Stop in for a cup of coffee

NY here,, around 1:30 pm when I first posted ........ Sweden is taking a different tact I've seen.. wish you all the best guys, were all in this mess. :(
Interesting... You don't give a location and it has you on 'London' time
Decided to pause for the day. Bumped my head a few too many times, and neck started to pinch a nerve.
Good evening folks.

Today’s adventure was getting the upright deep freezer defrosted . We started early this morning loading the contents into 5 large coolers and then turning it to defrost with a fan blowing into it. It took 5 hours to melt all the ice and dry it out before restarting. Then another hour running empty to get the inside temp back down to 5* before loading it back up again.

The total amount of melted ice was around 3 gals.

We usually keep it between 60-70% full with food, but these days we are keeping it at around 80-90% full. The ice build up was getting in the way since it’s been over a year since we last defrosted it.

All good now!

Well, I finally had my discussion with the Senior Board member today.

Like I figured, my billable hours to them are likely to to be 25-40% of what they have been for the next six months at least...but they agreed to double my rate.

Oh well, Summer working semi-part time is fine with me while I beat the bushes for better opportunities. I need something new anyway...but first I will take the break and reconsider my future.

I am truly tired of this Company of fools.
Well it’s officially over, grandmother passed earlier this evening
Hello Coffee Land. Hope all is well. Few storms rolled through this evening but was a decent day. Painted inside of house most of the day and undid what the chiropractor fixed this morning. May be going back to work next Monday even though the Governer extended Safer at Home order until May 26, for now at least. Will be happy to go back. This being at home is driving me nuts