Stop in for a cup of coffee

I kept burning out regular light bulbs. Even kept a chart to see which ones lasted the longest. Then we went to Deliverance day at Daves and his shop was bright as all get out. He uses corn cob lights. Expensive as Heck but they have not blown out yet. Look into them
I use those in the garage to. They're nice!!
I have a two stage 220vt 7 1/2 Hp Ingersoll, with an 80 gallon tank. I built an insulated shed behind the lift bay wall, and piped it inside. After the air comes in, it goes to 2 extra 60gal storage tanks...I NEVER run out of air....
One step away from a 3 phase 120 g.
Cheryl wants a frig, chairs, and a big screen ty on the wall.
I have a 70's vintage Coke machine, vends 12 oz cans. What do you think I keep in one slot ??? I would like to buy a bigger flat screen TV tho. This one is only 46"....
We have a Tranny in Pennsylvania....I get covid 19 from a man that wears a bra


SCI Huntingdon is running crazy with the stuff. So we will never free up here.
We are OK up here whats screwing us is having Harrisburg in the county so it is all still locked down.