lost a part last night


duster wonder

National Guard Member
Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
leaving a stop light and a little further down i hear clunk, look in my mirror n see a piece of somethin that left my car, bouncing down the road hahahahha

looked around no idea what it was but apperently it wasnt needed and everythin drives and sounds fine

some rather funny jokes came about i just havve no idea what that thing a ma jig was
nothing like losing that doohickeywhatchyamajiggerthingymcbobber going down the road. i lost a hood off a 69 chrysler imperial doing 65 one time. didnt have the hinges bolted on and only the front latch. luckily no one was behind me LOL
not sure what it was.. looked like a flat plate of steel


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Back in my Navy days, I had a part time job at the Miramar auto hobby shop. Part of my job was to man the Allen tune-up machine.

One day I left my two-piece distributor wrench standing on the bolt of an Olds distributor. Next day a Lt JG came back with the wrench. He'd driven home, then around town, and the dist. came loose and started running badly --retarded timing.

Back in those days, a dist. wrench was a significant investment for my tool box, because I sure didn't need one for a Mopar RB!!!
it was that thing that holds up that thingy but doesnt really do anything

at least its lighter maybe ill go faster :O
I'm trying to think of what could fall off without really noticing it. Here's my list :

Pinion Snubber piece that's welded to the floor
Splash Shields (either the fender splash shields, or the ones on the k-frame)
Fender to Bumper Bracket mounts
Core Support to K-Frame Bracket
Dust Cover/Shield off the transmission

possibly a piece of road debris that your car picked up (maybe stuck in the k-frame) and then it fell out at a later time.

I once lost the starter on one of my old trucks. Poor thing had 4.65 gears and I had it spun 500 rpm over redline for over an hour on the highway... I pulled over to make a phone call, and when I went to start my truck again, the starter spun like it was connected to nothing...

I crawled under the truck and my starter was laying on the front axle. fortunately I always carried bolts and stuff, so I bolted my starter back in and continued my trip
Back in the early 70's when I worked at a Chrysler/Plymouth Dealership a fellow in a older station wagon coasted up to the shop entrance and said the engine just died. Apparently that noise he heard a awhile back was his gas tank falling off.
I would have circled back, now that I am older and screwed up many times. It might be a part that will take months to find a replacement. Most likely it was a shield, like for the starter or splash shields in the front, or maybe an exhaust hanger.
i did circle around but to no prevail.. ill jack er up today n see if i can find anything suspicious i did change my exhaust recently so maybe i forgot a hanger
I remember back in my crazy days I had a 72 Fury 4 dr. Rear window needed replacement so me and my very drunken buddy decided we would replace it ourselves. Well after getting it in and losing or breaking a lot of the clips we decided to just silicone it in. Bad idea... Next day I was heading to work with a massive hangover and decided to open the drivers and passengers windows for air and Im driving along and I hear a woosh sound. Looked in the center rear view mirror to see the result of the window smashing into a million little pcs. on the highway. No one behind me thank God, I just continued on to work.
It also might have been something on the road that you didn't see and ran it over.
I would definitely be under the car asap and all around it just to make sure.....
I remember back in my crazy days I had a 72 Fury 4 dr. Rear window needed replacement so me and my very drunken buddy decided we would replace it ourselves. Well after getting it in and losing or breaking a lot of the clips we decided to just silicone it in. Bad idea... Next day I was heading to work with a massive hangover and decided to open the drivers and passengers windows for air and Im driving along and I hear a woosh sound. Looked in the center rear view mirror to see the result of the window smashing into a million little pcs. on the highway. No one behind me thank God, I just continued on to work.

My uncle had that happen a few years ago, he was in the demolition business and was always destroying his work truck (went through about 6 trucks a year, and countless windows)

He knocked out the back window loading up the truck, and used RTV to install another one :wack: He was driving home and the window fell out, he stopped but couldn't find it on the road. So he brought the truck over to our garage (after driving 80 miles home from the current job site) and had us get a window out of a junk truck... Here's where it gets good....

I climbed up into the bed to scrape away the RTV and I happened to look down... The window that had 'vanished' fell between the cab & bed and was sitting crooked between the frame and some mounts, didn't break and managed to stay there during an 80 mile drive :prayer:
damper ring? fell off and hauled butt in the bushes.

Ha! Friends dads Ford pickup did that, he was revving it at a light and the balancer came off and hauled *** across the street into a curb and shattered! Funny as all hell as he was showing off at us across the intersection.

I lost an allen wrench, I guess I laid it in the enginebay and it bounced a few times under the car at 60mph until it exited stage rear. Wife about died as we were in the sticks....low on gas too.
One day when i was driving the dart i heard a odd ting ting ting kind of thing for a second like something fell off. I assumed the exhaust fumes were playing tricks on my and though nothing of it. One day i realized my craptastic addco rear swaybar mounts fell out. If you have one you know how crappily engineered it is. anyway i used a 3 inch muffler clamp to replace the mount. :cheers: