Rant on!!! Im grumpy today.



Pissed off senior member.
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
East Renton,WA (Seattle)
Ok it's been one of those days where every little thing has pissed me off and no one is safe car guy or not!!!

Why the hell is it that some dill holed jerk off in his jacked up 4x4 extended cab long bed with the 12billion sets of shocks, painted and chrommed out rear end, polly bushings (you could tell they were polly because he had to advertise the fact by getting the color of bushings that clashed with the rest of the parts around them, did you know they make bright yellow polly bushings?) and retarded early 90's custom paint has to slow down to about 1/2 a MPH to go over a damn speed bump when a guy like me in a bone stock rubber bushing filled 73 dart 4 door can clear the same damn speed bump at 7 mph? I hate guys with "show" 4x4's. If you are going to crap all this cash into hardcore 4x4 parts THEN TAKE THE DAMN THING OFF FRIGGIN ROAD!!!!!!! Not even one scratch in the paint and he is afraid to go over speed bumps.
It's not only that guy, people in SUV's, 4x4 SUV's! You have a damn 4x4 your suspension can take a small speed bump at 5mph and it will be fine so quit beeing a pussy and drive!


Bends in the freeway.... "Hi Im a jack *** with a BMW and I slow down to 50 on the damn freeway unless it is in a streight line." Once again bone stock 73 Dodge dart 4 door, no swaybar and I have no problems with that same bend in the road at 60mph (the posted speed limit) hell I have no problems taking the same bend in the freeway at 75 along with the rest of traffic!


Is it just me or do you want to knock the crap out of every teenager you see taking pics or texting with their phone and just tell them to stop it?


....those spandex wearing douche bags that think they can ride their bike in the road. Get a damn license plate, lights, tabs, insurance, and do the f***ing speed limit because the second you get in my way and your not doing the speed limit and I have to slow down for your stupid tree hugging a$$ I will turn you into roadkill. And NO you dont have the same rights as everyone else now get out of the road! When I was a kid do you know where I road my bike?....ON THE DAMN SIDEWALK SO I DIDN'T GET HIT BY A PISSED OFF 30 YEAR OLD IN A 73 DART 4 DOOR!!!!!!! and if there was someone walking on the sidewalk I stopped or moved out of the way!!!

Oh and if another one of those spandex loving hippy bastards in downtown Seattle uses the quarter pannel of my Dart one more time to hold themself up while we are waiting for the light to change I promise that you will see me on the 6 PM news caving thier head in with my foot on the side of the road while those dumb teenagers take pics of me doing it on their cell phones.

The End....maybe.
Wow scamp sounds like you had a bad day maybe have an burger (you know what i'm talking about) and try to relax. Do you need a hug? Well if you do too bad cause i am now scared of you and your cell phone so i don't want to be anywhere near you. Hope your day gets better. Justin.
Im one of the few people on the planet that doesn't own a cell phone. My day job gave me one but I never use it. I feel better now anyways, Im playing SOCOM 3 online and killing people. 8)
Did I mention I also hate people with car stereos so loud that they rattle the license plate because the jerk can't figure out how to install everything the right way? My neighbors kid that drives a "pimped out" CRX just got home...
Here here.

I love a good rant. let me get in on this.

Or how about the people with Mustang's and Corvette's that I am allways stuck behind in an Isuzu flat bed because the road is to windy to go the speed limit.
That constant rainy Seattle atmosphere will get to even the best of them.
I lived there for 3 yrs.
When you see a tree hugging biker coming from the rear to lean on your qtr panel just open the door and hit reverse.
How do they get those spandex things on anyway?
My bet is they don't have any kids with pants that tight.
360scamp, I totally agreed with everything you said and genuinely enjoyed hearing someone else (other than me) rant.

One last thing, whenever I wanna calm down I always take a NyQuil...it always does the trick. :drinkers:

However if that doesn't work, walk over to your neighbor's kid (the one that drives a "pimped out" CRX) and KICK HIS A$$! :boxing:

=; Fine print: Since we live in an increasingly litigious society, I am compelled to mention that the last sentence of my reply should be taken as a joke. DO NOT kick your neighbor's kid's a$$.
=; Fine print: Since we live in an increasingly litigious society, I am compelled to mention that the last sentence of my reply should be taken as a joke. DO NOT kick your neighbor's kid's a$$. [/QUOTE]

lol, haha
And..... what about those friggin retards that stop on the on ramp or match your speed when you are trying to merge!!!! Lead follow or get the hell out of the way! :cheers:
Or how about those people that come from way behind doing way over the speed limit(you know because your already doing a little over the speed limit) just to ride your ***? And then you tap the brakes and even slow down to either let them know to back off or either pass. Neither of which they ever do. They just keep riding your *** never taking the clues you are giving them.
Have a bad day?

The cell phone thing, you are right on

stereo's, no one should have a stereo they need to wear ear plugs when listening to it (above 85 db will cause hearing loss)

a nice 4x4, custom paint with poly bushings, you might want to ride in one of those, yes they go over bumps off road, but I don't go over any speed bump in any of my cars at more than idle over, too hard on suspension and body

if you were behind my rusted out 85 Bronco you would be just as pissed as the show truck, same speed

morons in vettes or BMW going under speed limit, is probably becasue they are on their damn cell phones

go have a big burger and a milk shake, you will feel better in a few minutes after consumming
Or how about those people that come from way behind doing way over the speed limit(you know because your already doing a little over the speed limit) just to ride your ***? And then you tap the brakes and even slow down to either let them know to back off or either pass. Neither of which they ever do. They just keep riding your *** never taking the clues you are giving them.

The ones I get haul *** around you or pull out in front of you when there is nobody behind you for a mile..... only to slow down and turn in front of you!
I'm behind you JR! How about the dorks who use the freeway as their own personal slalom course using the other cars as pylons? How about those same idiots on 167 that think ILLEGAL TO CROSS DOUBLE WHITE LINES does not apply to them. How about those stupid big rigs that think they need to pass another big rig on a hill at 35 mph!!!

P.S. - I play an old game called Black Hawk Down to get my aggressions out...
how about when youre on the highway and even though there is a huge gap behind you, some dumbass has to merge onto the highway right in front of you so you slow down to 30MPH. why couldnt they wait till you pass and then have all the time in the world to drive slow
LOL !! Ok JR.... Seattle Mentallity ..... thats all I have to say... You are correct and justified to Rant.

Next you will be hollerin' at someone to Leggo of my Eggo.... and my beef pattie. LOL.

Whenever those spandex faggots ride by my house, they get a good spraying from the garden hose. Also, there is nothing like the whir of bike tires, followed by the tick-tick-tick sound of a box of thumbtacs strewn on the road, and sticking in their tires.
"geeze,how did those get there?" hehe
LOL !! Ok JR.... Seattle Mentallity ..... thats all I have to say... You are correct and justified to Rant.


I have no idea what you are talking about sir. People here in Seattle are very nice, passive and accepting of others.... yeah right. :snakeman:
Glad you got it out of your system 360scamp.:toothy10:
today it seemed like every time I started something my cell phone would sound off when I am under my dash getting some measurements for my bracket to locate my little tape player, Then another call just to see how I am doing.#-o AS the day kept getting hotter, I thought I would go inside and drill and cut fabed parts to fit. NOT!!:angryfir: My drill is in my sons tool box he did not mean to put it in there the day he was here working on my wives storage building. NO DRILL. :-k
I go next door to barrow one from brother and get back to the house and mark holes and pick up the drill and put the size pit in and then cell phone rings again,:ncool: nephew ran out of gas and had to be at work or loose his job.
Off I go take care of that and get back home.
walk over to the valiant and look for my fabed parts and they are gone.
95 outside by know and looking in and under every thing.:angry1:
Walked in the house and cooled off and seen my fabed parts laying where I left them.:shock: I took a cold shower and had a fish stick sandwich and a v8.
and a smoke with a blue pill.:glasses2:
Drill fabed parts and got it installed.
Tomorrow I will take it out and paint fabed parts and reinstall.
and I changed oil in my wives car and that went fine till I tripped over the water hose and got a bobo on my elbow.
When the wife got home I said lets get the H out of here and have a cold beer and relax eating pizza tonight. We drove Victoria to the brick house about 20 miles away and had a good dinner just Treva and I.:love7:

Know I am just glad the day is behind me and tomorrow I will leave the cell phone in the wives car when she leave to go to work.:thumleft:
And maybe Just maybe I will get the wiring ran to the back for the little 20 watt 6x9 speakers. Yep less is more and if I want everyone to here my choice of music they will just have to get in the car.

Look's like a full moon outside tonight. I may just sleep out side and chill.
Whats even worse is when those F'n bikers lean of your 1/4 while eating a Buffalo buger and drip it on your car, then dont even share. lol

Nice rant, i agree. I have a Expidition 4x4 and i get airborn on speed bumps. lol:blob:
I am suprised you didn't bite my head off when I called today. I am glad to see your progression and think a theripudic rant once a week will make you sleep better, along witht the pills I am about suscribe. dr Ross
my rant of the day ...the damm soccer van full of blue hairs, they always sem to put the oldest, shortest, one behind the wheel....then they drive 20 mph ....then they have the nerve to give me a nasty look when i blow past them.....
on the happy note....my dog thinks bicycles and spandex is for chewing on, ...good dog