Marvel Mystery Oil causes spark knock


dodge freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2006
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Too close to Detroit, lol
Took my ride in to storage today--the earliest yet but wanted to park the everyday car in the garage so no more scraping the windows of frost each morning.

Likely be in for 4 months so I added a quart of Marvel Mystery Oil to 17--18 gallons of 93 octane pump gas and changed the oil and filter. On the way to the storage center in Detroit which is a 30 min freeway drive I got in to it once cause some jerk in a beat up Crown Vic was driving in 2 lanes and right on my bumper while going 75 mph. Got 1/2 way down on the gas and had to back off cause the motor had the loudest spark knock I ever heard from it. ( motor is 2 years old, a 340 with around 10 to 1 compression and 3.91 gears with dual 500 Carters hook 1 to 1) Light throttle it was fine.

I did have a bit of knock starting in Sept when the gasoline blend was switch from summer to fall. I richen the metering rods and that took care of the light pinging but this was the first time I put some oil in the gas--hoping it stops the cylinders from rusting those 4 months it sits. (its kind of far to go just to start it and who wants to go deep in to Detroit, ha ha--looks like war zone all the run down buildings that are still standing with no windows left--in some cases walls of the buildings are gone) Its in an old GM factory from the 1920's that has been used as a storage garage since 1984--the local delivery trucks are also parked there on weekends since they be stolen if parked outside, lol

I heard oil in the gas will cause spark knock but didn't think 1 quart in 17--18 gallons of fuel would be so bad--it was loud the rattling and engine temp was just 175 but it was 60 degrees today outside. Going to put some leaded 109 fuel in the tank next time I see it, they sell Blue Turbo gasoline 10 miles from me-last I knew it was $7 a gallon, ouch. 2 gallons should do the trick I would think.
I'm no tech but I thought the recommended proportion is 4 oz of MMO per 10 gal of fuel. If you're adding a quart to 18 gals, that's 5x more than that...:dontknow:
Honestly If I was putting mine away for 4 months I would staybil the gas then, pull all the spark plugs and add a bit of oil in each cylinder disconnect the plugs and turn it over a for a second or two, re install the spark plugs and call it good.

Worst comes to worst you can just siphon most of the gas. Use it in your lawnmowers or maybe a lower compression motor?

It may or may not be better to siphon the gas and use it somewhere else than to buy expensive race gas to add to it.

The other option might be to back your timing way off in the spring and have a dog of a car. but that sounds like no fun.
I don't think it takes much oil to cause detonation. After the original sixpack engine bit the big one in my 70, I bought a running 440 from a guy that used some oil. That ***** pinged like no tomorrow.
IMO, the gas is old. Add new gas, highest octane around.
Keep it out of Detroit if you want to keep it. They stripped the air condirioner, furnace, and copper water pipes out of my house when I moved out. Even **** bolted down is not safe out there....
New to me. I've never heard of adding mistery oil to the fuel.
Seems to me it would just foul the plugs.
Before catalytic converters happen the old bottles used to say up to one quart for a full tank of gas. I put $50 in it yesterday at Shell, same station I usually go to.

MMO still wants you to use their product in a newer car so 4oz became the new standard. In the old days many folks just threw a quart of red trans oil in the gas but gas had lead and must not have been so fussy cause I ran more oil than that in the fuel and never noticed a problem. The oil coats the gas tanks also to prevent rust.

I'm not going to pull the plugs and all, too much work. I store it last winter for 3 months just changing the oil before and filling the tank up most the way. My old engine was always fine for sitting for 3 months indoors.

Car should be safe, been storing it there for 4 years now and they been around since 1984, lots of cars inside.

That leaded fuel should spike it up so I can get on it hard for the drive back, lol, just should had put some in yesterday.

Yeah, I'm worry what will happen once the engine starts burning oil later on, ugh.
Keep it out of Detroit if you want to keep it. They stripped the air condirioner, furnace, and copper water pipes out of my house when I moved out. Even **** bolted down is not safe out there....

3rd world, man! 4 more years! 4 MORE YEARS!!!
The old 1960's vintage can I have sitting in my garage says add 1 qt. (32 oz.) to 100 gallons of gasoline or diesel fuel.Not to a full tank of gas:violent1:

Well this is what an older man told me back in the late 70's. We used to use transmission oil cause it was cheaper. Even a quart of trans oil in the engine oil to free sticky lifters.

The main reason I ran a quart in the gas was to coat the cylinders and valve steams to prevent rust--same with the fuel line and gas tank. I almost threw another quart of trans oil in there. Was thinking of 2 gallons of leaded racing gas but was too lazy and cheap to go 10 miles one way to get it--plus I don't know if its real--or real good.
3rd world, man! 4 more years! 4 MORE YEARS!!!

Yeah, well it was during that so call hero Reagan era when Detroit really started to skid down hill. If Carter would had been re-elect all those gas hog SUV's 10 years later would not have happen. The unions would have been stronger--the middle class would now be larger, instead we got the highest % of poor people since the 1930's--and its more thanks to the R's vs the D's---oh I don't like the D's green, gay policies one bit but the D's are more for us vs the fat cats

Reagan gave us crack cocaine and let aids run wild for 5 years before money was spent to stop its spread--reagan did so much harm--only to be sightly out done by GWB..but who knows, if the airport unions would have been stronger maybe better airport screener's would have been working on 9/11 and just maybe one of those 19 hijackers would have been stop--ugh, who knows. One thing it should not have been ged high school drop outs working for min wage working airport security but that who was working and let those 19 sob on the planes