Stop in for a cup of coffee

Me too. What a collection of knowledge they are. Encyclopedia of the Appalachians. Not to mention fun to read :lol:.
Just don’t get caught with that one book... you know the one that will result in you ending up on every gov watch list their is
Just don’t get caught with that one book... you know the one that will result in you ending up on every gov watch list their is
It kind of makes you wonder how closely they monitor that stuff. George on You Tube isn't on any more. He was doing a lot of how to vids. Gee, where did he go? With all the robots that scan these sites they could be reading this post right now. Hello in there!!!
It kind of makes you wonder how closely they monitor that stuff. George on You Tube isn't on any more. He was doing a lot of how to vids. Gee, where did he go? With all the robots that scan these sites they could be reading this post right now. Hello in there!!!
I assure you they do
of course with the 20-50 racing oil I have in it, 70psi of oil pressure at Idle is about normal for a stock 318. And at full tilt, it has 80-90psi.
What was I thinking?
Fixed it for ya!
I assure you they do
Whose they? Fish and Wildlife Service? heck they don't have 2 cents to rub.
Sure can't be the Fed - cause they get all the good inside info from Whitey Bolger.
Oh you mean those contractors monitoring phone calls for dirty talk.

Now if you were ordering the Ancharchists Cookbook, maybe it would catch someone's attention... a few years when they're trying to solve the crime
a high volume oil pump.
and or a high pressure relief spring will result in even higher pressure at the pump when using cold, thick oil.
Its kindof like this:

if the bearing clearances were set tight, then don't use high viscosity oil unless its running very hot.
Very hot being something like 250 - 300*F in the pan.
Cruise is nice even though I had some fun finding them since I had no idea where I was.
You really ought to at least visit the All Time Racing track day on Thursday. No bling. No BS. Well lots of BSing but you know what I mean.
I do not think they are doing track day this year....
and or a high pressure relief spring will result in even higher pressure at the pump when using cold, thick oil.
Its kindof like this:
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if the bearing clearances were set tight, then don't use high viscosity oil unless its running very hot.
Very hot being something like 250 - 300*F in the pan.
I really know nothing about that engine. the 70psi of oil pressure was when it was warmed up too. the VR1 20-50 was the only oil I could find with zinc in it. (my original plan was to buy o'reillys brand 10-40 and put a bottle of zinc additive) but guess what? they were out of stock and couldn't tell me when they would get it back in stock.
Well well ! Quit in the coffee shop this morning, Mitch is enjoying life, and it's a cold son of a Blackford everyone this morning, including me.
@krazykuda !! I sure hope you are on your feet and trying to shake what ever it is that has you feeling bad, and keeping work and problems off your mind bud .
I slipped on the ice yesterday at noon here on the hill and doing ok, straight backwards and hit on my left side of my back near my porch, held my head forward and got up, wow, that could have been worse! Sore this morning around my neck, all muscles around it did its job.
Coffee is working this morning.

Well well ! Quit in the coffee shop this morning, Mitch is enjoying life, and it's a cold son of a Blackford everyone this morning, including me.
@krazykuda !! I sure hope you are on your feet and trying to shake what ever it is that has you feeling bad, and keeping work and problems off your mind bud .
I slipped on the ice yesterday at noon here on the hill and doing ok, straight backwards and hit on my left side of my back near my porch, held my head forward and got up, wow, that could have been worse! Sore this morning around my neck, all muscles around it did its job.
Coffee is working this morning.

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Dang man... glad you're OK.

I was trying to spot your face in the Jungle Shrubbery...