motorized cherry picker from a winch?



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
could you put a pulley on the end of a cherry picker boom and turn it into a shop crane? Mount the winch on the base and run the cable over some 3" metal pulleys on the boom? Im not sure how dead lift a winch is rated at or if it is even semi safe just using the winch brake?
yeah, that was my question. I dont know if those winches have pawls or anything like that.
could you put a pulley on the end of a cherry picker boom and turn it into a shop crane? Mount the winch on the base and run the cable over some 3" metal pulleys on the boom? Im not sure how dead lift a winch is rated at or if it is even semi safe just using the winch brake?
Just buy an air over hydraulic ram from Harbor Freight.
This would be to lift motors in and out, with maybe the trans attached. not the entire unloaded front end..but that would be nice too.
I agree with others. None of the "Jeep" winches are intended for lifting, and have no decent brake system, and CERTAINLY no redundant system. I know you are a smart guy. If you could figure some sort of redundant cable brake............

Also don't forget about a block at the load end, which will halve the load on the cable, and double the rated lift rating, as well as cutting speed in half which is likely a "want" on something line this

One "easy" somewhat safety would simply be an adjustable length of chain. Fasten it to the load end, and make a pin/ pull setup so you can let it down a foot, let out a bit more chain, let it out another foot, etc. This would at least limit the drop to a few inches if something "gave
Maybe a ratchet/pawl plate bolted to the winch hub? Rollercoaster 'click click click' and just defeat it letting it down. Interesting build idea...
Why can't you just use the engine hoist as is?

Mine goes down to about 20 inches off the floor.
IIRC it goes up to about 8 feet.

You need to lift stuff lower than that?

As RRR pointed out, an air/hydraulic ram is a fairly cheap upgrade and makes life much easier.

Mine happens to be electric/hydraulic.
The hoist works fine. I just ran into an issue once lifting the motor out and I ran out of lift to clear the rad support. Had to let the air out of the front tires to swing it over. It was just a hassle and I thought a power winch would make it easier. I dont have the ceiling for an aerial support so it would have to use the picker frame. once you get something like this rigged up you got to really hoist it high to clear the fenders/rad support. Mines similar but it has the fold up main legs.
I think you might be adding unnecessary complexity.

I'f you don't have pan to rad clearance now, adding a winch won't help.

Shortening the leveler to hoist chain and leveler chains will, though.
adding the winch would help as now the support cable is variable length. That was my one improved design aspect. You get it hoisted and run out of chain, you have to set it back down and adjust the length of the chain, winch would allow you to do that on the fly. This could all be defused by just planning on the lift limits but the one time I didnt. Plus jacking this weird setup makes the whole 'breakdown' design rock and roll. A slow steady pull would be more controlled. Ill think some more on it. A gantry system would be superior but I dont have the vertical clearance for one.
If you want to do that, find a "good" come-a-long (they do exist, just not at Horrid Freight) from the lift point, alongside the arm and anchor near the pivot point where you can access it with some ease.