My dog has fleas!



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Holy crap, We started her flea cycle 10 days ago after being off it for 6 months (petco brand oral gel that you apply at back of neck, like Frontline or Century) and there are hundreds of fleas on here now, just crawling around in her fur. We have dogs on 3 sides of our house and they are all outdoor dogs, ours is primarily indoor with open door access for potty breaks) I dont think they are biting her as I see no redness, but these critters are pissing me off. I bought a flea comb and I get about 20 off her with each stroke! WTF? Im getting some bug control for our lawn this afternoon, either spray or granules..either pet safe?They dont seem to be jumping ship yet..Does it take a flea lifecycle for them to stop breeding? Whats best for this? Poor little dog...:-(
I use Zodiac flea and tick shampoo on my dogs and cats. You can see the fleas "come to the surface" and die while bathing them.

My son took a cat from his mom that was infested with fleas. I mandated as part of getting him that we had to give both the cat and dog a bath once a week until the fleas were gone. After 4 weeks, there weren't any to be found on either animal. The flea shampoo also makes the fleas and flea eggs sterile, so they can't multiply and is supposed to last for 28 days. I find the shampoo at PetCo or Pet Supplies Plus.

Good luck.

When I first read your title, I thought that you were tuning a guitar... LOL!
Thanks guys! Okla, I dont think wifey will go for the Dawn ( I clean my motors prior tp paint with that stuff!) but that Zodiac stuff sounds like the (flea)bomb! Krazy, when you see them coming to the surface, is your dog IN the water, like up to its belly, or are those fleas rising in the foam? I usually just stand her in the basin and pour water over here from a big cup. New to dogs...
We were washing them in a utility sink or bathtub. The fleas came up in the foam. they have shampoo for cats & dogs, or just dogs only. We get one of those hand held shower heads on a hose and attach it in the tub, then using the "throttle control" on the back of the shower head to control the stream as not to "spook" the animal, wet them, then apply the shampoo, then rinse them gently. don't forget to get the face and ears well. Just put your hands gently over the dog's eyes and point the nose downward when rinsing their head to avoid any water getting in their nose.
careful of too much of the flea shampoo. It really dries them out. But if there on the dog. I would treat your house, yard and everything.
careful of too much of the flea shampoo. It really dries them out. But if there on the dog. I would treat your house, yard and everything.

That is what our vet said and told us to use Dawn. She also told us that too much of the flea shampoo gets chemicals in the dogs skin. That was some years ago so things may be different now. Before we got these Yorkies the last one lived to be 18 years old so the Dawn never hurt her.
We have used this shampoo on infested animals with success. It is supposed to last for 28 days and make the fleas and flea eggs sterile. After three weeks of one bath a week, the fleas were gone, the fourth week bath was just a precaution JIC. We did successfully get rid of the fleas.

You may want to use a "bug bomb" after the animal is flea free to kill all of the fleas in the house/carpet. Vacumming carpet often during the process (and getting the vacuum bag outside after vacumming) will help get them out of the house.
We have used this shampoo on infested animals with success. It is supposed to last for 28 days and make the fleas and flea eggs sterile. After three weeks of one bath a week, the fleas were gone, the fourth week bath was just a precaution JIC. We did successfully get rid of the fleas.

You may want to use a "bug bomb" after the animal is flea free to kill all of the fleas in the house/carpet. Vacumming carpet often during the process (and getting the vacuum bag outside after vacumming) will help get them out of the house.

x2 plus the vacuum cleaner needs to have a brush or beater bar that is in contact with the carpet for the best results. The rotating brush will bust up the eggs that haven't hatched yet.
x2 plus the vacuum cleaner needs to have a brush or beater bar that is in contact with the carpet for the best results. The rotating brush will bust up the eggs that haven't hatched yet.

Good point!

Nothing like some good ol' scrambled eggs...
I use front line on my dog but its not working I just fogged my 18 wheeler and got some shampoo for him both products are made by zodiac
I use front line on my dog but its not working I just fogged my 18 wheeler and got some shampoo for him both products are made by zodiac

Giving him a flea bath once a week for 3 to 4 weeks should get rid of the fleas off of him. Then fog the truck again after the fleas are gone off of the dog. Then give it a good vacuuming.
Sometimes flea infestations are in your home and you notice the dog getting more fleas even he stays inside.
Get some home defense flea spray.

Try comfort is chewable flea medicine.
$15 a pill and works for a moth.....check with your vet as its not good for smaller dog and dogs that have seizures etc.

Works well on my big dog who lives outside, but I can't use it on my silkie because he's too small and has seizures sometimes....kinda like doggie diabetes.
+1 on the dawn.

I have 2 English Mastiffs, so with any regular flea shampoo, I was having to use 2 bottles per dog to get a good lather and really get them cleaned up well. Dawn is alot cheaper:)
Dawn does have a down side it strips the dog skin of oil,I can not use it on my dog because it dries out his skin and he loses hair...I used on other dogs in the past and it worked.
Go down to the local farm store, and get a bag of Sevin Dust, dust your yard down good and give the dog a good dusting as well... If you want you can use it as carpet dust if you have fleas in the house as well. Works for me
Wash your dog in Dawn dish soap. Kills fleas instantly. We use the original blue Dawn on both of our Yorkies.

Dawn is what we use at the dog rescue and let me tell you a light soapy solution thew a car wash hose applicator with help keep your lawn flea free only problem is it does not last that long but it will help create a safe zone around your house....