"I felt like a woman"



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Last trip to doc, my blood panel showed "something" about my liver. So I went over and endured an abdomen ultrasound. Fortunately, there was no kid in there LOL

On a side not the local medical megacorpuluse which gets bigger by the hour, I think, has "changed software." My doc had told me they would set up a referral, and have them call me. They didn't. So I called the doc the other day, and she transferred me to "the outfit." Buy HELL!!! I have no idea who ore where I was transferred to!!! So I asked this gal, "who and what and where are you?" It turns out it's at "700 W Ironwood Drive," in CDA. Well this is a pretty damn large building and there is DARN little on the outside to guide you. So I tried to get her to tell me more and she's all "well I gave you the address." I finally told her "you work there you tell me where you go when you go to work." Lord, give me a crowbar!!!
So I GET there at 8AM, and "we have no record of this." I showed her my written notes, including the phone number the gal gave me, and darned if she didn't get busy and rustle me up some time in the sonar room.

"We'll see"

could have saved you the hassle...

Last trip to doc, my blood panel showed "something" about my liver. So I went over and endured an abdomen ultrasound. Fortunately, there was no kid in there LOL

On a side not the local medical megacorpuluse which gets bigger by the hour, I think, has "changed software." My doc had told me they would set up a referral, and have them call me. They didn't. So I called the doc the other day, and she transferred me to "the outfit." Buy HELL!!! I have no idea who ore where I was transferred to!!! So I asked this gal, "who and what and where are you?" It turns out it's at "700 W Ironwood Drive," in CDA. Well this is a pretty damn large building and there is DARN little on the outside to guide you. So I tried to get her to tell me more and she's all "well I gave you the address." I finally told her "you work there you tell me where you go when you go to work." Lord, give me a crowbar!!!
So I GET there at 8AM, and "we have no record of this." I showed her my written notes, including the phone number the gal gave me, and darned if she didn't get busy and rustle me up some time in the sonar room.

"We'll see"

This sounds like my every experience with those folks.
They suggest a referral, I say OK. Wait a week, no call. Call the doc again, get told the place he's referred me can't make the referral into an appointment and I should call them direct.
I call them direct, get told that in order to be scheduled any sooner than next year I should get a referral but they're happy to book me for 14 months out.
Call back about a referral.
Doc says call them direct, I say hold on. Conference in the place he wants to refer me. Let them talk, it gets scheduled for 2 weeks out.
I get there, they can't figure out my insurance. My doc figured it out, and supposedly these folks all work under the same umbrella. Ugh. After the appt, they have the insurance fiugrd out but want the full specialist copay. But that only applies without a referral.
Get told I had no referral - same thing, grab my notes and drop names dates and times. Get told they still can't do anything different. So I pay the full rate, contact my insurance and give them the details.
Two weeks later I get a partial refund, then charged the normal copay - which I've now paid twice. Then another 4 days later they refund the rest of the original charge.
Three months, six phone calls, two doctors visits just for someone to poke the back of my throat and say "yeah, that's strange, but chances are it won't kill you but the surgery could." which is exactly what Wikipedia said.

Medicine, I tells ya...
My wife and daughter came down with COVID earlier this week. They had constant cough, some fever, headache, etc. I told my wife to call her doctor and ask for one of those new COVID pills (that help you get well much faster). My wife called on Wednesday and never got a call back. Just by shear luck I had an appointment with the same doctor on Thursday (day after my wife had called). So......I figured that I'd ask the doctor for a script for my wife and daugher (didn't want them to end up in the hospital). They don't allow people with COVID into the doctors office. When I went to my appt. on Thur morning I talked to the doctor about my foot issues then asked about scripts for my wife and daughter for the COVID pills. The lady doctor was very upset when I asked about my wife and daughter, she told me that this appt was for "me" not for my wife and not for my daughter. She told me that "if" my wife and daughter are her patients they would have to call in to the office and ask about the pills. I told her that they are both her patients and that my wife had called the day before and that no one had ever called her back. She told me that she has over 1000 patients and that she would call my wife back within 24 to 48 hours. I told her that I didn't want them to end up in the hospital. She acted as if I was a stupid idiot for asking for help for my wife and daughter. I told her that if her husband and daughter were sick with COVID and she was not a doctor, would she ask her doctor for help for her husband and daughter. She had no answer. I finished my discussion on my health issues and thanked my doctor for her time. I had a few errands to do before I finnally got home, by the time I got home the pharmacy had delivered the COVID pills to my house for my wife and daughter. WHAT THE HELL!!!!
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My wife and daughter came down with COVID earlier this week. They had constant cough, some fever, headache, etc. I told my wife to call her doctor and ask for one of those new COVID pills (that help you get well much faster). My wife called on Wednesday and never got a call back. Just by shear luck I had an appointment with the same doctor on Thursday (day after my wife had called). So......I figured that I'd ask the doctor for a script for my wife and daugher (didn't want them to end up in the hospital). They don't allow people with COVID into the doctors office. When I went to my appt. on Thur morning I talked to the doctor about my foot issues then asked about scripts for my wife and daughter for the COVID pills. The lady doctor was very upset when I asked about my wife and daughter, she told me that this appt was for "me" not for my wife and not for my daughter. She told me that "if" my wife and daughter are her patients they would have to call in to the office and ask about the pills. I told her that they are both her patients and that my wife had called the day before and that no one had ever called her back. She told me that she has over 1000 patients and that she would call my wife back within 24 to 48 hours. I told her that I didn't want them to end up in the hospital. She acted as if I was a stupid idiot for asking for help for my wife and daughter. I told her that if her husband and daughter were sick with COVID and she was not a doctor, would she ask her doctor for help for her husband and daughter. She had no answer. I finished my discussion on my health issues and thanked my doctor for her time. I had a few errands to do before I finnally got home, by the time I got home the pharmacy had delivered the COVID pills to my house for my wife and daughter. WHAT THE HELL!!!!
UPDATE - My wife and daughter have been taking the pills for 2 days now (Paxlovid, 5 day regemin}. My daughter is much better and my wife is also feeling better!!
I know many of us don't have "much choice" but I'd be lookin for another doctor
I know many of us don't have "much choice" but I'd be lookin for another doctor
I tend to agree but I had to wait 6 months to get this one (waiting list) when my old doctor raised rates so high I had to leave!! So you need to wait in line to actually get a new doctor then you have to find a doctor that accepts your insurance. If you have a problem in between doctors then you have a real problem. It's like trying to do low 9s in a 4500 lb car!!!!
I got my present doc "accidently", pun intended!!! This was last time I'd broke my ribs and I really HAD no doctor. I'd tried another outfit and they were completely useless. So someone at the hospitol made a suggestion, and his suggestion was not taking new folks, but THEY suggested this gal. She had just moved up here from TX. I forget, her or her husband are from MT. I like her, but she is associated with the local multimegacorporateous and I'm not really enthralled with them. The thing is I don't like their "corporate" but they do have some great people. The other PROBLEM is they are pretty much a monopoly. They run the hospitol and most important medical functions otherwise
I tend to agree but I had to wait 6 months to get this one (waiting list) when my old doctor raised rates so high I had to leave!! So you need to wait in line to actually get a new doctor then you have to find a doctor that accepts your insurance. If you have a problem in between doctors then you have a real problem. It's like trying to do low 9s in a 4500 lb car!!!!
We have a Dr shortage as well but we don't have to pay for health care in most cases. Bet that can be expensive if you don't have ins.
I got Covid a couple months ago. I did the home test, was positive, called my Doctors office, they said they need an official test done. That came back positive, called my doctor again, he prescribed that Paxlovid, I took the morning dose about 2:00 PM and the night dose. The next day I was feeling 80% better. My wife ended up getting it from me, she called her Doctor and asked for the Paxlovid, In 4 or 5 days we were both better. There was only one pharmacy in a town of 265,000 people that carried it. I recommend it to anyone that gets
UPDATE - My wife and daughter have been taking the pills for 2 days now (Paxlovid, 5 day regemin}. My daughter is much better and my wife is also feeling better!!