My dog fashions himself a baker...



Inland Mopars Car Club
FABO Gold Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
North OC, SoCal
My wife decided she was going to bake me a carrot cake (my favorite) for Father's Day. She's got a great recipe for a scratch made cake, but since my kids are coming over and we're going to be preparing dinner too I told her I didn't want her to go to so much work. So while at the store we just picked up a box mix.
She baked a chocolate cake from a box mix yesterday for a little car club get-together (yes, we "social distanced) and planned on making the carrot cake this morning.
When we got home yesterday I noticed a cake box in the backyard and the torn-up ingredient bag. Evidently my Rhodesian Ridgeback somehow got the empty box and tore the liner out of it. I cleaned it up and threw it in the trash...again.
This morning my wife got ready to make the carrot cake but couldn't find the boxed mix anywhere. After searching everywhere she thought it might be, she finally went to the trash can and...yep, turns out the dog took the full box of mix off the counter. He took it outside, tore the corner off the ingredient bag and ate all of the mix.
Hopefully, he drank a lot of water after then ran around to mix it all up, then lay down and let his body heat bake the cake.
I wonder what I'm going to find out in the back yard today?
I had to go to the store this morning to pick up another box of mix.
He didn't get this one, but was sitting on the floor of the kitchen watching the preparation.
Probably looking for hints.
...and this is the new cake my wife came up with today. Apple upside-down carrot cake.


* Preheat the oven per the instructions on the cake mix box
* 10" cake pan
* Spray sides of pan with non-stick baking spray
* 1/4 cup melted butter and 1/2 brown sugar mixed and poured into the pan
* 2 Granny Smith apples, peeled and sliced thin and arranged in the bottom of the pan
(Any apple slices that don't fit in the bottom of the pan got chopped and used in the cake mix)
* 1 box Duncan Hines Signature Carrot Cake Mix - follow the mixing and baking instructions on the box (my wife said she baked it about 10 additional minutes)
* Turn the cake out of the pan "upside down" when done - the top of the cake in the pan after baking is now the bottom on the plate and the fruit is now on the top

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My Aunt passed away this past winter and lived in Sarasota Fla. so my brother and I and our wives travelled down for the funeral as she was my dads last remaining sibling. The funeral was very nice and we saw cousins we hadn’t seen in many many years. Some we met for the first time. One of our cousins, my aunts daughter held a cookout barbecue at her house the following day and we didn’t want to go without bringing something so we stopped at a Kroger’s supermarket and picked up some wine and a carrot cake. When we got to my cousins house I just placed the carrot cake on the dessert table and went on visiting. My wife was sitting in the kitchen with some of the woman when one of them said...can you believe someone brought a store bought carrot cake...I was so proud of her when she said....We tried to use the hotel kitchen to bake something to bring but they wouldn’t let know that whole carrot cake was completely eaten before we left. I told her if there were any left I was taking it back to the hostel for
This was my father's day cake. Wife had made one like it for teacher appreciation day when school was still in. Kids told her she had to make it for me one day. Sunday was the day.

Now for me, when a chocolate cake really hits my spot, I can feel it in my temples. My left one had a bead of sweat come out Sunday afternoon. She done good!

there is a place here in town, little european eatery, actually, it is the only nice place in town
(of course with the scamdemic going on, they arent open)
that at times has a german schwartzwalder kirsch cake on the desert menu

in fact, i cant remember the amount of times we had this conversation

"would you like to see our desert cart?"
well, that depends, is the schwartzwalder kirsch on it?
-blank stare-
the what?
schwartzwalder kirsch, the black forest cake?
oh, no we dont have that one today

then, no thanks

anyways, you really need a good german girl to make these, but the wife figured out how to, well close enough anyway
its pretty darn tasty
specially, the next day, when the cherry filling has thickened up a little bit


turns out the dog took the full box of mix off the counter. He took it outside, tore the corner off the ingredient bag and ate all of the mix

no, cakes no less
cakes everybody, cakes
the dog fancies himself a baker

there is a place here in town, little european eatery, actually, it is the only nice place in town that at times has a german schwartzwalder kirsch cake on the desert menu
anyways, you really need a good german girl to make these, but the wife figured out how to, well close enough anyway
its pretty darn tasty
specially, the next day, when the cherry filling has thickened up a little bit

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Looks yummy! Recipe please?