"I was a moron" or "I don't need a seat belt"



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Just heard on the local news some guy got killed in a roll over accident at a "mud bog" event, here in E WA. Authorities said his wife told them that he had told her just before getting in, that "he did not need a seat belt."
You caint fix stupid. God bless his family.
well it goes like this, wearing a seatbelt is like smoking... you do it and you take that responsibility no matter the outcome. His choice...
well it goes like this, wearing a seatbelt is like smoking... you do it and you take that responsibility no matter the outcome. His choice...

The problem is, he was not alone. There seems to have been a smal child in the rig. The child made it OK. Not clear if the child was properly restrained, or not. As a "mud" deal, this was HIGHLY preventable. It just might be that his head hitting the roll cage played a big part.
Badges??? Badges??? We don't need no stinking badges....

Jes one more thing for us to be hateful to each other about.
So if he would have got killed on a dirt bike, would we feel the same??? Should have had a seat belt on???? We take a chance every time we make a 10 second pass, or jump a dirt bike, or any other motor sport. Many have died with their seat belt on too. Not saying, just saying....
Damn... The one time I buckled up,before mandatory California law. 75 Camaro,hot small block. Was riding the back roads home,at the Red Eye hour. Where I live,the deer tend to come out on the roads,in October /November. Was rolling 65-70,over a slight hill. Saw a deer,turned the headlights off.(supposed, lights freeze deer,I was told). Swerved to the left,hit the goddamned buck mate.My car's rims,caught the opposing lane's curve.(hanging over a 45 degree 80 foot deep drop...). The one time I used it,I survived. I can't really say much,after that... I'm here.
Saw a deer,turned the headlights off.(supposed, lights freeze deer,I was told).

In the late 80's, my wife (Linda) used that same technique many times driving back and forth to work 30miles each way on the overnight shift. I thought she was nuts, but it worked out every time. And then one day at 11am in broad daylight, one took out the whole front end of her 80' AMC wagon and totaled it :banghead:. Thankfully she was unhurt.
So if he would have got killed on a dirt bike, would we feel the same??? Should have had a seat belt on???? We take a chance every time we make a 10 second pass, or jump a dirt bike, or any other motor sport. Many have died with their seat belt on too. Not saying, just saying....

He had safety equipment installed that he didn't use.

So, given your example, Lets say he had been on a dirt bike and said that he didn't need his helmet, and was killed as a result of a crash and head injury. I mean, many dirt bikers have been killed with a helmet on too, right?

Yes I would feel the same. I would still think he was a dumb ***.

Seat belts and other safety equipment prevent far, far more injuries and deaths than ignoring the use of such items.

And.... Every time we have a thread like this, we have "that one guy" that tries to make the argument or point you are trying to make. I will never understand your way of thinking.

If you have the safety equipment, use it.
He had safety equipment installed that he didn't use.

So, given your example, Lets say he had been on a dirt bike and said that he didn't need his helmet, and was killed as a result of a crash and head injury. I mean, many dirt bikers have been killed with a helmet on too, right?

Yes I would feel the same. I would still think he was a dumb ***.

Seat belts and other safety equipment prevent far, far more injuries and deaths than ignoring the use of such items.

And.... Every time we have a thread like this, we have "that one guy" that tries to make the argument or point you are trying to make. I will never understand your way of thinking.

If you have the safety equipment, use it.
Did the guy die BECAUSE he didn't have a seat belt on???? Maybe he drowned? Maybe impaled by something? Heart attack? Maybe it was the lack of a seatbelt that killed him. Only the coroner knows for sure. Maybe you are "that one guy" who is jumping to a conclusion??
Yes I would feel the same. I would still think he was a dumb ***.
Ok, the man is dead. Nice to see you (the smart and righteous) has passed judgment on a man you did not know. So if you get killed in your "classic" mopar, we will say you were too dumb to drive a car with safety equipment (like air bags) so you die..... because you made a choice..... of not driving a safe enough car.... and yes, it is the same, because it is a CHOICE. Dale Sr. died with safety equipment on, but it was honorable, or we could say he was stupid for going 200 mph. We all know the risk of every day life and make choices.
Did the guy die BECAUSE he didn't have a seat belt on???? Maybe he drowned? Maybe impaled by something? Heart attack? Maybe it was the lack of a seatbelt that killed him. Only the coroner knows for sure. Maybe you are "that one guy" who is jumping to a conclusion??
No, it was because 68formulaS340 has declared what he was, dumb. No facts, no knowledge, no nothing, just pronounced the deceased as dumb. Never look in the mirror and see the risk taken in our own lives, just pronounce the deceased as dumb.
I work with collision damaged vehicles every day. I know first hand and have seen the results of use vs non use of safety equipment hundreds of times.

If you have it available but aren't using it, I won't feel bad if you die.

Nothing will sway my opinion on that.
I work with collision damaged vehicles every day. I know first hand and have seen the results of use vs non use of safety equipment hundreds of times.

If you have it available but aren't using it, I won't feel bad if you die.

Nothing will sway my opinion on that.
And you have available cars with airbags, and are built much better for collisions. So, EVERY TIME you drive your classic mopar, you are taken the exact same chance as this man that died. You could have taken your "safety equipped" car to the DQ, but you made the CHOICE to drive the car without the safety equipment and supposingly you get killed in a auto accident, you were "just as dumb" in your own words. You BOTH would have made a choice to avoid the safety equipment that was available to you.....
Here we go. Can we have one single thread where we don't beat the livin chit outta each other?
And you have available cars with airbags, and are built much better for collisions. So, EVERY TIME you drive your classic mopar, you are taken the exact same chance as this man that died. You could have taken your "safety equipped" car to the DQ, but you made the CHOICE to drive the car without the safety equipment and supposingly you get killed in a auto accident, you were "just as dumb" in your own words. You BOTH would have made a choice to avoid the safety equipment that was available to you.....

I use all the safety equipment available to me in whichever vehicle I drive. My 68 has a lap belt so I use it every time.

Same with work. I use a face shield, hearing protection, gloves, safety glasses, dust masks and a respirator.

Still not sure what point you are trying to make. My point is, if you have it, use it.
And you have available cars with airbags, and are built much better for collisions. So, EVERY TIME you drive your classic mopar, you are taken the exact same chance as this man that died. You could have taken your "safety equipped" car to the DQ, but you made the CHOICE to drive the car without the safety equipment and supposingly you get killed in a auto accident, you were "just as dumb" in your own words. You BOTH would have made a choice to avoid the safety equipment that was available to you.....

No. I have not. There are no airbags in classic Mopars. Now, if I were to remove/ disable the airbags that are in the hated 95 Olds, then THAT would be "not using" equipment that "was available"

But even then, I WOULD be (as always) using the lap/ shoulder belts in the car.

Please stop

No. I have not. There are no airbags in classic Mopars. Now, if I were to remove/ disable the airbags that are in the hated 95 Olds, then THAT would be "not using" equipment that "was available"

But even then, I WOULD be (as always) using the lap/ shoulder belts in the car.

Please stop

Ummm...... not buying a car that has the safest equipment is no excuse. It is available to you, and you have made the choice not to take advantage of it. Not owning it does not make you exempt. I could say you were too dumb, or moron, for not investing in the right safety equipment. Twist the words so the deceased is dumb, a moron, or whatever, but your in the same boat unless you are 100 % compliant in your own life, which I doubt. I just think its terrible to call a deceased guy you don't even know (or an accident you have no facts on) names when I could find 100 times in the last month when your choices could have been fatal.....