Proposal for new two-barrel forum



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
I have been pondering the issue of bigger is better now that everyone is well aware of fuel prices and the finite supply of petroleum. Why not redirect our efforts to fun AND conservation of fuel by starting to build our vehicles with true small blocks (273 vs 360) and two barrel induction (vs. four barrel or dual quads)? It would actually be more of a challenge now to eke more horsepower and fuel efficiency from a "radical" two-barrel, smaller-displacement build than simply making modifications that enlarge everything over and over again. The thought came to me as I drove both a 1965 Barracuda Formula S (12mpg) and a 1965 Valiant Convertible 273 2-barrel (20 mpg) from the USA to Baja California Sur. This would also be fun for drag racing enthusiasts who could challenge one another with their two-barrel buildups. I think top-fuelers should down-size too before the racing becomes so quick there is nothing to watch any longer. Every time I turn the key now, I cringe at what it costs to fill my tank (even here in Mexico where a gallon of regular is now approaching the equivalent of $4.00 US per gallon). We have to do something soon to keep our hobbies viable, enjoyable, and affordable! Why do you think of a new attitude of "smaller is better" and a new forum to promote this theme?
Who are you and why are you here??!!!

It's really just tuning. If you post about them I'm certain you will get answers....
That being said a properly tuned and matched 4bbl with be as efficient as a 2bbl for more throttle positions. A poorly tuned one much worse.
Many folks here are horsepower junkies.....good luck with getting the power that many desire with a 273 2v.......isn't there any Prius forums you can join?
If you REALLY want to get a mileage Queen there is nothing to stop you, and there are those here that might offer some help. What we do NOT need is a special one barrel forum. Nor do we need a special forum with "slant sixes adapted to Briggs and Stratton carburetors" or "360s converted to snowmobile carbs." All this is covered in a more general way.

This one, right here:

Welcome aboard, I hope you make some headway on your project
I have been pondering the issue of bigger is better now that everyone is well aware of fuel prices and the finite supply of petroleum. Why not redirect our efforts to fun AND conservation of fuel by starting to build our vehicles with true small blocks (273 vs 360) and two barrel induction (vs. four barrel or dual quads)? It would actually be more of a challenge now to eke more horsepower and fuel efficiency from a "radical" two-barrel, smaller-displacement build than simply making modifications that enlarge everything over and over again. The thought came to me as I drove both a 1965 Barracuda Formula S (12mpg) and a 1965 Valiant Convertible 273 2-barrel (20 mpg) from the USA to Baja California Sur. This would also be fun for drag racing enthusiasts who could challenge one another with their two-barrel buildups. I think top-fuelers should down-size too before the racing becomes so quick there is nothing to watch any longer. Every time I turn the key now, I cringe at what it costs to fill my tank (even here in Mexico where a gallon of regular is now approaching the equivalent of $4.00 US per gallon). We have to do something soon to keep our hobbies viable, enjoyable, and affordable! Why do you think of a new attitude of "smaller is better" and a new forum to promote this theme?

YOUR right foot controls the a 4 barrel will remain a 2 barrel unless your foot has no control...
It's called a spread bore. Power when you want it and economy when you don't.

>Thread End<
Thought there was a slant 6 sub forum already? :D

ps: I'am kidding....I still would love to do a roots blown slanty!
I have no self control ........... Some of the NHRA stock class 273 racers are using 2 bbls. One guy from Vegas has a 65 Belvedere with that combo and a 4 speed that does very well.
I have no self control ........... Some of the NHRA stock class 273 racers are using 2 bbls. One guy from Vegas has a 65 Belvedere with that combo and a 4 speed that does very well.

Cherish the Carter BBD

I'm sure there is always room for another forum, regardless of topic. There are a lot of guys on this site that have no Interest in drag racing. They simply pass on reading the post, if it doesn't Interest them. It is no big deal. To some the fuel costs of operating these cars is a big concern.
Well, I will try not to take offense about the Prius, which my wife drove until some nut ran into the rear at a stop light and totaled it out. Actually, I am all for speed and adrenaline, being the grandfather of the quickest Valiant in the world. I sold the Renteria's my four-door 1965 Valiant bracket Racer in 1980 and they turned into a six-second machine with a parachute (re: Youtube). But I was expecting more of a serious discussion about environmental responsibilities, the high cost of fuel and trying something a little different for a change. I almost feel as if I had suggested to Pope Francis that he immediately ordain women as priests. Can we at least discuss the issue a bit before the "put downs" for using my imagination a little? I'm just suggesting the same fun and sport but from a little different point of view. Thank you.
I have been pondering the issue of bigger is better now that everyone is well aware of fuel prices and the finite supply of petroleum. Why not redirect our efforts to fun AND conservation of fuel by starting to build our vehicles with true small blocks (273 vs 360) and two barrel induction (vs. four barrel or dual quads)? It would actually be more of a challenge now to eke more horsepower and fuel efficiency from a "radical" two-barrel, smaller-displacement build than simply making modifications that enlarge everything over and over again. The thought came to me as I drove both a 1965 Barracuda Formula S (12mpg) and a 1965 Valiant Convertible 273 2-barrel (20 mpg) from the USA to Baja California Sur. This would also be fun for drag racing enthusiasts who could challenge one another with their two-barrel buildups. I think top-fuelers should down-size too before the racing becomes so quick there is nothing to watch any longer. Every time I turn the key now, I cringe at what it costs to fill my tank (even here in Mexico where a gallon of regular is now approaching the equivalent of $4.00 US per gallon). We have to do something soon to keep our hobbies viable, enjoyable, and affordable! Why do you think of a new attitude of "smaller is better" and a new forum to promote this theme?

I think your idea is a pretty good one, but would be best suited for a ''fuel mileage'' forum.
Getting fuel mileage isn't only about using small engines and 2 barrel carbs.
It involves gearing, engine efficiency, tires, weight of the vehicle, and most of all, driving habits. (just to name a few)
However, i do beg to differ with you about the ''finite'' supply of oil.
Here in Alberta alone, there are THOUSANDS of capped wells already drilled and waiting to be pumped. They are not ''dry holes'' or unproductive. And they are drilling many more in this province and around the world every day.
Oil shortages are a hoax.

This one, right here:

Welcome aboard, I hope you make some headway on your project

I agree.

FABO has a Fuel and Air Systems forum that is perfect for this question. Or you can ask it in the Small Block forum too.

FABO has a rediculous crippling amount of forums the way it is. When I go to FABO I always hit the "Todays Posts" button. I never go to a forum unless I read something in the "Today Posts" display first. I think lots of others do the same.