Ever get sick of being the family and neighborhood mechanic?



Senior Member
Feb 14, 2009
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Northern Utah
I am tired of my wifes family bringing over their cars for me to fix. I guess that I am too nice and I does save them money, but I don't have enough time to work on my own cars. My sister-in-law dropped off her POS Chevrolet Celebrity while I was at work. WTF?
Today my neighbor who is the Chief of Police here asked me to look at his sons car. Ughh! It was an easy fix and he was happy. I guess it is good to keep the chief happy. Could come in handy some day. Any of you in the same postition? What do you do? Just ranting.
it does not bother me well sometimes when i have stuff to do but i do understand what u are talking about
I know exactly what you are talking about. I have been busier than a one legged man in an *** kicking contest and I still have to make time to fix everybody elses car while the Demon sits in the garage with a sick tranny. It's been a month or more and I still havn't looked at it. sheesh

Exact same situation. I end up working on everything from old Austins to brand new Mercedes, Subarus, even Harleys to big rigs. It never ends once they know you do good work and are cheap.
don't you know it. little bro, bro n law, sis n law. it's always a phone call first..."got a question for ya". then comes the long, drawn out, not so descriptive, description of the problem. then it's "well, i guess i'll have to take it somewhere. you know anybody that can fix it?" then of course, i come home from work and there the pile sits and my wife says he/she brought it over said you were gonna fix it. sometimes i wish i couldn't fix ****..........................................................well, no not really.
Don't mind it a bit, myself. Getting quite the reputation at where my wife works as the go to guy amongst her co-workers. With me being on the unemployment line at the moment it helps with the loss of income and keeps me busy.
I get it at work occasionally. I am the resident car guy. Mostly from the women and mostly simple stuff. I don't mind it usually........................
.. the happier you keep the womenfolk, the better your quality of life will be!
I found the easiest way was to tell everyone except dad that its 50 per hour and go by the flat rate book. I do get a few jobs now but very few. Heck the dealer around here is 110 per hour flat rate.
same for me, everybody wants me to fix everything from door panels in fords, to body work on a sunfire.... and even a few oil changes in lawn mowers.:thebirdm:
Back in the day it happened to me many times,
But if someone ask that did not help there self with simple thing's they got a speech insted....:bootysha:
Not unless it was a child in need, Then I would help out, It's the ones that can do it there self but don't want to take or make the time that get's me to rant'in :clock:8)
Yeah, that has happened to me back before I put a stop to it. It is kind of flattering that people look up to you for your knowledge of fixing cars.......but basically, it's them saving money while you're losing your free time. My free time is very valuable......and I have a million projects in the works.

I just started telling people that any free time I had, I wanted to use to just kick back and relax. OR....if I felt that they were in a bind, like financially or really depending on that car to be fixed......I'd tell them "okay, we'll work on it together.....I'll show you the ropes, and you do the dirty work and turn the wrenches." If they balked, I knew they weren't that desperate. (not the women, of course...)
I get the same thing with HVAC and it gets miserably hot here in Va. so come July/August I`m everybody`s best friend. I have people call me I haven`t seen in 35 years....." hey John, I hear you work on air conditioners"? .........and I`m like "who, Greg?...Craig?......oh yeah, Craig from high school, sure, I remember you" ?. Lol!!! Sometimes I can get out of it when I tell them the price of Freon now. You have to look at it like this, it`s a chance to make a buck, a friend, or build favor equity, and besides isn`t it better to be wanted for something than not be wanted for anything.
I get the same thing with HVAC and it gets miserably hot here in Va. so come July/August I`m everybody`s best friend. I have people call me I haven`t seen in 35 years....." hey John, I hear you work on air conditioners"? .........and I`m like "who, Greg?...Craig?......oh yeah, Craig from high school, sure, I remember you" ?. Lol!!! Sometimes I can get out of it when I tell them the price of Freon now. You have to look at it like this, it`s a chance to make a buck, a friend, or build favor equity, and besides isn`t it better to be wanted for something than not be wanted for anything.
I am righting that down :cheers: So true Longgone, Sounds like some good song lyrics to a song to me, very well said sir 8)
I am tired of my wifes family bringing over their cars for me to fix. I guess that I am too nice and I does save them money, but I don't have enough time to work on my own cars. My sister-in-law dropped off her POS Chevrolet Celebrity while I was at work. WTF?
Today my neighbor who is the Chief of Police here asked me to look at his sons car. Ughh! It was an easy fix and he was happy. I guess it is good to keep the chief happy. Could come in handy some day. Any of you in the same postition? What do you do? Just ranting.

It can be that way, daunting to say the least. When I was fed up from the neck up, I would kindly but yet firmly make a mention to some of the "Offenders" that like to think I'm there personal mechanic or have nothing better to do, that it's my day off and since I'm not getting payed or want pay, take it else where thank you very much.

And OH! Stop assuming !!!!!!!
I am just about sick of it. I work 6-7 days a week as it is and don't really need the extra money. My wife thinks that is no big deal to help them out. Not too long ago I spent all day changing my brother-in-laws timing belt on his Toyota truck. He just watched and when I was done he just said thanks for your help and drove off. I don't think that he realizes that is at least a $500-$600 job. They are great people and that is the only reason why I do it. I don't mind answering questions or pointing them in the right direction, but I need to draw the line somewhere.
I have turned some of them away. "If I buy a truck that isn't running can you get it running for me"? No! I guess that is why now they are resorting to just dropping them off in my driveway.
I feel honored when someone wants me to look at their car.... Makes me feel accomplished, and I like it when I can help someone out...

Haven't done major work like a timing belt, but i have done CV's and things like that......trade for dinner....

Also have worked 100's hours on my buddy's dart :D
yeah, some times I take on more than I can handle. The extra car to loaned thing is a witch. My wife and I bought a gas saver a couple of years ago finally sold it (thank goodness).
My brother call's and the first words out of his mouth are, "Ive got a quistion for yah". I just tell him know that "I'm not the answer man". He gets the point.

I dont mind if I am paid something but charity start's at home.

I use to help all time. Some of my family (ok most of them)would say, "what do know about that" and not in a nice way. It was more like they didn't know so how could I possibly know. :angry7:

I just tell them "I don't know how to" anymore.

At least my car is getting done now and it's cooler then anything they own.
I got sick of fixing stuff and the mechanic they got to look at the car before I did the work all the credit. I'm supposed to drop the gas tank out of the car and I outright refuse to. I guess she's buying a new car, same thing she already has(aka pos)but new. Good it's got warranty I never want to turn a wrench on it.

I work on my stuff now, and fix my stuff. I volunteer on a pit crew and thats the only other vehicle I lay a hand on other then my own.