Just a ventalating rant about how much my life sucks

Sell the duster, get what you can for the tempo and go buy something reliable. Now is not the time with school and all to be messing with an old car.

I just think you guys need to do a better job picking out a daily driver. Plenty of reliable cars out there.

Look around for a Honda civic, Toyota echo. Tercel, corolla. All great cars for a kid in school that needs transportation. Stay away from the crap that gets poor mpg. You don't need to go broke trying to keep gas in the thing at this point in your life

Xabout 100. But don't get too hung up on brand names, lots of Hondas and Toys can have the crap run out of them and develop problems that you -don'-wanna-touch.

And to the Op. if you think your life sucks now because of something so stupid just wait till you get in to the real world. Your gonna be suicidal. Lol

X 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Getting on here and ranting about some old junker may not sit well with some of us that have been down that road most of our lives. I have a pretty good idea what "bein' poor" is all about, and have had my share of "whadda I do with this" moments. And I didn't have the internet to cry to, either.
Rengo said:
Just a ventalating rant about how much my life sucks

Rengo said:
My Duster is not what you would call reliable so I decided to try and depend on a newer car. So my dad decides he is going to help me and throw some money at a 91 ford tempo that would get about 22 mpg so it sounds great!!
But today, wouldn't you know it, we find more problems with the car that we decided that are not worth fixing, we are going to try to trade it in and get a dependable ride that I can drive to and from college.. we are now out $1000. I am starting to think I should have just fixed the transmission in the Duster.

I know it's a rant and you need to get things off your chest - we all do at times.

But all I can say is if this is what it takes for you to think your life sucks, then you've actually got it pretty good.
We got 18 mpg out of our grand Cherokee 4x4 on 33's. so I don't what poor mileage your talking about. The ignition coil is the only thing we had to replace on it in a 2 year period

18 mpg when you are a struggling college student is horrible mileage. Repair parts are usually more expensive and harder to find used for a Jeep then they are for economy cars that they made a million of are.

Right now my son-in-law needs a latch mechanism for his 98 Jeep Cherokee drivers door but he didn't say anything. Now the door is broke so he needs a hole door. Used in the salvages around here that door is $300 and they have none at the U-pull-it yards. The latch assembly was over a $100 for a new one on eBay and almost $200 from the dealer. Nothing to be found on Craigslist in Oklahoma at the moment.

Now the flip side 1997 Honda Accord an electric drivers door with glass is $50 and Pull-A-Part has 7 to choose from. Lots of parts to be found on Craigslist too.

The thing is to buy a good car to start with that you can get parts for easily because it is going to have problems sooner or later.
4.0L jeeps are bulletproof but sucky on gas. Who decided that a temp was a reliable car? I would like to hear that conversation.
So your dad buys you a car and you ***** about your life sucking. First, a 91 Ford Tempo was a total piece of **** when new, much less one that is 22 years old. Your dad should do a little more research and then make a decision. Shut up bitching about how your life sucks and be thankful you at least are 1) going to college......probably not on your dime I bet and 2) have a dad that is nice and caring enough to try to help you out. Sounds like the total brat syndrome to me.
If all the duster needs is a tranmission then what the hell are we talking about here , fix the tranny and drive the duster , you want mileage stay off the throttle even at todays gas prices you drop a couple of grand on another car and it won't live long enough to make up the difference in fuel economy anyway , Do the math a grand tops for a transmission rebuild in your neck of the woods verse's a minimum 2-4 thousand for a decent reliable used car
I have 2 rifles I would like to sell. a 3030 winchester lever with scope, and a 308 savage with scope..

They can be used to help eliminate your problems. Just aim at the blue oval and start pulling the trigger.

You will feel so much better when your finished . Get seveal boxes of ammo . The more the merrier . I have one box for each rifle that goes along.
Wanna trade problems ? I'll take your car and all it's troubles for my electric wheelchair and legs that don't work . **** happens , a car not working ain't that big a deal , money fixes it , some things all the money in the world can't fix .
As for reliable car , it's a crap shoot , pick one with a good reputation and hope for the best . Check service records if you can , and have it inspected just to make sure you're not buying 2 cars in one . There are lots of scams in the used car market.
Good luck .
Lol, if that is old, then I am older and I am only 23.. :( I am not from a well off family at all, I never had a mom so this car is pretty much new to me. I had a 98 Chevy lumina and it failed on me as well.

Monday we are looking at a jeep probably a 96ish

Been thinking about the "I never had a mom so this car is pretty much new to me."

What does that have to do with anything? How many of us right here on this site grew up without a dad? On that one I say you need to pull your head out and become a man.

Sounds like you have a father that has gone the extra mile for you and that you can be thankful for.
I have 2 rifles............You will feel so much better when your finished . Get seveal boxes of ammo .

I was gonna post a photo of Jeff Bridges and co. shooting up that Lincoln in "Rancho Deluxe", but I could not find one.
I was changing the u-joints in my Chevelle once. They were fighting me the entire time.

Once I stuffed the drive-line through the front windshield, I felt better.

I was much younger then......
Everybody talking about mileage made me think two things.

1. "if it's broke, you don't much have to worry about mileage".

2. I have always driven gas guzzlers except for my wifes Toyota Camry and NEVER had a new car. You can buy a lot of gas for what a monthly car payment is these days.
Since when did we get so cold. Sure hes young and his problems arent much compared to some of you but jeez. I thought we were mopar buds.
Since when did we get so cold. Sure hes young and his problems arent much compared to some of you but jeez. I thought we were mopar buds.

Thanks Dd I was thinkin the same thing. He's just a kid like we all were once, and not having a Mom does make things harder.
Honda, Toyota, Nissan.
We have had two of the three and put 500,000 miles on both of them and I hated my Nissan pickup so much that I didn't even change the oil on it for the last 7 years (230,000 miles) I had it. (not real proud of that part)
Had it so long I hated it, and it finally started overheating because it rotted a freeze plug while my son was driving it and he didn't notice the temp gauge was maxed out till it was so hot it wouldn't run anymore.
Even then I drove it to the scrap yard and they gave me 350 bucks for it.
That was almost half what I paid for it when I bought it with 126,000 on it. :D
I think I read one reply to sell the duster. If you love it, don't do it. I was once a struggling college student and sold my 73 firebird for money. Regret that to this day. This old iron isn't everywhere anymore and the prices aren't going down.

Hang in there kid. Not all students have cars and they do just fine.
So your dad buys you a car and you ***** about your life sucking. First, a 91 Ford Tempo was a total piece of **** when new, much less one that is 22 years old. Your dad should do a little more research and then make a decision. Shut up bitching about how your life sucks and be thankful you at least are 1) going to college......probably not on your dime I bet and 2) have a dad that is nice and caring enough to try to help you out. Sounds like the total brat syndrome to me.

There ya go rusty being all sensitive to someone's problems again :D :D :mrgreen: lol
If all the duster needs is a tranmission then what the hell are we talking about here , fix the tranny and drive the duster , you want mileage stay off the throttle even at todays gas prices you drop a couple of grand on another car and it won't live long enough to make up the difference in fuel economy anyway , Do the math a grand tops for a transmission rebuild in your neck of the woods verse's a minimum 2-4 thousand for a decent reliable used car
Sounds reasonable , my Dart gets 20- 25 mpg highway , don't drive in the city so no idea what city mpg is , with a 6 or a teen I bet you could do better than 20 mpg , which would be a better deal than buying a car that gets 5 mpg more . Just go easy on the go pedal .
Sounds reasonable , my Dart gets 20- 25 mpg highway , don't drive in the city so no idea what city mpg is , with a 6 or a teen I bet you could do better than 20 mpg , which would be a better deal than buying a car that gets 5 mpg more . Just go easy on the go pedal .

There you have it. The best option you have IMO
My daughters first ride was a 83 D-150 with a /6. It didn't have enough power to pull a fat girl off a stool. I told her learn how to drive this truck defensively with it's lack of power and it will make you a better driver. Drove it all through high school, college. never a ticket or a wreck. When she turned 21 we bought her a brand new 2002 Mustang(V6 of course), drove it till she bought her own 2011 Ford Fusion. 32 years old, still no tickets or accidents. I vote for putting a trans in your Duster if all else is good.