Fricken cops!!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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rio rancho, nm
I have to vent, My wife has been working at the local IHOP for over 8 years and has tons of loyal customers that won't even eat if she's not there. Well, last night they got hit pretty hard with customers and my wife had told the manager to call in some help earlier......he said " we should be o.k."
She has never been written up for anything in 8 years. These 3 local cops come in and decide to sit themselves without waiting. Then they start complaining that service is slow. Got into some kind of verbal confrontation with my wife. Wife goes in for a meeting today with the manager and gets fired......because "they were officers on duty" My wife is sitting in the parking lot crying now and just hung up with me. I guess one of the cops called in to complain that the service was bad. Makes me want to go kick some dumb ignorant cop right in the teeth!! My wife is the best person I know in this world and it kills me to see her get treated this way!! ok, I'm done
63, If what you say is true, I am sure the voice of the people (loyal customers) will speak volumes.
Sorry to here that. Hope all goes well with you two and some thing beeter comes your way. I hate it when people abuse there powers.
That is some serious bullshit. I'm surprised that her manager didnt think of all the years of faithful and obedient service. On a sidenote, there are quite a few cops around here who think they are Gods gift to law enforcement.
Someone has to get a petition going around the town to fight for her job back.......and these cops should be scrutinized in the local papers for complaining as they did when it was so busy, and exposed for seating themselves against company policy.........This is NOT something a person should lose their job over.

TAKE IT TO THE PEOPLE...........ASAP............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, she has alot of customers that won't go back if she is not there. She told me that she had told the server not to seat anyone for awhile so she could catch up on the cleaning and stuff and they just walked in sat down in her section without asking and expected the world to stop so they could eat.
I don't want to wish any bad karma on the guy but, it is friday the 13th and he sure is in the wrong line of work to be pushing his luck with karma. I'm sure he will get his some day. Hope it's sooner than later though.
I have to vent, My wife has been working at the local IHOP for over 8 years and has tons of loyal customers that won't even eat if she's not there. Well, last night they got hit pretty hard with customers and my wife had told the manager to call in some help earlier......he said " we should be o.k."
She has never been written up for anything in 8 years. These 3 local cops come in and decide to sit themselves without waiting. Then they start complaining that service is slow. Got into some kind of verbal confrontation with my wife. Wife goes in for a meeting today with the manager and gets fired......because "they were officers on duty" My wife is sitting in the parking lot crying now and just hung up with me. I guess one of the cops called in to complain that the service was bad. Makes me want to go kick some dumb ignorant cop right in the teeth!! My wife is the best person I know in this world and it kills me to see her get treated this way!! ok, I'm done
Thats's typical Po Po for ya , My younger brother was a cops for 6 years, got so fed up with the hypocricy, and how blaintantly his fellow
officers violated individuals Civil Rights He Quit....and went off to be a psycologist!

You can play the phone call game too..Call the commander/chief and or the mayor and make a Stink....Cant hurt!
That's exactly what I was thinking Rumblefish.

I'm sure there are plenty of lawyers who would love to sue a large corp and the police dept.
Taking it to the news is a real good idea, but talk to the cop's boss and corporate first.
If that does not get you anywhere, burn em in the papers!:snakeman:
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear your wife lost her job due to some ignorant losers. Please tell her I'm so sorry that something like this had to happen to her and that we are on her side. Who in world could get their jollies from making a working woman cry?

There are good cops and there are bad cops, the bad ones spoil it for it for the rest. I've got relatives and friends in law enforcement and these are the good guys. On the other hand I've had my run ins with the power hungry freaks who got beat up in high school and are just looking for revenge on the world. I say get the media involved.
OH, and don't settle for her "Job back" deal, just cash and nothing more. IF she takes the "Job back" deal, they could refire her for something as simple as 1 second late and add stuff on top. IF she's protests the refireing, they call the cops on her and boot her out as a problem/trouble maker and big mouth.

Now enter the cops that had the problem.........
OH, and don't settle for her "Job back" deal, just cash and nothing more. IF she takes the "Job back" deal, they could refire her for something as simple as 1 second late and add stuff on top. IF she's protests the refireing, they call the cops on her and boot her out as a problem/trouble maker and big mouth.

Now enter the cops that had the problem.........

X2! Rumbles got it right.:cheers:
I'd start off by first of all finding out who these cops were, someone must know at least the station they worked out of. Then I'd track down their superior and inform him that unless these gentleman don't come out with an apology you are going to sue their asses off. Write down everything that's said with dates and times and a voice operated recorder would really help. Chances are these primodonas are going to get their backs up and refuse so be prepared to file a formal complaint with internal affairs and don't be affraid of these "bozos". Can you see where I'm going with this. After you fail to get any help from the department, which I'm sure will be the outcome, that's when you find a lawyer and sue their asses off and if you're lucky retire from and award. Also prepare a statement that you can fire off to the local papers just before you sue them and don't forget to go after the ex-employer. These morons did something wrong and they should be made to take responsibility for their actions, there are far to many people in this world who love to coin the phrase "it's not my fault".

thats some **** thats the only thing to do call the media have that law enforcement dept. embarrased
That sucks...yeah..see a a free consultation at the least...what rumblefish said sounds good also!

Good luck and Aloha!
O K :blob6:

I have to chime in here.... I was a restaurant manager and a waitress for over 17 years. If there was a hold on the door, the person that should be in trouble is the manager and the hostess on the door for letting them get in.{ I don't care if they were in uniform or their hair was on fire!!!}
Not you lady. Yes, go talk to a lawyer. ASAP. Wrongful dismissal, for the restaurant, talk to the local media.:director:

The lawyer should get the main office on the line and not ask for her job back, like someone else said, they would just find a $hiity reason for firing her later on, but for compensation for loss of wages because the restaurant bent over and took it in the rear from the cops, then passed it on to your lady. THAT IS WRONG!!!

The cops abused their power :naka: on duty or not, and they should be called on the carpet, too. If they were in such a hurry to eat they should have hit a drive through somewhere!!! They sound like bullies with badges to me!!!

My dad is a retired chief of police. Police are not supposed to do things like that. Having a badge doesn't give you a reason to just walk in and expect to be waited on hand and foot, and then ***** when things don't go your way.

Lawyer . Media. Sue their a$$ off!!!!!
OK Rant over.
I am very sorry to hear your wife lost her job. Take it to the media, call a lawyer, sue them for wrongful dismissal. Hope everything works out for you both.
Got fired from a dead end, no pay job once for trivial reasons.
I was bitter at first , but was the kick in the pants that I needed to go better myself.
I'm sure she can find something better than IHOP.

Maybe she will become very wealthy and buy the joint out from under them some day.

Aim higher.
I think this battle is fought in the court of public opinion. Chances are, she will get her job back. Our society is too litigous, though. Not sure a lawsuit is the first step. Remember when the old lady sued McDonald's and won a mill or two because some kid didn't put the lid on the coffee correctly?
I think this battle is fought in the court of public opinion. Chances are, she will get her job back. Our society is too litigous, though. Not sure a lawsuit is the first step. Remember when the old lady sued McDonald's and won a mill or two because some kid didn't put the lid on the coffee correctly?

She sued McDonalds because the coffee gave her severe 3rd degree burns over her groin, thighs and buttocks. The coffee served at McDonalds was found to be a minimum of 20 degrees hotter than any other restaurant's coffee in Albuquerque. It sounded like BS to me until I read the facts of the case and the fact that McDonalds is a giant, morally corrupt corporation that does not give a damn about anything but profit. They just figured, "screw her...she won't win". Watch the movie, "Supersize Me", it's very enlightening.

Public opinion is squarely on the side of McDonald's. Polls have shown a large majority of Americans—including many who typically support the little guy—to be outraged at the verdict. And radio talk-show hosts around the country have lambasted the plaintiff, her attorneys and the jurors on air. Declining to be interviewed for this story, one juror explained that he already had received angry calls from citizens around the country.
It's a reaction that many of the jurors could have understood—before they heard the evidence. At the beginning of the trial, jury foreman Jerry Goens says he "wasn't convinced as to why I needed to be there to settle a coffee spill."
At that point, Mr. Goens and the other jurors knew only the basic facts: that two years earlier, Stella Liebeck had bought a 49-cent cup of coffee at the drive-in window of an Albuquerque McDonald's, and while removing the lid to add cream and sugar had spilled it, causing third-degree burns of the groin, inner thighs and buttocks. Her suit, filed in state court in Albuquerque, claimed the coffee was "defective" because it was so hot.
What the jury didn't realize initially was the severity of her burns. Told during the trial of Mrs. Liebeck's seven days in the hospital and her skin grafts, and shown gruesome photographs, jurors began taking the matter more seriously. "It made me come home and tell my wife and daughters don't drink coffee in the car, at least not hot," says juror Jack Elliott.
Even more eye-opening was the revelation that McDonald's had seen such injuries many times before. Company documents showed that in the past decade McDonald's had received at least 700 reports of coffee burns ranging from mild to third degree, and had settled claims arising from scalding injuries for more than $500,000.
Some observers wonder why McDonald's, after years of settling coffee-burn cases, chose to take this one to trial. After all, the plaintiff was a sympathetic figure—an articulate, 81-year-old former department store clerk who said under oath that she had never filed suit before. In fact, she said, she never would have filed this one if McDonald's hadn't dismissed her requests for compensation for pain and medical bills with an offer of $800.
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