Getting Evicted

Do keep us posted on her health! Without that everything else don't mean diddly. Prayers up for your family until I hear different, my friend.
Crap, could anything else possibly fit on your plate right now??? Praying for the best outcome possible!!! Geof
Still here at hospital, Dee just went off to get CT Scan. Going to be a long night. Its
a 60 minute drive back from Chapel Hill.
Hang in there. Prayers are sent your way.
1:16 AM - Well Dee is being admitted. Her CT scans came back and show lymphnodes on her lungs and upper abdominal area. I am a mess right now. How much more can we take? Please say a prayer for my wife.
Waiting for her to get transferred to a regular patient floor. The dr was in earlier and explained to us that there is a cluster of lymphnodes in her. Upper lung areas and another where the outside lining of her abdomen area is.
Just got home. I hated to leave her out there at the hospital but my daughter needs to get to school at 6:30 AM and grandaughter on the bus for school at 8. I know that guys are not suposed to cry but I honestly can say I cried most of the way home and am crying right now, I just really do not know how much more I can deal with right now.
How can you not cry with everything going on... Stay positive, sometime God just has to show us how strong we really can be. I have never met you but I can say with all honesty that you and your family are in my prayers.
Sometimes you just have to cave in & let it out. You have moved to the top of my prayer list, buddy. We are here for you guys........
Try to get some sleep.
Sometimes you just have to cave in & let it out. You have moved to the top of my prayer list, buddy. We are here for you guys........
Try to get some sleep.

And mine as well!! You have a great family here behind you Tom, and we are all glad to be here should you need us! Our prayers will continue for strength, comfort and peace as He guides you through these rough waters and to His safe harbor!! Geof
And mine as well!! You have a great family here behind you Tom, and we are all glad to be here should you need us! Our prayers will continue for strength, comfort and peace as He guides you through these rough waters and to His safe harbor!! Geof

Amen. Let Dee know she has our prayers.
I slept for 1 1/2 hrs this morning. I cannot sleep. Dee called from hospital. She had a sonogram of her intestines this morning. She is on IV fluids and is awaiting additional test results. Please keep her in your prayers. I appreaciate our FABO family very much and Dee said that she loves you all and is putting this into God's hands.
Waiting for her to get transferred to a regular patient floor. The dr was in earlier and explained to us that there is a cluster of lymphnodes in her. Upper lung areas and another where the outside lining of her abdomen area is.


No DR here, but with your wife's health issues, this lymph node issue could be infection related. Lymph nodes are all over the body. I suspect the DR is offering that they are enlarged. Blood tests will provide more information. Praying that this is all it is and that antibiotics will bring her back to a healthier state and back to you soon.

That is what we are hoping for. The shortness of breath and the fact that she can barely get up from a sitting position are very worrisome. She is going to fight whatever it is. Dr's last night kept saying the size of the mass and the fact it is in two locations could be a sign of cancer. But I will not allow myself to accept this until we get the complete labs back.
That is what we are hoping for. The shortness of breath and the fact that she can barely get up from a sitting position are very worrisome. She is going to fight whatever it is. Dr's last night kept saying the size of the mass and the fact it is in two locations could be a sign of cancer. But I will not allow myself to accept this until we get the complete labs back.


They will have to do biopsies to determine that.

I know because I am currently fighting cancer. I lost a kidney and unfortunately all lymph nodes fully involved that were attached to that kidney. I have gone through Chemo and now it is a wait and see phase. I sincerely pray it is not cancer.

prayers sent to Dee and your family. a good cry does me wonders sometimes, it is good for your soul/ keep s trong, and keep us all posted. God bless.