needed it. He never brought it back, so 2 months later I go to get it back and my former "buddy" says he doesn't have it and told where his buddy lives who used it and told me that I have to go get it myself.

So I go to this other guy's house who has it who I don't know.
I tell him that it is mine and my "buddy" told me to come get it.

The guy who used it tells me to "F%c^ off, BiT&%" I get the door slammed n my face and my cam bearing tool is long gone.

Luckily it was a cheap Chinkese tool that I found at a pawn shop a few years ago for cheap because I had to weld the end and it was missing some parts when I got it. So it could have been worse.

So to not let dumb things get me down .......I got over it and ordered a new Lisle 18000

Its in the mail but when it gets here, I am never lending it or any other tool out ever again. (I am going to get hostile if anyone asks) This is a much better tool anyways so remember, turn those lemons in life into sweet lemonade and buy nice tools, and don't forget to NEVER lend them out.

Mopar or no car Brothers and Sisters

Yep, don't do that any more. Had a guy get pissed when I needed my tools back.
My floor jack and two jackstands were always together in the same place, and after couple of people wanting to use the jack the stands are gone and nowhere to be found AND no one knows where they went.

People suck.
My floor jack and two jackstands were always together in the same place, and after couple of people wanting to use the jack the stands are gone and nowhere to be found AND no one knows where they went.

People suck.

Know your friends! That does suck!
Yep! I lost a degree wheel and a floor jack the same way. Tools do not leave my possession, ever. People can suck!
When I was more active in amateur radio, I loaned a guy we ran with my tube tester. He had it I guess a couple of years. You guys know how testy I can get. I kept pestering him to bring it to me, he wanted me to come get it. Here's the thing. I live 50 miles from him, when I loaned it to him I delivered it to where I was working in Spokane at the time, he only drove a few miles to pick it up

Finally a friend who lived in Spokane came over to see me, and interviened to pick up the tester. The jerk has never apologized, and continued to act as if this was somehow my fault.

When I was working the part time auto hobby shop job at NAS Miramar in the '70's I "thought" I had a friend. A few wrenches were disappearing from my box, which is a bit difficult to watch every second in that place.

One Saturday I was working on my car, he was as well, and I had passed by to go to the tool room. THERE WERE MY wrenches. These were very distinctive as they were Plomb brand offset box (Later Proto) he acted as if "I just borrowed them" but some had been gone for weeks. That right there was pretty much the end of a decision, not his.

Back when I sold auto parts someone came in, needed a pickle fork. He didn't want to buy one, I offered to loan him mine with a 20 dollar deposit. He threw a fit, acted as if I was trying to rob him. My workmate tried to explain "You'll get the deposit back" but he was off on a rant. Well guess what? I didn't loan HIM that pickle fork!!
I just don't get people, if I borrow something I feel guilty if I have it one day longer than I said I needed it for. When I dinged the handle on my neighbours sledge, I bought a new one for him.
I tell people that asking me to borrow my tools is like asking me to borrow my wife. Then I look them in the eye and ask them if they'd like to think about repeating that request while I go get my gun...
I will loan any of my tools, as I have loaned from others with great respect and always returned them in the same or better condition. I learned that from a very wise person (my father). I have a few that never returned but that was years ago and just limit the trust anymore. It stinks when you have to do that! What happened to the country and the hobby!
I wont loan my tools, BUT have given away several sets to young guns who love the Car hobby but have limited funds. Remind anyone of Anyone you know/knew?
When I was more active in amateur radio, I loaned a guy we ran with my tube tester. He had it I guess a couple of years. You guys know how testy I can get. I kept pestering him to bring it to me, he wanted me to come get it. Here's the thing. I live 50 miles from him, when I loaned it to him I delivered it to where I was working in Spokane at the time, he only drove a few miles to pick it up

Finally a friend who lived in Spokane came over to see me, and interviened to pick up the tester. The jerk has never apologized, and continued to act as if this was somehow my fault.

When I was working the part time auto hobby shop job at NAS Miramar in the '70's I "thought" I had a friend. A few wrenches were disappearing from my box, which is a bit difficult to watch every second in that place.

One Saturday I was working on my car, he was as well, and I had passed by to go to the tool room. THERE WERE MY wrenches. These were very distinctive as they were Plomb brand offset box (Later Proto) he acted as if "I just borrowed them" but some had been gone for weeks. That right there was pretty much the end of a decision, not his.

Back when I sold auto parts someone came in, needed a pickle fork. He didn't want to buy one, I offered to loan him mine with a 20 dollar deposit. He threw a fit, acted as if I was trying to rob him. My workmate tried to explain "You'll get the deposit back" but he was off on a rant. Well guess what? I didn't loan HIM that pickle fork!!

Not the same thing about tools but I had a guy stop at a stop sign by my house and his little ford 2300 quit and wouldn't start.
It was obvious from the sound the engine was making that the timing belt broke.
I told him, and then had to prove it by showing him that the distributor wasn't turning when he cranked it.
Then he asks if I know so much about it, could I fix it and I told him I'd do it right then and there for 80 bucks.
It was a Sunday and I told him what to go get at Autozone, so his wife came by and took him to the Autozone 3 miles away and when he got back with the belt I had the old one out and it took about 15 min to put the new one in.
He was PISSED off and accused me of being a thief.

I wanted to slap the **** out of him.
there are 3 "lists"
the shortest one has the people on it that i DO lend tools to
the longest one has the people in it i simply tell no
and the last one has all the people on it i want to tell no to but in order to keep the peace i will give them 20 bucks to go buy a cheapy version of my expensive tools at walmart (and yes, those are all my inlaws)
My biggest pet peeve is loaning a tool and then later , me having to go get it! That really pisses me the hell off. I good friend of mine is so guilty of this it causes a lot of friction, on my part. But the guy will do anything in the world for me! Yeah it is a balancing act for sure. But to most I will not loan my tools. And on the occasion that I borrow a tool, I will go out of my way to return it to set a good example. But with my buddy Jake? It doesn't work.
My biggest pet peeve is loaning a tool and then later , me having to go get it! That really pisses me the hell off. I good friend of mine is so guilty of this it causes a lot of friction, on my part. But the guy will do anything in the world for me! Yeah it is a balancing act for sure. But to most I will not loan my tools. And on the occasion that I borrow a tool, I will go out of my way to return it to set a good example. But with my buddy Jake? It doesn't work.

Borrow it like a tool I paid good money for so I have it when I need it?
Or borrow it like a cigarette and it's going to be gone when you are done?
At the shop, tools get loaned back and forth. But everyone is careful to return each others tools.
When tools are loaned, it's usually special tools and are almost always something odd ball.
Had a guy walk in off the street ask one of our more colorful techs to borrow something.
Jerry is a nice guy, but had a little to much of Vietnam.
Jerry just looked at the guy and asked if he could f*@k his wife.
Funny as the dickens at the time.

Dammit, that was my line! lol

Yeah Rani, like I commented on FB, rather than loan the tool, hire yourself out and do the job. They don't want to pay, then let them go elsewhere.

Remember, you do this for a living, so that's bread and butter off your table.
The last tool I loaned was a drill bit. The guy just broke his and I knew mine would be next. Only took him pulling the trigger and snap. I looked at him and said I knew that was going to happen. I don't work with him anymore.
i almost forgot to address the bigger issue here
any guy who will borrow a tool from anyone, but especially a lady, and not only refuses to bring it back but expects said lady to go retrieve said tool from a third party to whom he had no business lending the aforementioned tool in the first place is not someone you wish to associate with
Never have, never will. Most people don't have respect for anything they have not paid for them selves.

Borrow it like a tool I paid good money for so I have it when I need it?
Or borrow it like a cigarette and it's going to be gone when you are done?
Brings up a good point. I quit smoking 3 1/2 years ago. But when I did, It always amazed me me some stranger would ask to borrow a cigarette?
I would always reply, how in the hell are you gonna return it?
Brings up a good point. I quit smoking 3 1/2 years ago. But when I did, It always amazed me me some stranger would ask to borrow a cigarette?
I would always reply, how in the hell are you gonna return it?

I just say no, you support your habit and I'll support mine.
They even call you names for that, but whatever.:D
i almost forgot to address the bigger issue here
any guy who will borrow a tool from anyone, but especially a lady, and not only refuses to bring it back but expects said lady to go retrieve said tool from a third party to whom he had no business lending the aforementioned tool in the first place is not someone you wish to associate with

I know, what an Ahole along with his POS Mustang buddy.
Hope that gets pointed out on Facebook.
I don't mind lending tools (so far I have always gotten them back), I just don't like to have to remind people to return them.