How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

My wife's and mine is going from $1700 to $2500 a month. Before we changed companies a few years ago Anthem was charging $1900 for me and another $900 for my wife. That's more than an half of an annual salary for most people in our area. Being retired after being self employed my whole life it makes me wonder how long my savings can last.
Let's see, you are born in the us or came here illegally- makes no difference. You are afforded health insurance,welfare,living arrangements,loans,and because of"political correctness" you cannot be told you are a parasite. Why be like Canada? Sure lets pull all our support from other countries so that we can afford to bring them all here to the"land of opportunity"!! Fight all the windmills you want but the bottom line is you are going after the symptoms and not the disease! They have your number and they are playing you like a cheap violin!

So you think by giving other countries a bunch of taxpayer cash it's keeping America independent of their problems. :D
We are all humans and all live on the same big ball of dirt, and the sooner we start solving problems based on being one people on one planet the better.
Sometimes I actually wish an alien force would kick our asses so we would more easily accept that.
In 2015 it costs a family of three $49114 in tenn to $106493 in DC for a middle income livelihood. As 243 million adults in the US 46.4 pay no federal tax and 37.1 pay no income tax at all. However 51% receive earned income credit and of course they do pay sales tax with the entitlement money. Now you do your own math and find your own sources but when you insist that welfare recipients have an"above poverty" level and receive "obamacare"you are the problem!!! Now chase some more windmills!!!!
In 2015 it costs a family of three $49114 in tenn to $106493 in DC for a middle income livelihood. As 243 million adults in the US 46.4 pay no federal tax and 37.1 pay no income tax at all. However 51% receive earned income credit and of course they do pay sales tax with the entitlement money. Now you do your own math and find your own sources but when you insist that welfare recipients have an"above poverty" level and receive "obamacare"you are the problem!!! Now chase some more windmills!!!!

Interesting how some people call that money "entitlement money" when it came from our taxes in the first place.
That's the same crap the existing people in power say.
So once the gov gets their hands on the taxes and have to give some up to help people in need it's called "entitlement".
I call what they get from us entitlement.
What we call poverty level and what they call poverty level are two different levels, and if some of those people were living on what some of us get by on they would be crying for something to be done because they are "living in poverty".
Ever deal with the IRS where they said "If you can just give us x amount of money"?
Damit if I had x amount of money we wouldn't be having this conversation.
It's like they think we can just pull money out of our *** or something.

Now we are getting off track and into windmill fighting. :D

Or I am. LOL
You get screwed and more than once. Your premiums go up 10-115% depending, and with a high deductible you essentially do not have health insurance unless catastrophic illness. You are forced to purchase a product you do not want or are fined if you opt out. That is worse than a tax, in that in a tax your allegedly getting something for your money, Fire, Police, Infrastructure, etc. You cannot choose your own Dr. and now too see a physician if you can see one and not a Nurse Practitioner is sometimes weeks or months due to the amount of extra people placed on the rolls. Most of which are not legal citizens. My Uncle has been a ****** addict his whole life. He needed glasses, he got two pairs free. He needs a dentist, the Gov't pays. He now needs dialysis each week. He does not pay and gets a free taxi or "limo" to pick him up and take him home to a subsidized apartment with food stamps for food. I worked my whole life and paid a lot of taxes. I put off the dentist, cannot afford one. I need to save for months with a wife and two kids needing glasses. Food we cut back, meat is too expensive. The system is completely backwards in so many ways.
Solution is easy. Go back to Welfare, Social Security, WIC, SNAP, all the entitlements that were afforded to Americans before World War II! That would solve all this bull ****!
Wife and I, a family of two. The cut off for a family of two, for discounted insurance is $64,000. We are over that and get hosed.

Health insurance is our single largest monthly bill.
On Social Security Disability/Office of Personel Management Disability. On Medicare...and luckily listened to the wife and kept my insurance from the USPS, GEHA. Made more sense, dollar wise to have our own policies. we each pay about $215@month. 0 deductible 0 co-pay for medical. Prescriptions covered by GEHA. Have reasonable co-pay, 0 deductible. No complaints here...
Interesting how some people call that money "entitlement money" when it came from our taxes in the first place.
That's the same crap the existing people in power say.
So once the gov gets their hands on the taxes and have to give some up to help people in need it's called "entitlement".
I call what they get from us entitlement.
What we call poverty level and what they call poverty level are two different levels, and if some of those people were living on what some of us get by on they would be crying for something to be done because they are "living in poverty".
Ever deal with the IRS where they said "If you can just give us x amount of money"?
Damit if I had x amount of money we wouldn't be having this conversation.
It's like they think we can just pull money out of our *** or something.

Now we are getting off track and into windmill fighting. :D

Or I am. LOL
1964 Johnson and company included social security into the general fund- which in turn funded welfare. This is where the "entitlement" moniker started. Instead of shooting from the hip a good understanding of history and economics could cure your windmill fighting and get you a better understanding of the actual disease we have in this country. Trying to find more funds to spend on the liberal monster only serves to grow the disease not stop the problem
After reading thru this I will never complain about our health insurance again. Would like to thank you folks for opening my eyes...
I have been very fortunate to have been associated with the military my entire life. The numbers in this thread are truly un-freakin-belieable!
1964 Johnson and company included social security into the general fund- which in turn funded welfare. This is where the "entitlement" moniker started. Instead of shooting from the hip a good understanding of history and economics could cure your windmill fighting and get you a better understanding of the actual disease we have in this country. Trying to find more funds to spend on the liberal monster only serves to grow the disease not stop the problem

I know exactly where it came from.
I don't believe it is a Liberal or conservative problem, but just a problem to be addressed.
Separating and labeling it as one party or one section of the gov IS part of the problem, as it creates a blockage to try to get anything good done and an excuse for not doing it.

It's like going to a discussion about racism and jumping up and yelling that the discussion itself is racism before the discussion ever begins.
It basically kills the ability to work better together on the problem.

If I was to say it's people like you that are a huge part of the problem in this country.

Of course I don't believe you are, but how did that instantly affect your frame of mind to discuss it with me?
It instantly put us on opposing sides didn't it?
THAT right there is my point.
I know exactly where it came from.
I don't believe it is a Liberal or conservative problem, but just a problem to be addressed.
Separating and labeling it as one party or one section of the gov IS part of the problem, as it creates a blockage to try to get anything good done and an excuse for not doing it.

It's like going to a discussion about racism and jumping up and yelling that the discussion itself is racism before the discussion ever begins.
It basically kills the ability to work better together on the problem.

If I was to say it's people like you that are a huge part of the problem in this country.

Of course I don't believe you are, but how did that instantly affect your frame of mind to discuss it with me?
It instantly put us on opposing sides didn't it?
THAT right there is my point.
So in your mind Johnson was a conservative? You will never solve a problem until you pinpoint it! Trying to lasso everyone into being the problem is denying there is a correct answer to the problem. At least be honest with yourself. We have a twenty "TRILLION" dollar debt and staying on this track will not solve our problems!
So in your mind Johnson was a conservative? You will never solve a problem until you pinpoint it! Trying to lasso everyone into being the problem is denying there is a correct answer to the problem. At least be honest with yourself. We have a twenty "TRILLION" dollar debt and staying on this track will not solve our problems!

I never thought of him either way actually, because I don't believe in separating and labeling when there is a common goal to be hashed out.
I'm trying to get the point across that putting people into opposing parties with labels causes a problem.
A very smart man once said "When you put a label to a person you lessen his worth in your own mind".

Now I ask you to be honest with yourself.
Bob is a Dem
Joe is a Rep
Which one has more legitimacy as a person with a valid oppinion in your mind?

Be honest now. :D

I don't need an answer, just consider it.
This thread is for certain headed to the political junk pile. So I'll make one more comment before it heads to the junk pile. Once again I'll repeat what I believe is the greatest president in my life time Ronald Reagan.He stated that this country is a two party system, Rep and Dem. always has and always will be. There is no room for a third, fourth,etc party. Call yourself what you want independent, Libertarian, Progressive, Realist, etc. When a third party is interjected, you are guaranteeing a win for the Democrats or Republicans period! It boils down to two different philosophy's.
Your Pro life, or Not! Your for smaller government or your not! You believe in the re distribution of wealth or not! You believe penal system or a rehabilitation system! You believe in taxing the rich to feed the poor or not! Honestly answer these questions and you'll know what party side you land on!
The human race-horses (HR) told me today that the divorce decree requires my immediate enrollment. Now how will I pay off remaining medical debt leftover from the same company, Blue Cross? Sounds like enforced debt servitude to me. I was the only one in my family who was denied treatment by Blue Cross. And now I will be compelled to do business with them?
I know exactly where it came from.
I don't believe it is a Liberal or conservative problem, but just a problem to be addressed.
Separating and labeling it as one party or one section of the gov IS part of the problem, as it creates a blockage to try to get anything good done and an excuse for not doing it.

It's like going to a discussion about racism and jumping up and yelling that the discussion itself is racism before the discussion ever begins.
It basically kills the ability to work better together on the problem.

If I was to say it's people like you that are a huge part of the problem in this country.

Of course I don't believe you are, but how did that instantly affect your frame of mind to discuss it with me?
It instantly put us on opposing sides didn't it?
THAT right there is my point.
Greg,the person to person conversation I had with you,fits dead on... Get government out of the goddamn way,fix it in the free enterprise market.
Wow some of you are seriously getting hosed..I pay $450 a month for family plan at work that covers wife 2 daughters and myself..medical,dental and vision..regular docter visits are free,anything major surgeries ect..20% of total cost is what I'm responsible for..Odumbo care:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:..
So, we've had decades before Affordable Care where the government was not in the way, and companies / nonprofits were in control and where did that get us?
Oh yeah, we had the least effective and most expensive healthcare system of any developed nation. That was how our system was rated before the ACA was enacted.
Affordable Care has not fixed that either.
Basically, we've only discovered what doesn't work so far. And going back or sticking to either is really not inspiring.
Time to try something different I think.
Also, we need to be honest with ourselves about how much we are already socialized - and have been for decades. The costs for people who can't afford have always been passed to everyone else where healthcare is concerned. Hospitals and doctors cannot turn away those who cannot afford to pay - so those costs are passed along to those who can pay or are subsidized directly with tax dollars. So taxpayers are already paying for socialized medicine.
Also, social security was never meant for medical. And, pre-retirement employees do not contribute to a Medicare fund directly like thay did with social security. Medicare/Medicaid is basically a social medicine benefit for seniors. I don't know too many seniors that could get by without Medicare benefits.
My inlaw's and mother would probably not be alive without Medicare's benefit.
I'm just saying, regardless of your political beliefs, where medical is concerned, we should hold our politicians to much more than a return to what we had before, or small adjustments to what exist now.
Our Country used to have the best politicians money could buy...
My health insurance costs more than any house payment I ever had and I live in a half million dollar house. Every year they send a notice saying my plan no longer fits the guidelines so I have to shop it around and it goes up every year. Insurance premiums are my largest expense and the deductible is through the roof and the coverage is pure s**t. It chafes my *** that after working for 40+ years and paying taxes that winos and junkies that never did anything in life get better health coverage than I do. I don't even want to get started on this crap. VOTE TRUMP and end this farce.