Please say a prayer for Nella

Well everybody, it seems that Nella is not out of the woods yet! She has a stomach ache again, and other symptoms associated with CDiff not having been eradicated! We are sending in more cultures to be tested, and hoping that we can do something before it becomes full blown again! We can not take another trip through the hospital system again, it's too hard on her!! Thanks for the prayers everyone, I hope we're not going to need em!!
Just read this and still sending prayers.
Hey everybody, Geof here! I'm sitting here on Thanksgiving night, feeling all thankful and stuff, and I thought I would give everybody a big thank you for all the prayers and thoughts that you've given us during the past couple months! Friends like you all are what Thanksgiving is all about!! I would also like to give everyone a little update on Nella, so here goes!!....

Since our time in the hospital, Nella has now been on 3 rounds in a row of the antibiotic regimen that lasts 3 weeks! Twice after the 3 week period she would be alright for just about 6 days then get hit with the same symptoms! So, after this last 3 week dose they are weaning her off the Vanko and she will be going in for a FMT operation, where they go through your esophagus, or the other way, and implant some high priced fecal matter into her small intestine! This is supposed to have a 90+ success rate, and is her best hope to beat this disease! We are hoping that this will be the answer and she can finally get back to her old self soon! When she's on the Vanko, she is in good spirits, but tired and out of sorts!!

On a good note, she was bound and determined to get out to the barn to see her horse and friends there, so last Saturday we bundled up against the cold and went to 4-H! She got to ride for about 1/2 hour and we took pizza for everybody so we had kind of a party for Thanksgiving!! It lifted up her spirits a lot just to be there, but in her words, her ride was "amazing"!!! I think it helped to have her favorite beau leading for her!!...

So, please keep her in your prayers a little longer and I'll update how her FMT procedure goes, I'm not sure when that is, but she's down to 2 pills a day so it's gotta be soon!! Happy Thanksgiving all!! Geof
Praying for you all! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Thank you Geof. Happy Thanksgiving to you guys. Will be praying for a successful operation with fantastic results.
So glad to see she felt up to getting out to be with her friends and have a good time Geoff, She will be in every prayer as I make it threw each day we are given ..
continuing prayers for this beautiful young lady. I am glad she got some saddle time and after the operation she can ride lots more!
Thanks for the update !
Glad to hear there's some hope for healing !!
Now that I'm reminded , I will pray more .
God Bless
Geof, glad to hear she's doing well, the FMT does in deed have a very high success rate, we do them at my hospital and the patients have been doing great. it's interesting they said they go through the esophagus via EGD, we have always done a colonoscopy and sprayed it on each part of the colon. Hope it all works for her. Again feel free to reach out if you have questions about any GI procedures.
Geof, glad to hear she's doing well, the FMT does in deed have a very high success rate, we do them at my hospital and the patients have been doing great. it's interesting they said they go through the esophagus via EGD, we have always done a colonoscopy and sprayed it on each part of the colon. Hope it all works for her. Again feel free to reach out if you have questions about any GI procedures.

See Matt, that's why I'm glad the bride is in charge of this stuff! I would have em going the wrong way and everything, and I'm sure you are right and they are going the other way!! Either way, it's gonna be a fun day or so I'm sure!!
I'll always cherish the visit I had with your amazing family and you were right about a Super hug from Nella. Man that girl GOT HUG. So happy to hear about the new procedure, God willing its exactly what she needs for her recovery. Thoughts and prayers comin' at ya!!!!
Geof I'm glad to here she's doing better and we'll certainly keep her in our prayers that this surgery will do the trick. Take care brother