Stop in for a cup of coffee

Golf in the AM. Then Beer in the PM. Then on Monday to my mothers house, to check on her.....Some groceries...

So I go to town for coffee yesterday and I'm waiting at a stoplight to get on the expressway behind a '64 Impala. Low to da groun Impala. Hydrauliced, bagged, I dunno, not my bag :lol:. All nice and shiney it was, baby seat in the back seat. He gets it on the expressway and gets it up to almost speed and I see the left front is jumping up and down probably 2-3" :wtf:. I gotta get away from this cool cat before he puts it in the guard rail and takes me with him.
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I was doing the Wednesday night Cruise on Van Nuys Blvd. Seldom saw Low Riders on Van Nuys their thing was San Fernando Rd on Thursday nights. '64 Impala at a stoplight on one of the cross streets. Driver decides it's time to get it hopping and he does. Inertia is a funny thing. He got it hopping and the inertia started to move the car in a diagonal fashion towards the curb. By now it's hopping 3-4' off the ground and from my vantage point there wasn't a thing the dude could do about it. Hop Hop Hop and it sets the front end right on top of the corner fire hydrant. Hopping done :rofl:. It took great effort on my part to drive away from the stoplight with my uncontrolled laughter :rofl::rofl:
I was doing the Wednesday night Cruise on Van Nuys Blvd. Seldom saw Low Riders on Van Nuys their thing was San Fernando Rd on Thursday nights. '64 Impala at a stoplight on one of the cross streets. Driver decides it's time to get it hopping and he does. Inertia is a funny thing. He got it hopping and the inertia started to move the car in a diagonal fashion towards the curb. By now it's hopping 3-4' off the ground and from my vantage point there wasn't a thing the dude could do about it. Hop Hop Hop and it sets the front end right on top of the corner fire hydrant. Hopping done :rofl:. It took great effort on my part to drive away from the stoplight with my uncontrolled laughter :rofl::rofl:
My cars do enough hopping when I don't see a pothole in time to avoid it. Why would anyone intentionally do that? :BangHead:
Motor is almost out. I have done almost nothing to help.
I have been blasting and painting my rally wheels for the dart. They look pretty good. Will really look out of place on the ratty dart.
Actually I have not drank dew in a long time joking aside.

But I am a little worried because the other day at work, I ran up some stairs because I hate elevators. When i got to the top I felt very light headed and a friend said I got really pale and he sat me down on ground because he thought I was going pass out and fall.

That was kinda scary, I have a doc appointment tomorrow
Actually I have not drank dew in a long time joking aside.

But I am a little worried because the other day at work, I ran up some stairs because I hate elevators. When i got to the top I felt very light headed and a friend said I got really pale and he sat me down on ground because he thought I was going pass out and fall.

That was kinda scary, I have a doc appointment tomorrow
Low blood pressure?