funny thing about covid

Yup. And he gets a free pass.

The guy who cared deeply about America and didn't fact told the truth to a fault, got crucified every time he turned around.

And still does today...... I don't know about the rest of you but if I truly believe there is a problem and it's gone then good riddance and I ain't thinking twice about it. Gotta blame someone I guess lol....

If she doesn’t die they did something and ya you’re going to quote 1000 people who got covid and didn’t die what about the 1.5 million that did nuff said
Sorry I miss quoted the facts
Update on my unvaccinated cuz, he's back to work. His wife is still very ill but sounds like she's getting the China phlegm up and out
Should all get the poke unless you’re an illegal alien,in congress or want to be singled out by communist
Me I’m gonna live til the Lord says
Whereas the sheeple are the ones that are worried
