Folks with arthritis...

Arthritis relief

  • Hot

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Cold

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
It depends on the situation. Hot and cold therapy each have their own appropriate uses.

You should never apply heat to a joint that is already hot, red, and irritated, nor should you apply cold to a joint that's stiff and not moving well. Heat helps muscles relax and increased blood flow, cold helps to minimize inflammation and pain.

It is always a balance between the two to get the best results.
Neither works well for me.
I use both, depending on the pain I'm having. I will also use some creams, and white flower oil.
Weed? Church mom just got her card (on the down low) and the cookies she 'takes' offer her better pain management than most of her prescriptions and the side effects are 'better' too. Its not for everyone for sure but she found it helps her.
Coffee. It is an amazing pain reliever. Without it, I can barely walk. With it, I am 75% of normal mobility. Also relieves the tightness in my hands from doing bodywork.
Coffee. It is an amazing pain reliever. Without it, I can barely walk. With it, I am 75% of normal mobility. Also relieves the tightness in my hands from doing bodywork.
Caffeine increases blood flow to the joints. What you are doing is using the caffeine to do what NSAIDs do....but the other effects of caffeine may not make it worth it. Particularly on your hydration balance.
Ibuprofen as needed. Just a couple a day at the most.
Sleep. That is my relief, when I can get it

I may not have "arthritis" as such. Last year/ 1/2 ago or so, I was told "something systemic" meaning such as Lupus or Lyme disease. They have tested me for all they can think of. The pain med I was taking turned out to be not only fairly ineffective, but my kidney function started downhill

At present I'm on nothing except aspirin and Tylenol for "peaks"
Arthur has been a pain in my knees for years. Result of 22 years in the Army doing really stupid things. The Army solves the problem by prescribing vitamin M (Motrin), huge bottles of the stuff at 800mgs.

Basicly my knees are plain worn out. In addition I have Chondromalasia which is the severe wear of the cartilage behind the knee. I just had xrays on both knees which show moderate Arthur however with a MRI it shows as more severe. I've done braces, shots, physical therapy etc.

New procedure out is stem cell implants. It only lasts a short while before you have to get it again. I haven't done much research on the procedure.
Well I guess I better not talk about the knee injury I sustained in 97 wherein I lost the lateral ligament in my right knee and ruptured the cartilage in there. The ligament went up into my butt-cheek, and I sat on it for many weeks, until it "went away". The doctor drained my knee many times that spring/summer and said I would have a limp for the rest of my life, and that knee would have chronic pain. Well sometime in 98 I stopped limping, and that leg today, I would wager is the better,stronger leg; Thank you Jesus. It does everything equally well as the "good leg"; including running,jumping, and taking stairs two at a time.
Yeah you guessed it; I used the "name".
One new shoulder fixed new knee did too. Still have it in hands, one shoulder, one knee, spine, etc. Plus I enjoy three herniated discs, stenosis, normal pressure hydrocephalus, got a prostate as big as a watermelon...yada yada.

Three tramadol and two potent anti inflammatory pills helps.

Every summer I try to get my doc to give me one 7 day regimin of steroids...helps for 60 days or so.
Arthritis made both knees bone on bone, severe chronic pain. Used Aleve/aspirin in the morning. 2/27 I had a complete knee replacement on the left leg and rehabbed it in 7 weeks.
That is I went razor clam digging at 7 weeks out and did fine although there is a bit of residual pain.
6/5 I have a complete knee replacement coming for my right leg and expect to rehab it in 6-8 weeks as well. Lots of ice post-op.
I did get a medical MJ card from my doctor but I work in semi-retirement for a no tolerance company so can't speak to any benefit there. My reading says the CBD component
is supposed to offer relief for many issues in pain regard but I won't know while still working.
Not to anyone specifically


anti-Semitism (countable and uncountable, plural anti-Semitisms)

  1. (narrower sense) Prejudice, discrimination, hostility or political or religious opposition directed against ethnic or religious Jews or against Judaism; antijudaism; judeophobia.
  2. (broader sense, rare, nonstandard) Prejudice, discrimination or hostility directed against any Semitic people (ancient or modern), such as Samaritans, Palestinians, Arabs or Assyrians. quotations ▼
Usage notes
  • Though Semitic refers in a broader sense to all those who speak Semitic languages (including e.g. Arabs and Assyrians), the term anti-Semitism has historically referred to prejudice against Jews alone. To avoid the confusion of the misnomer, many scholars of the subject (such as Emil Fackenheim) now favor the unhyphenated antisemitism in order to emphasize that the word should be read as a single unified term, not as a meaningful root word-prefix combination.[1][2][3] (See Wikipedia's article on the etymology and usage of the term.) Use of the term to refer to prejudice against any Semitic people is rare and nonstandard.
  • A very small number of writers use the term to refer to prejudice against Muslims, apparently considering them to constitute a Semitic race as opposed to only a religion. See citations.
As a Believer I am grafted in to the Family of Abraham, making me one of God's children.
There are two kinds of Jews today; those that Believe in the Risen Son of God, and those that do not.
On Judgement Day there will be exactly two lines; the Goat line, and the Sheep line. Believers will be in the Sheep line, not only because they are Believers, but because they Keep the Commandments of God; including the 4th one. Folks; it's all about obedience and surrendering. God is not looking for another Rebellion in the New Kingdom. He is looking for a group of people that all choose His Way, and all choose to get along, and all choose to come to the feasts at the appointed times. That's all there is to it.
The Goat Line? Well that's everybody else; there's no in-between, and no differentiation as to Jew or Gentile; all burn equally.
So I cannot possibly set my face against my Family of Abraham.
But Jews are only one branch of Semitic tribes.The rest, for the most part are, truly Pagan, worshiping all manner of dead things.
I am commanded not even to associate with them, lest they weaken my faith; Lest they turn me from the narrow path.
And so I can and should set my face against such unbelievers, and lawlessness, the un-Godly ones.

You can call that whatever you like, but I was commanded to come out of Babylon.
In Babylon dwell the lawless ones doing all manner of lawlessness. That is pure paganism. You can stay there if you so desire, but when the plagues come upon you..... that was your choice. When the locust-men torment you for 150days, that was your choice. When you are living in darkness and gnawing your fingers off, that was your choice. When you cry out to the rocks to fall upon you to kill you, that was your choice. When fiercely itchy boils break out all over your body, that was your choice.When your mighty pride will not let you repent and confess Jesus is Lord, that is your choice. Going down to the Lake of Fire will also be ......because of your choice, and you will be remembered no more.
I am not antisemitic;
I am anti-lawlessness, cuz they all perish.
Not to anyone specifically


anti-Semitism (countable and uncountable, plural anti-Semitisms)

  1. (narrower sense) Prejudice, discrimination, hostility or political or religious opposition directed against ethnic or religious Jews or against Judaism; antijudaism; judeophobia.
  2. (broader sense, rare, nonstandard) Prejudice, discrimination or hostility directed against any Semitic people (ancient or modern), such as Samaritans, Palestinians, Arabs or Assyrians. quotations ▼
Usage notes
  • Though Semitic refers in a broader sense to all those who speak Semitic languages (including e.g. Arabs and Assyrians), the term anti-Semitism has historically referred to prejudice against Jews alone. To avoid the confusion of the misnomer, many scholars of the subject (such as Emil Fackenheim) now favor the unhyphenated antisemitism in order to emphasize that the word should be read as a single unified term, not as a meaningful root word-prefix combination.[1][2][3] (See Wikipedia's article on the etymology and usage of the term.) Use of the term to refer to prejudice against any Semitic people is rare and nonstandard.
  • A very small number of writers use the term to refer to prejudice against Muslims, apparently considering them to constitute a Semitic race as opposed to only a religion. See citations.
As a Believer I am grafted in to the Family of Abraham, making me one of God's children.
There are two kinds of Jews today; those that Believe in the Risen Son of God, and those that do not.
On Judgement Day there will be exactly two lines; the Goat line, and the Sheep line. Believers will be in the Sheep line, not only because they are Believers, but because they Keep the Commandments of God; including the 4th one. Folks; it's all about obedience and surrendering. God is not looking for another Rebellion in the New Kingdom. He is looking for a group of people that all choose His Way, and all choose to get along, and all choose to come to the feasts at the appointed times. That's all there is to it.
The Goat Line? Well that's everybody else; there's no in-between, and no differentiation as to Jew or Gentile; all burn equally.
So I cannot possibly set my face against my Family of Abraham.
But Jews are only one branch of Semitic tribes.The rest, for the most part are, truly Pagan, worshiping all manner of dead things.
I am commanded not even to associate with them, lest they weaken my faith; Lest they turn me from the narrow path.
And so I can and should set my face against such unbelievers, and lawlessness, the un-Godly ones.

You can call that whatever you like, but I was commanded to come out of Babylon.
In Babylon dwell the lawless ones doing all manner of lawlessness. That is pure paganism. You can stay there if you so desire, but when the plagues come upon you..... that was your choice. When the locust-men torment you for 150days, that was your choice. When you are living in darkness and gnawing your fingers off, that was your choice. When you cry out to the rocks to fall upon you to kill you, that was your choice. When fiercely itchy boils break out all over your body, that was your choice.When your mighty pride will not let you repent and confess Jesus is Lord, that is your choice. Going down to the Lake of Fire will also be ......because of your choice, and you will be remembered no more.
I am not antisemitic;
I am anti-lawlessness, cuz they all perish.
Hey, whatever, just try not to get your sheets dirty at the rally.
For arthritis I use my pent-up aggression and chronic rage with a side of copious amounts of cold beer. Seems to be working so far.