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Glad to meet ya fish.


Its Great to meet all you guys & being able to put a face behind all these posts makes it that much better. (Wait that came out wrong). :???: Where's 19duster74?? Come on dude where are you? I know you're out there.
I think was "1941." The Belushi movie, that is - not Animal House. And my favorite from that one: "Trapped like beavers..."

Anyway, I always remember this one whenever my ideas don't exactly correspond to someone else's in a forum like this: "Arguing on the Internet is like running at the Special Olympics. You may win the race, but you're still a retard."
I think was "1941." The Belushi movie, that is - not Animal House. And my favorite from that one: "Trapped like beavers..."

Anyway, I always remember this one whenever my ideas don't exactly correspond to someone else's in a forum like this: "Arguing on the Internet is like running at the Special Olympics. You may win the race, but you're still a retard."

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor" is from Animal House. "Fat, Drunk & Stupid is no way to go through life" is also from Animal House. Watch it, learn it, live it. Peace!
When I first joined I had the same problem with the responses of my questions but I stuck around anyways.

I got on to a fellow not to long ago when a guy was asking a question. The guy gave a list of what he was running and instead of the fellow helping him out the fellow got on to him about not using the right terms. The guy said "STALL" and fellow said no no "TORQUE CONVERTER WITH A STALL RPM". Didn't even try to help the guy out.

It's like anything else however when it comes down to it. I am a carpenter and I know what I'm doing with wood,etc,etc. Some hear are engine builders and auto body specialists. I can't paint a car as good as they can and they can't build a mantle or cabinets as well as I. So it all works out in the long run but I know the attitudes you are talking about. Stay and overlook it. I did.
Yeah John, what's your point? :poke: Just kidding buddy. Hope your still not mad about the "Naked valve cover" incedent. LOL!

Hey... I "filled" that valve cover nicely,thank you very much !

My point is people's balls grow bigger when they think there's no possibility of having a face to face confrontation. I got shanked for $100 from some douche-bag that I know we'll cross paths one day. He's gonna need that C-note for dental work because of how he ran his virtual mouth from behind his keyboard.

THAT'S my point. :angel9:
Hey... I "filled" that valve cover nicely,thank you very much !

My point is people's balls grow bigger when they think there's no possibility of having a face to face confrontation. I got shanked for $100 from some douche-bag that I know we'll cross paths one day. He's gonna need that C-note for dental work because of how he ran his virtual mouth from behind his keyboard.

THAT'S my point. :angel9:

That explains it better John. Your not one of those guy's that hide's behind the computer are you? LOL Jack now goes and hide's behind Kev. Yeah, he's big enough and he wrestle's bears.

Don't leave. Mopar guys need to stick together. Like said above ignore the A-holes. I hope I didn't ever offend you some how? Anyways hope you stick around.

Yeah John, what's your point? :poke: Just kidding buddy. Hope your still not mad about the "Naked valve cover" incedent. LOL! Here's a pic of me so everyone knows I'm not some skinny geek hiding behind a computer:

Hay ramcharger That sure is a good looking cottage you are standing by.
Here I am getting ready to go to court yesterday .
Brother Kens clothing and the first time to wear a tie and slacks for years.
I thought I was going fishing but the old man did not show with his can of worms. So here is a pic of me looking like someone I am not.
and my cottage on the hill:rock:




home777darthouse 00188.jpg
Man, what a fervent attempt to keep the guy from heading out! The camaraderie, the feeling of family, the gentle poking of fun, all to persuade a member to keep the faith and endure the struggle!

wtf am I talking about?

Oh yeah, I like food, too.

This post is just filler, please skip to the next REAL post.
Damn, I leave for 5 days and all hell turns loose!!

The internet is not the place to be hanging out if your feelings are easily bruised. In all face to face encounters we unconsciously consider things such as tone of voice, facial expressions, body language, and the overall demeanor of the person with whom we are conversing. A keyboard and a monitor do not convey ANY of those factors, since they're just flat, alpha-numeric, hen scratches on an electronic media. Yes, the actual written words can sometimes be calous sounding or demeaning, but that's human nature. Put 3 people together, and one is probably going to be an A-hole. That's a thing called life, and we all have to live with it. If a thread upsets you, stop reading it and don't return to it later - simple.

O.K., turning the soap box over to the next orator.

MIKE - that fireplace makes you look MUCH taller!! :)
Hey... I "filled" that valve cover nicely,thank you very much !

My point is people's balls grow bigger when they think there's no possibility of having a face to face confrontation. I got shanked for $100 from some douche-bag that I know we'll cross paths one day. He's gonna need that C-note for dental work because of how he ran his virtual mouth from behind his keyboard.

THAT'S my point. :angel9:

Go get 'em buddy! LOL! Dental work is expensive these days and I'm guessing you're gonna get some interest on that deal.

I speak no differently here than I do in life and there isn't a member here I wouldn't want to meet. :)

Hey Memike, you're lookin' pretty spiffy there! The cabin is up in the mountains here around 8500' to 9000'. Not mine but a friends, I did help build it though. That's quite the cabin you got there! I would say it's a bit fancier than than the one I'm standing next to.
That explains it better John. Your not one of those guy's that hide's behind the computer are you? LOL Jack now goes and hide's behind Kev. Yeah, he's big enough and he wrestle's bears.


Sorry Jack i had to give up wrestling bears when i hurt my shoulder,now i just wrestle with my girlfriend! :downtown:
All websites inherantly have a few 'internet tough guys' and 'internet experts' --- You just have to realize that some people you need to ignore and not let them get to you. You have to have a little bit of a thick skin.

Dont bail man. If someone is truly out of line with a comment, just click the
on his post and one of our moderators will look at it.
Well Kevin, with the bear, you KNOW it's trying to kill you. With the significant other, it may be too late before you discover their true intent. :)

I learn something everyday.=D>

Good to here from you sir:D
I always thought that FABO had fewer than normal of the "arrogant ,know it all, got up on the wrong side of the bed, just waiting for you to make a mistake, superiority complexing, my car is better than yours, can`t get along with anyone, my opinion is the only one that matters, types:cwm21:I don`t join the other sites but I read their forums a lot. From what I`ve seen there`s a larger percentage of @#$%^&*holes posting on other sites (that have as many as 4 times the members) than what we have here. If someone here gets out of line they are warned and then canned if they can`t conform. I think the admin`s do a great job here and that you should stay.:eye:

Take it easy there. I believe for the most part, people here do not mean to come off as rude. What your reading can be taken two ways. I really try not to read anything in a negitive way.

I have in the past got roasted for what your griping about and feel for the most part, it was not justified. (Hey, I can talk tuff with the best of them and run the mouth talking SH#* like it has diareia. But would rather not. Waste of time and cyber space) It is only texted that you read. Not my emotion. If anybody reads what I say in an ill manor, I say, readjust the words you read and may hear in your head to one of a brother trying to speak to you in a soft tone and help you out.

When I ask a question here, I have to add a voice in my head. More replies, more voices. All cheerie and out going. Not a "Hey you, stupid, do this" voice.
(It ain't easy, it gets crowded up there.)

Any advice given is ethier been there done that, seen it done and KNOW it worked because my buddy or freind, fellow racer, street enthuisest did the work/change and it worked in his favor.
Or it seems to make the most sense. In example, matching up a cam for a given performance level and package. Or what ever.

Don't be so sensitive or angry with what are just typed words. Look for the good in the posts. If someone rubs ya the wrong way, ignore'em and if it is really that bad, tell'em go away. Like this----> :tongue2:
Mods can do the rest. :prayer: Mods.

Please, the last thing you should take me as is arrogant! OMG! If you met me, I'm sure you'd more than likely say thats the last description of me. I've never been told that in person at anytime, even when things get tuff and the debate heats up bad.
I HOPE I'VE NEVER OFFENDED ANYONE ON HERE, SOMETIMES I SAY THINGS IN HUMOR THAT MAY NOT SOUND THAT WAY ON THE OTHER END. I count on you guys and owe alot to many of you. Thanks for everything Walt.:prayer:
i know for a fact i insert smart assed comments into others threads, but you know, so what. i do it to put a smile on peoples faces and hopefully lighten up a serious situation, no harm intended. 100% technical, screw that ****.