Stop in for a cup of coffee

We got our internet back tonight, ahead of the scheduled visit tomorrow morning. Just ran a few speed tests. Ranges from 1.6 to a blistering 2.2Mbps lol. They found the problem in the line a little ways up the road. So if I had an appointment for tomorrow and someone else had an appointment for today. Wouldn't that mean they called in before I did? So, it would seam they already knew there was a problem before I called. Yet they 'ran a test' and told me my line tested good. All the way into my house! I asked them how they did that and they of course had no good answer. I actually thought the problem might be between the house and pole. But they found the problem like a quarter mile away. So were they flat out lying, or just how crappy is there test? Or is it because their signal is so F'ng slow it got lost?

The next thing you can do is make the best use of the signal that the (DSL) phone company can get to you.

Our "Windows" computers are laden with all kinds of extras, dragging our line speeds down. Then also they are always going out and trying to update themselves and that gets top priority so you are left with super slow servive at the end of the line while it is downloading and updating.

There are service techs that can go in and shut down the non essentials on your Windows computer to make it perform faster.

I like running the Linux operating systems on my original Windows computers with a new Solid State Hard Drive. They are Fast and can run like a 1/4 mile A body drag car, they just don't have all the extra garbage on them to slow you down.

Also set your Home Page to something simple like Google, that can get you up online quick . . then go out surfing from there.

Maybe someone in your area can help you set up a Linux Computer for more power and speed.

The installation crew just left. Had them spray the area above the garage. It had never had insulation, but really never had a need for it.
He had me come up to the attic, and pointed out a few spots over the main house that needs touched up.
I'll have them back out, and also do a drill and fill on the garage walls.
I run the mini-split heater in the winter. That will help keep it nice and toasty out there.
You know, I strongly dislike politicians, they are into way too much politics. Keep the politics out of it, and get things done that benefit the people.

Politicians,lawyers,salesmen are all the same. They all try to get as much out of you as possible..
The installation crew just left. Had them spray the area above the garage. It had never had insulation, but really never had a need for it.
He had me come up to the attic, and pointed out a few spots over the main house that needs touched up.
I'll have them back out, and also do a drill and fill on the garage walls.
I run the mini-split heater in the winter. That will help keep it nice and toasty out there.
Sounds like a plan
We got our internet back tonight, ahead of the scheduled visit tomorrow morning. Just ran a few speed tests. Ranges from 1.6 to a blistering 2.2Mbps lol. They found the problem in the line a little ways up the road. So if I had an appointment for tomorrow and someone else had an appointment for today. Wouldn't that mean they called in before I did? So, it would seam they already knew there was a problem before I called. Yet they 'ran a test' and told me my line tested good. All the way into my house! I asked them how they did that and they of course had no good answer. I actually thought the problem might be between the house and pole. But they found the problem like a quarter mile away. So were they flat out lying, or just how crappy is there test? Or is it because their signal is so F'ng slow it got lost?
Lincoln fixed and gone. G5 sitting outside warming up, have to replace steering shaft between rack and column. Gonna suck.

then investigate rear gear noise in an f150. Dealer fixed it twice already. Im voting on synthetic gear oil being the cause. Synthetic motor oil is great,gear lubricant not so great. It will get the heavy stuff when im done.
Digital Subscriber Line slower but works.

Cable is way faster if you can get it. So is Fiber Optics, like way faster.
I worked for AT&T for 24 years. I am VERY versed on DSL. Was a DSL Technician. Was going to say, if they found the problem "down the road", it was more then likely Bridge Tap. Probably a "floater", a drop wire tied down to your F2 pair. The signal goes down the extra wire, and bounces back on itself degrading the signal. Need a TDR meter to locate issues like that.
Any word on what the featured car will be for Mopars in the Park for 2020? A12 cars this year was awesome. Hoping to have the Demon and Dad's Barracuda there along with some other friend's cars next year depending on weather. Also, talking with Jeff about where the folks in the area area all staying so that we don't have to leave so soon.
Been a bad incident in Oslo, capitol of Norway. Someone stole an ambulance and drove down a sidewalk, hitting people, a young mom with twins in the stroller was hit, all three sent to hospital. The police shot at the ambulance, and I think with rifles, hurt the driver and he is now arrested, and also a female who were involved with him.

It is on American news too.


That's horrible. Not to get too Political, but the Left here would want to ban Ambulances after that. Take them away and nobody would have gotten hurt..... rant done, sorry.
The next thing you can do is make the best use of the signal that the (DSL) phone company can get to you.

Our "Windows" computers are laden with all kinds of extras, dragging our line speeds down. Then also they are always going out and trying to update themselves and that gets top priority so you are left with super slow servive at the end of the line while it is downloading and updating.

There are service techs that can go in and shut down the non essentials on your Windows computer to make it perform faster.

I like running the Linux operating systems on my original Windows computers with a new Solid State Hard Drive. They are Fast and can run like a 1/4 mile A body drag car, they just don't have all the extra garbage on them to slow you down.

Also set your Home Page to something simple like Google, that can get you up online quick . . then go out surfing from there.

Maybe someone in your area can help you set up a Linux Computer for more power and speed.

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I worked for AT&T for 24 years. I am VERY versed on DSL. Was a DSL Technician. Was going to say, if they found the problem "down the road", it was more then likely Bridge Tap. Probably a "floater", a drop wire tied down to your F2 pair. The signal goes down the extra wire, and bounces back on
itself degrading the signal. Need a TDR meter to locate issues like that.
Yes its DSL. I may be able to clean up a little, but not gonna change the OS. I do get that Windows related extras is a speed gobbler. That's only part of the problem though. We have Netflix and access to a couple other TV services that are just not DSL friendly. Tim, we had discussed this previously. You even sent me a box. I never changed it because I determined at that the box wasn't losing much if anything. They just aren't providing enough to make a difference and it is not consistent. The best I have ever seen here is about 2.5. We may switch to xfinity at some point. Till then I guess it is what it is.
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