Hockey anyone ???

Yehaa..on to game 7.

That was a good, fast passed, physical game. I agree, the Kings are big and they play a bruising game of hockey..and the hawks aren't..

They were never really talked about where I grew the years I watched hockey, I can only remember these guys..:

Terry Sawchuk
Gerry Desjardins
Dennis Hextall
Rogie Vachon

Game 7 in Chicago is going to be interesting.
Martin St Louis ( Im not a fan of players dictating where they should be traded to)

You have to admit that he got the royal screw from his last team. After that big "fu*k you"
he got from his GM for the Olympics, I don't blame him. He is also in the twilight of his career so why not retire with the team you want to play for.. ? And playing well, he is...

I can think of 2 others that should be looking at moving..Peter Budja and James Reimer..

Think of the Canadian players that you would like to see play for teams based in Canada...
My oldest son was in a bar down town Chicago last night. When they made that 4th goal to win the game, he said that you could hear the whole town cheer!!!! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Bring on Game 7. Go Hawks!!!! [-o<
You have to admit that he got the royal screw from his last team. After that big "fu*k you"
he got from his GM for the Olympics, I don't blame him. He is also in the twilight of his career so why not retire with the team you want to play for.. ? And playing well, he is...

I can think of 2 others that should be looking at moving..Peter Budja and James Reimer..

Think of the Canadian players that you would like to see play for teams based in Canada...

Im not a fan of ANYONE with a "no trade" clause, or dicating where he goes. Unfortunately its a business and not a sport anymore.
So he didnt get picked for the Olympics.....big deal, straighten yer skirt, lace up the skates and do your job. Maybe he wouldnt have been a good fit for the team...who knows what Yzermans decision was. BUT from everything I have seen from Stevie Y, Y has been nothing but class.
Bout the only reason I like the Rangers is Lundquist and Vigneault.

Good riddance Reimer, bout time the Leafs got a top notch goalie. Lets hope Bernier steps up to be a true #1 goalie.

Game 7 is gonna be great!
Go Jays!!
Im not a fan of ANYONE with a "no trade" clause, or dicating where he goes. Unfortunately its a business and not a sport anymore.
So he didnt get picked for the Olympics.....big deal, straighten yer skirt, lace up the skates and do your job. Maybe he wouldnt have been a good fit for the team...who knows what Yzermans decision was. BUT from everything I have seen from Stevie Y, Y has been nothing but class.
Bout the only reason I like the Rangers is Lundquist and Vigneault.

Good riddance Reimer, bout time the Leafs got a top notch goalie. Lets hope Bernier steps up to be a true #1 goalie.

Game 7 is gonna be great!
Go Jays!!

I disagree bit time with Yzerman...too much politics to my liking...only a puppet..look how he promoted Half Price when he had a better golie in the stable.....martin was a big influence in Canada winning gold in the last Olympics..thank god that idiot stepped down now,,,

It is a business ..just like every other sport.. you go to work every day and expect to be do they..and their life cycle is much faster..look how the old greats poverty..

Beriner is no better..and maybe worse goaltender ..what TO needs is deference..not another goalie....and the captain is a whoos..but is that how you reward a goaltender that got you into the playoffs..don't think you would like tat at your work..

The TO coach should have been fired..he really fu*ked up this year..
nice ! I loved watching Tie Domi fight, he had fun doing it ! I youtubed some videos a while back. He always had a smile when throwing punches !!!

One of the funniest Domi deals ever was when he was in the box at Philly. Tie squirts the fans and a fan tries to get at tie, glass collapses and he's right there with Tie.
Wow Steve I couldn't disagree more , Marty has always been a class guy with more team heart than most of the league , this has been proven by his new teammates regularly naming MVP in the locker room , Stevie Y was a Douche to him and the fact that everyone in hockey stood up and said no way your doing that forced him to put him on the Olympic team where he was way more valuable than Sid the Kid , once our Leafs were out it became all about creating the ultimate F U , Bwahahaha I love it when a plan comes together , Tampon Bay gone in a heartbeat -so sorry Stevie , the Habs gone -as a side note did you know if you wash a Habs jersey in Tide it turns into a Leaf jersey , yep Tide cleans the shyte right out of your clothes , now for the Rangers to lose in 7 after winning the first couple thus keeping A.V.s coaching choke record alive . I really like the way LA plays they play with speed ,move the puck well and attack the slot in waves but I actually think Chicago is relying more on muscle and may actually out muscle LA .
As for our Leafs we're screwed , This whole Shanny nonsense is cover for management and the only reason R.C. won't get tossed is because he is cover for the real problem -NoNuts , We've got a Captain who plays D like he's got 1 foot nailed to the ice instead of taking a man or actually defending the slot , a Ballerina who will score 50 goals but is minus 40 and won't hit and then there's Clarkson , we are screwed 11 unsigned players and 20 mil or so in cap space .
PS in spite of all the finger pointing during the final stretch at Reims ,he had a better record prior to that stretch than Bernier who sucked *** after Christmas when he was handed the full time job . Look at the first 3 months of the year and you will see Reims was twice the goalie Bernier was but they handed the job to Bernier and sucked the life out of the kid . Theres a reason LA kept him off the ice and Quick isn`t it .
The Windsor , Belle River folks will tell you when Tie was in Jr he used to go into the Belle River Bar and start a fight with a whole table of guys just to get a good workout , The Leafs really need to bring him in during the pre-season to teach fighting skills to the young guys since it has become impossible to keep a pure goon on the bench these days .
Hey Grassy how about Roger Crozier , I was a pigheaded Grampa away from being his nephew . Him and Eddie Shack a couple of Bracebridge boys .
Hey Grassy how about Roger Crozier , I was a pigheaded Grampa away from being his nephew . Him and Eddie Shack a couple of Bracebridge boys .

Roger was good... I actually stopped watching hockey @'77. Got back into it when my daughter went off to university a couple of years ago and came home a hard core Leafs fan. Got us watching it the wife and I watch even when she isn't around.

Clear the track, here comes Shack ! Hockey was passionate back then..
Wow Steve I couldn't disagree more , Marty has always been a class guy with more team heart than most of the league , this has been proven by his new teammates regularly naming MVP in the locker room , Stevie Y was a Douche to him and the fact that everyone in hockey stood up and said no way your doing that forced him to put him on the Olympic team where he was way more valuable than Sid the Kid , once our Leafs were out it became all about creating the ultimate F U , Bwahahaha I love it when a plan comes together , Tampon Bay gone in a heartbeat -so sorry Stevie , the Habs gone -as a side note did you know if you wash a Habs jersey in Tide it turns into a Leaf jersey , yep Tide cleans the shyte right out of your clothes , now for the Rangers to lose in 7 after winning the first couple thus keeping A.V.s coaching choke record alive . I really like the way LA plays they play with speed ,move the puck well and attack the slot in waves but I actually think Chicago is relying more on muscle and may actually out muscle LA .
As for our Leafs we're screwed , This whole Shanny nonsense is cover for management and the only reason R.C. won't get tossed is because he is cover for the real problem -NoNuts , We've got a Captain who plays D like he's got 1 foot nailed to the ice instead of taking a man or actually defending the slot , a Ballerina who will score 50 goals but is minus 40 and won't hit and then there's Clarkson , we are screwed 11 unsigned players and 20 mil or so in cap space .
PS in spite of all the finger pointing during the final stretch at Reims ,he had a better record prior to that stretch than Bernier who sucked *** after Christmas when he was handed the full time job . Look at the first 3 months of the year and you will see Reims was twice the goalie Bernier was but they handed the job to Bernier and sucked the life out of the kid . Theres a reason LA kept him off the ice and Quick isn`t it .

I couldn't say this better...when I was reading this I could hear my daughter..she has no use for P-nuff.

As long as TO is worth the most and has the highest income, their ways are not going to change..

As an aside, Punch Imlach's grand grand daughter did a work term with me..
Your showing your age there Grassy LOL , yeah Pee'on Da Newf is a good 3/4 Dman he just isn't the go to guy and should never have been given the C , the teams is on a bad path in my eye's too much money on players who don't earn it and to much emphasis on guys like Reilly , everyone acts like he's the second coming when really he needs to go play some junior and learn to play his position before he goes skating down into the other end with no one behind him , he never wins puck battles in our corners and cheats down inside the circle when he's supposed to be covering the point in short he's a younger Liles , Gardener had the same problem but some time with Ranger /Gleason /Gunner have gotten him to play his position first , jump in when it's the right time not play winger .
The other big FU would be LA winning with Richards and Carter again after the crap in Philly that sent them there Bwahahaha .
"Your showing your age there Grassy" and i feel every moment of it when I am handing upside down doing something on the car :)

There were only 6 teams when I started watching. You got to know all the good players on all teams... times were simpler then but the owners got richer while the players got shafted..

..and you had less players card...and I glued mine into a scrap book. :banghead:

i guess if we are going to talk about salaries..we should compare them with those of the NBA...

I will be on the side lines cheering for the Hawks just fr the play off games..
yeah born in 62 I'm old enough to have been alive for a few of our Cups eh LOL ! We built our collections by " Flipping" them odd or even and standing em against the wall in the school yard and knocking em down , knock one down you get all the cards on the ground , the school called it gambling and we used to get the strap for it but hey boys were boys back then eh haha.
Love the game. Still playing beer league.

The LA Chicago series is some of the best playoff hockey I've seen. Two teams playing at the peak of their games. Excellent goaltending at both ends. Kane was phenomenal the last two. Doughty is amazing. I like both teams but hope for LA.

The Habs & Rangers was a good series as well. Being Canadian I was cheering for the Habs but the faking injury thing ticked me off and made me glad they lost. The guy I felt bad for was Tokarski although his performance was outstanding. I watched him play for the Spokane Chiefs when they won the Memorial cup.

The western teams look stronger but NY may have destiny on their side with tragedies factored in. Lundqvist could carry them to victory.

(We played the card game in school too)
Wow great game , If Quick crawls around on the ice like that in the finals the Rangers might light him up , but man LA is a strong fast team , Cmon Wednesday !!!
I'm happy the Kings won. Great series. Fricken PP was what kept the Hawks in the series.

Rangers come to LA on Wed...
Not sure if the Rangers have a chance, but if I had a pick between the 2 goalies, its Lundqvist.
Im hoping for LA....just to see Mary St Louise lose
Man what a game 7 !! figures it would be a tight one ... The fun begins on Wednesday ! Gonna be tough, but LETS GO RANGERS !! ..... WE WANT THE CUP ! WE WANT THE CUP ! .. as I chant this in my living room ...
I was cheering for the Hawks but with their 7 game battle drained both teams.

The NYR ( and Martin I may add) are rested and ready for the Wednesday game.

It will be curious if the Kings can put up a fight..
I couldn't keep awake for the OT but it was a humdinger of a game in regulation. The goalie situation for both Chicago and AL seemd to go downhill as the series went on, and Lundquist had a bad game in #6, so I think whichever goalie holds up better will decide it.