Stuff I do while Truckin

^^^^That's pretty cool! Thanks for all the stuff you post, I always look forward to seeing what you do.
Morons can't read.They are all over !
Next time you drive by my house make sure and call ! I sure wish you had my number last week :BangHead:
Now they are laying more path down for the Budwiser trailer .They are standing around scratching their heads.The stage guy is pissed.50 bucks an hr for me.I'll sit her all day!
I'm waiting as well, who do I send the bill too, or are you just going to send it to me
I'm back put after back and nerve problems.Hauling a wore out oil field tank from Clyde TX to Davies Fl!I'm still hurting but I gotta put beans on the table
If you have pain I have gotten exceptional relief from acupuncture. Of course the guy that I see here in S. Texas is a Master Acupucturist, he's been doing it at least 50 years!!

My girlfriend's son just had his KW T660 get picked up and bounced around then tip over thanks to straight line winds yesterday. Hauling an empty high trailer. Said he couldn't see the road from the dirt blowing across the highway from the farm fields. Turned the truck off just as it started to go in its side. He was buckled in and is unhurt fortunately. He is pissed, just got it on the road a month ago and it was a great truck, one he said should have been his 5th truck he bought, not the first. He's down but not out, and he'll have a truck on the road soon. As said earlier, stay safe!
My girlfriend's son just had his KW T660 get picked up and bounced around then tip over thanks to straight line winds yesterday. Hauling an empty high trailer. Said he couldn't see the road from the dirt blowing across the highway from the farm fields. Turned the truck off just as it started to go in its side. He was buckled in and is unhurt fortunately. He is pissed, just got it on the road a month ago and it was a great truck, one he said should have been his 5th truck he bought, not the first. He's down but not out, and he'll have a truck on the road soon. As said earlier, stay safe!
good to see you back posting your travels. I was at VA today and I am going to try the acupuncture and see if it gives me any relief
My feet and ankles are swollen. My left leg hurts.I can't believe I'm hurting only after driving 800 miles.This sucks
My feet and ankles are swollen. My left leg hurts.I can't believe I'm hurting only after driving 800 miles.This sucks
When I went to acupuncture for heel spur pain Master Choi saw the swelling around ankles where my socks wrap my ankles, he immediately said that I had bad kidneys.....he was right. I'm not saying that your kidneys are bad I'm just trying to show that some of these Chinese doctors are pretty darn smart. Either way after seeing a kidney specialist I found that my kidneys were only working at 75 percent, that's why I had swelling on my ankles. The kidney specialist said that there's nothing anyone can do about kidney failure and that all I can do is try and stay healthy and that everyone's kidneys eventually decline in function. I went back to my acupuncturist and he gave me this really expensive herbal tea. It didn't taste very good but I drank it anyway (twice a day for 3 weeks). The next time I saw my kidney specialist (including blood test) he said that my kidneys had gone from 75 percent efficiency to 88 percent. (90 to 100 is normal). The kidney specialist couldn't understand how my kidneys had improved. I told him about the herbal tea and he brushed it off. I've gone back to the kidney specialist 3/4 times since then and my kidneys are still greatly improved and my ankles don't get swollen any more. Master Choi said that I could take the herbal tea again and it would improve my kidneys even more but, unfortunately, it cost $2400 so I'm still thinking about it.
How much are kidneys worth?????

Treblig my "doctor team" ..........quotes because "they ain't" were telling me blood tests showed reduced kidney function. THIS IS TROUBLING because I have FOUR of the damn things.

Anyhow I'd been on a pain med which didn't really seem to be all that effective. I got online and it showed numerous hits for kidney problems on side effects. I stopped taking it and a couple of months later, the tests showed no problem.

You might look into what you eat/ medications.
I only have 1 kidney.I was feeling really good tull Yesterday.I'm hurting but can get around.Last night I woke up every 20 minutes and tried to find a new position.I just took a muscle relaxer and a pain pill.I'm right south 15 miles from Daytona.I pick up boats tomorrow and headed for Jersey