Stop in for a cup of coffee

People are usually just scared of points and go electronic. I get it but a point set will get you easily to 10,000 miles.
It's Sunbeam Sunday!


Good morning :D
Yes the mopar ones fit all the single point distribs. Just the ride. Who is going to put it in for you sparkey?:poke:
Only reason im going electronic is thats what i have. And in my opinion they are very dependable. Barracuda is stripped bare anyway.
Good morning everyone
Fuel that body folks, we just might need it today.
I had a half of a half slice of sour doe bread this morning.. should be good to go till supper @toolmanmike

Find a older one. Seems like alot of failures with the new non USA made ones. Tons of threads on them failing.
In shop, drinking coffee.Heart playing on the stereo. Thinking about truck, brakes and paint on bottom of frame and suspension. looking at a few things that need a little more detail.
Sun is out and its warming up nicely. Cant wait until spring!!
I have a HEI bracket also. There are alot of ways to do this. What RPM you think your max will be?