Sincere apology.....



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
I have to apologize to 2 members here, who I sold parts to. I pkg'd them last week and left them with a "friend's" Shipping dept at his business. We had gone to lunch, and I just dropped him at the door, assuming all was under control. Today, after leaving messages at "friend's" business....I find that they will be sent till later today. In the mean-time, nobody had told me that hadn't been sent. I am, as are the purchasers of my parts... LIVID. I can't express how sorry I am for this whole fiasco. I'm hoping hemi572ci and John Collins can find it in their hearts to forgive me, and the situation I caused... because I trusted somebody else to handle my business.
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**** happens! Most just don't live up to it, so koodoo's to you for doing so. At least the stuff isn't "lost" in the mail, so no real damage done.
I'm very embarrassed. This is not my MO. I pride myself in quick/smooth transactions, and proper packaging.
God, this is killing me. Gotta have a face to face/man to man with my "friend".
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Making a mistake is human. Owning up to it, admitting to it, learning from it and moving forward is sign of good character. Kudos to you. No one should be upset after knowing what happened. I’d buy from you all day long and twice on Sunday.
Fact is you're OWNING it, whereas some people do not. So good on you.
Neither of these guys, needs to be wondering about being ripped-off. I hate when somebody drags-***, or just doesn't care.
I'm on my 3rd week, waiting for two pkgs. I'm not having a coronary....
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Okay, so John isn't buying it. I'm okay with that. I'd post the label, except for his address...
Stand up man here. Good job owning it and notifying all.
I’ve had a couple of screw ups myself. Crap happens.
To be honest it wouldn’t have bothered me if you would’ve communicated with me better. In the end, you resorted to childish behavior, instead owning up to the situation… Which is hilarious to me because I just found this post of you publicly asking for forgiveness. Why didn’t you just communicate this to me through our email thread? After a week of, I have to cut trees down today so I can’t check in on your package, to oops I brain farted and totally forgot about checking in on your package, to vague don’t worry about it your package is probably half way there messages(a label hadn’t even been made yet at this point), to then have you ask me for additional personal information and then you send me a link(to this post). I wasn’t going to click a link to anything at that point or give you any more of my info. I asked for again for help figuring out what was going on and you still wouldn’t give me any information about my package. And then finally after a couple snarky messages, you sent me a tracking number without carrier information. The best part of all this, is that I insisted on paying for shipping because I knew it would’ve bit ya hard and I paid the additional PayPal fees.

I get it, mistakes are made, but you f’d in every way here and your public apology here should’ve just been a private message to me and hemi with the truth from the start. I wouldn’t have cared. I could give two ***** about the $$$.
When I don't have're not getting any. You had an opportunity to speak with me, but are apparently too paranoid to communicate other than on screens. At that point, I had no info, and you didn't want to speak with voices. Oh well....

Oh, and as for the money, I've been throwing this kinda stuff in the garbage. I have 3 garages, 2 attics, and a basement full of old crap that has to go.
All you had to do was tell me exactly what you posted here and not be flakey. No biggie. As far as paranoia, sure, call me paranoid… I’m not interested in taking risks in todays age. I’ve had nothing but great interactions on this site, but I’m still not giving out the rest of my personal info to someone that is acting suspect, or clicking on links. You checked off every box of what scammers do. I wish you luck on the sell of the rest of your parts.
All you had to do was tell me exactly what you posted here and not be flakey. No biggie. As far as paranoia, sure, call me paranoid… I’m not interested in taking risks in todays age. I’ve had nothing but great interactions on this site, but I’m still not giving out the rest of my personal info to someone that is acting suspect, or clicking on links. You checked off every box of what scammers do. I wish you luck on the sell of the rest of your parts.
Oh for God's sake. You're gonna get your precious stuff. He's at least trying. You're not. STFU already.
Oh for God's sake. You're gonna get your precious stuff. He's at least trying. You're not. STFU already.
Nothings precious here. I don’t give a **** about the part. It bugs me though that he did a piss poor job as a seller and then posts this apology instead of actually communicating with me directly. I’ve read a ton of your posts and have learned from you on FABO Rusty and have bought parts from you and have respect for you… So, I will shut the **** up.
Nothings precious here. I don’t give a **** about the part. It bugs me though that he did a piss poor job as a seller and then posts this apology instead of actually communicating with me directly. I’ve read a ton of your posts and have learned from you on FABO Rusty and have bought parts from you and have respect for you… So, I will shut the **** up.
Yes sir. We conducted business in the past and I have zero complaints and I thank you. I could have chosen different words, but what I meant was, it just seems like a really small battle to fight when your seller is obviously trying. So he didn't try like "you" wanted. I get it. He has owned up to it and is trying to make it right. I am reminded of this.