Just wrong in too many ways


Joe Mc

No Car Like A MoPar!
Aug 13, 2008
Reaction score
Lords Valley, PA
So this gal at my work just bought a new 4 door Jeep Wrangler. Nice! She went back to the dealer to get the step bars installed and I was checking them out this morning. Picture is what I saw, removed and comment in title of this post reflects. Sad.


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Yep;that stimulus really helped them out.You are correct ---this sucks!!!
wonder which local the UAW has over there!

We the People have been sold down the river....
Haven't you guys been watching the news lately? Obama says the economy is getting better every day. He personally is bringing jobs back from over seas, just don't mention the G.E. in the White House situation. Or Jeffery.:coffee2:
You act like Outsourcing started in 2009. This has been going on for years, hell we have been talking about it on here for years.
The Mopar Performace dipstick I bought for my big block has "Made In China" stamped righ on the stick. Sadly, nothing new.
you ain't seen anything yet....

buckel up....it's gonna get very bumpy


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If she's gettin step bars on her Jeep then it's a poser. Even the Wrangler owner's manual says the first thing you do if you drive offroad is remove them.
I'll bet we could compete if we had low taxes, low pay and very low environmental standards.
China gets a free pass and everyone talks about fairness.

About the only thing that really stands out about Romney is his willingness to put a stick up Chinas *** and snap it off.

Don't know how we could ever compete though with government regulations and taxation so stifling in America.
America simply can't compete with China's cocktail of provisions that enable them to kick our *** in this .

The American government is too big which in turn has such a tight stranglehold on American businesses that there is no comparison so we can ***** all we want but it ain't China's fault.....we need to look no further that our own government.

If they wanted jobs brought back to America they could do it, but the government would have to get the hell out of the way, and that would not go too well with the government.

You have regulations, the EPA, humanitarian issues and tax issues that simply can't be competed with when you have a capitalist society competing with a state run communist country that disregards and does not worry about the regulations that we have to comply with.

You cant have you cake and eat it too unless you get rid of an assload of business stifling regulations.

This won't make the tree hughers happy, nor the unions nor the Washington establishment and surely not the lawsuit happy trial lawyers happy.

How to fix this?

Get the government out of the way and look to our past during the industrial revolution, but like I said, it will never happen with today's go green establishment mindset.....so we can keep filling Chinas coffers while they get a free pass.
Wow look what I went an did . . .

But its true, you can't blame China, you can only blame the good ol` US of A. As for the flag pin "Made in China", same tag on the replacement flag I bought. Go figure.

Oh, a lot of my 99 Ram stuff was MIC and it's 13 now . . .been happening "for long time, Joe"
those "made in china" parts are just a piece of the puzzle...

for decades....the Progressives (used to be called...the Communist Party) have wanted to fundamentally change the USA (ever heard that before?)....can't do it militarily...so they figured if they wreck us economically,morally, and pit us against one another...they can get us to abandon our Constitution.

and do not think for a second the younger generations are going to defend freedom.The Dept of Education thru indoctrination have turned our/your kids into idiots that hate the USA and love the collective ways of Karl Marx. There are a few good ones out there...but not nearly enough.

just be ready...stay vigilent...and keep your powder dry

it doesn't take a lot of intelligance to figure out ....just pay attention and ask yourself ...WTF???....why did they do that...or pass that???...often (as Judge Judy says)
if it doesn't make sense..it is because it's Bull$hit
"If you don't learn from your past, you are bound to repeat it". This can be fixed but we are the ones who have to demand it. Burn up those phone lines to your representatives. From the local level all the way to D.C. Keep it respectful but stay on them. They do listen but a silent voice can't be heard. Don't wait for "Someone needs to do something".

White House switch board 202 224 3121

"Freedom isn't free, but it's worth fighting for":coffee2: