Is he smoking crack??

lol, and he will even trow in a new right side too.! i will be all over that once my mopar welfare check comes in..rofl
" Q: its greed that i dont understand i dont know how you can ask that price for a 40 YR plus item you can get a rechrome for about ??? dont price yourself out of the market help other mopar guys restore there hobby cars so there caN BE A FUTURE THANKS I WOULD LIKE TO SEE SOME REDUCTION IN PRICES LIKE REALESTATE SO MAYBE THATS SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT!!!!!!!!!! Aug-20-10

A: We didn't realize there was a MoPar welfare department now. Are we supposed to pay $800.00 for something and then NOT make a profit? How much do you guys allow us to make? PLEASE do not compare our passion and hobby to the totally screwed up real estate market. Why are you even the word greed? Because you do not like a price. The solution is don't buy them. One thing I can assure you of is there is no one that can sestore and rechrome old ones to NOS detail and quality!!!! Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. sincerely, fmmpar "

Man, this guy is brilliant! I wanna nominate him for a Nobel peace prize in Mopars
Thats the Mitchell bros I believe, I bought a RH one from him a lot cheaper than his LH one. I asked him though, why so high in $$, and he simply said supply and demand. I tried to rationalize it, why so few LH ones, and the only thing I could think of is fender-benders at intersections when making a LH turn??
He is always high on everything that I have ever looked at.
He paid $800 for that?!?!? He's an *** for paying that and a full bloated one for trying to sell it at a killing.

FraaAAaaAAAaaaK him!
Pure greed..he says he just have to mark the one up because he paid $800 for one..right..

The big problem is that people buy from him which supports what he does...
someone must be buying his stuff if he is still selling. sad part is that cost more than i paid for both of my a bodies combined!
Glad everyone else feels the same way!! I thought maybe I was just tripping a little when I seen his price. I really hate to ***** about what someone wants for something, but that seems a little high to me. And of course I won't/can't buy it, I can't imagine anybody paying that for it.

More like Plutonium Nyborg.

[ame=""]YouTube - So Beautiful, So Dangerous_Heavy Metal 1981[/ame]
Frank's fishing for a stupid-rich buyer. If it doesn't sell, the price will come down eventually. If it does sell for that price, who is the stupid one? Certainly not him. I don't mind ridiculous prices like that....makes it more likely someone will invest money to reproduce the part.
For 1200.00 you can buy the hole front header panel with grills and turn signals. I said it before these prices are going to kill us.When I was buying and storing parts for my barracuda I bought all my stuff from Mitchell.Then they went away.I started to see there stuff on ebay and what a price increase.He was selling a windshield bottle for 500.00.I ask why and they said It was OEM.Go figure
Wow a recent classifieds ad comes to my mind here. 4500.00 for a set of manifold is retarded and a cocksuckers dream.
he blows goats

lol thanks for that, you know I don't really have much of an opinion on this d#%k head or his high priced bs, his merchandise is always priced like that, its actually kinda funny. Good luck with your sale. :thebirdm:
Locally a few of us Mopar fans refer to these guys as "pirates" due to the flags (and prices) they fly over the tent at the Hershey shows before the inter net took over. I can think of three main ones-MM/AB and R Motor parts...
Holy s#!t. That's what pretty much what I paid for my whole 65 dodge dart GT back in 2007! And close to what I might get a 66 dart wagon for, even get to drive that one home.. He's smoking more than crack..
Frank Mitchell has always been known for this. Those who know him just look at his auctions and chuckle and then move on. He's out there for sure.
I've bought parts from him, most are priced decent in my opinion but I don't shop at ChinaMart so perhaps my threshold is different than those complaining.

I think about the effort a person like him has gone through to locate these original parts, build a warehouse to store them, advertise his business and go to all of the events to offer these parts to people looking for them. I would say he was gouging if he bought the parts for next to nothing and sold them in his spare time out of the back of a rusted out van but he has created a business and deserves to make a profit just like you or the company you work for does.

Most used stuff is restorable IF you can find someone that knows what their doing AND gives a s**t restoring your part but usually it looks like a restored piece of crap. I know, took 3 times to get my last bumpers done right and all I heard was they were the best they could get them until they finally did them to MY satisfaction. Try and find someone that replates pot metal nicely.... good luck! Most aftermarket is just crap, maybe it fits, maybe it doesn't and I can usually spot it fairly easily on the cars at the shows. And most of it is made overseas, know why? Because you'd whine about how expensive it was otherwise.

There is a difference between a $10K restoration and a $40K restoration, just because you can't afford the latter doesn't mean it isn't worth it to the guy that can. I don't ***** about it, I just look for the part I CAN afford.
With all the lights that came outta my car I must be sitting on a fortune. I paid less for my car. This guy needs a beating, I hope hes not an FABO member.
I have a NOS seat belt buckle for $1800.00 if anyone is looking.:pirate: