Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning gang!! Finally made it this morning pretty girls and fast cars....hell of a dream until of course I woke up. :wtf:
Craig, your car is for sure fast and your wife is in fact beautiful so I say you are living the dream! Go Chiefs!
Well I have to Agree with everything , except the Chiefs.
Normally I would, but I posted way back in one of these Threads I have a lot of money Bet on the Bills this year.
Making it this far I'm working on house money,.
If they go all the way. I may just Show up at Craig and Cheryls with a large box of Cash to try and tempt them out of the 55 Cheby.
Well feel pretty good this morning considering I played four hours of cardio tennis yesterday.
Last night we played a triples tournament. It's basically three on three battle royale type tennis.
You use a softer less compression tennis ball that another person feeds onto the court.
You set up one person up towards the net and two back. Once you start the point you all can move up.
A good chance your gonna get hit with a ball, but revenge is possible.
We played five gamed in two hours, it moves fast and a blast!!
I really thought he was going to retire last year, but he had a good year this year for sure. I just don’t want to see him pull a “Favre” and go down in flames and broken to pieces as he rides off into sunset.
I think he still has a couple three years left. I enjoy watching him play.
I am not even looking at temp this morning, till it gets back over zero there is just no point. I will have yet another long day clearing tracks for rail cars. We had some serious wind so the drifts are out of control.
:realcrazy::realcrazy: But its Saturday.
Well I have to Agree with everything , except the Chiefs.
Normally I would, but I posted way back in one of these Threads I have a lot of money Bet on the Bills this year.
Making it this far I'm working on house money,.
If they go all the way. I may just Show up at Craig and Cheryls with a large box of Cash to try and tempt them out of the 55 Cheby.
Anything is possible, but hardly probable...:eek:
Allen and the Bills though might pull it off.
They need to play some near perfect football and not sure if they can string that many games in a row. Especially on the road.
Anything is possible, but hardly probable...:eek:
I use that line almost every time I teach a defensive handgun class. There is always a youngster that wants to play the “what if” game. Yes it is possible that the church,mall, grocery store is going to be over run by rappelling Chinese special forces dropping down from helicopters but while possible, it is not probable. Let’s focus our training today on events that have the highest probability. They wear me out.
Morning all. Hmmm.... dont need or want another car. That being said found another one that would be perfect to use for road trips and making runs to Louisiana. :BangHead:
I use that line almost every time I teach a defensive handgun class. There is always a youngster that wants to play the “what if” game. Yes it is possible that the church,mall, grocery store is going to be over run by rappelling Chinese special forces dropping down from helicopters but while possible, it is not probable. Let’s focus our training today on events that have the highest probability. They wear me out.
I've used it a lot over the years. My kids now use it with their kids. Kind of a reality check phrase.
My other favorite was "your responsible and I'm accountable". And that is how it goes all the way to the top.
Worked well for those working for me. It gave them an easy understanding of the command structure and how we work together as a team.