The passing of my best buddy.



1964 Valiant V200
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
Carol Stream Illinois
Well, my little buddy has passed on. He was nine years old. Never any health issues. A couple of days ago he got out of sorts and was not very motivated. Started throwing up and just laying around. A round at the vet had him getting fluids etc. No big improvement. We brought him home. On the 1st of October he was home with the wife. I left for work early and said goodbye to him. My daughter said goodbye to him before she left for school. My wife who works out of the house noticed he was doing worse after we left. She called the vet. While calling he went into a coma. She brought him in. He did not respond to drugs and fluids. Later that afternoon all three of us went to the vet to see him and had to make that dreaded choice to put him to sleep. They had us with him when the shot was given and we were able to say goodbye as he passed on. This was real rough on all of us as we were real close. This guy was one of the family. To call him a dog was just wrong. They did an autopsy on him. Turned out he had pancreatic cancer and it was working its way to his gall bladder and stomach. Never and I mean never one whimper or any clue he was sick. Blood work never revealed anything in his checkups. In some strange way we were blessed. Our decision to let him go was talked over and all of us felt it was his time. To try to get some more time with him would have been terrible for him. The coma had him at least at some form of peace. He never did come out of it.
Guys, embrace your best buddy. All to fast they are gone and it hurts and really stinks! My buddy is not here in body and soul but is in my heart and mind. I know I will never forget him and yes, I did love him a great deal and know it was likewise from him. I posted a crazy pic of him just a little over a week ago. We were just having some fun and he loved to ham it up for the camera.
Im sorry for the long letter but I felt you needed to know about my best buddy. He was a special part of my life and will be missed. If you have a pet take a minute to remember how important they are to you. Give them a hug and let them know how you feel. Thanks for your time.

Barney, Born August 1st 2000, Layed to rest Oct 1st 2009 R.I.P.

I am sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Lilly says she is sorry also.
Man that sucks.

I've been through it many times, and the best fix was getting another pup.

All dogs go to heaven.
Sleep peacefully sweet canine, save me a place there where the squirrels are slow, Titan

Sorry to hear that. He was a handsome dog that's for sure. I know it's hard ... been there myself.
Just for kicks as I am trying to keep things in perspective and keep my mood better as I have been crying for two days now. And I am not afraid to admit that. My guy made life fun. Such a small dog and such a big hole left in his place. He was well trained and did this trick on request. The red eyes was for a card my daughter and I made up.

that sucks, bro. My heart goes out to ya. I know what you're going thru, too. We are dreadfully close to having to face that same decision with my daughter's cat, Tigger, I'm afraid.
Our heart felt condolences to you and yours.
SOOOOO Sorry to hear about Barney Charles. I've been through it myself many times and it sucks! He sure was a cutie. Godspeed Barney!
My deepest sympathies goes out to you and your family. I don't have a dog but my best buddy Jasper gives you his condolences too. Barney and Jasper have the same birthdays,that's pretty cool
Barney will always be with you in spirit:angel2:

i am sorry for your loss. they give us so much yet ask for so little.....
Sorry to hear about your "pup". BTW: That was a very nice piece you wrote in his memory. Now you and the family have another good soul watching over you. Hang in there.
Chaz sorry to hear,your Charles would pass as my last dog Scoobie.We had him for 16 years and the same thing..not one wimper.My parents had taken him from me when I moved out(this was years ago)then 1 day he wouldn,t standup.I had to take him in to Vet and have him put down.It was the sadest day of my life,cause he was real tight with the whole family!Was the first time I had seen my father cry,which made it harder for us all.Sorry for long story,but I know were your at right now.He,ll always be in your heart.
Thanks to everybody for all the kind words. I have had a passing thought about the 'what if' scenario as Barney and his partner in crime "Abbie' are getting a little older and I think anyone who has a pet might have this same thought at one time or another. I just never thought it would be this hard. I have had pets pass on in the past but this guy was really tight with me and it really hurts this time around. My house is soooooo quiet right now. Abbie is absolutely broken hearted. She does not bark at the door or even scare the crap out of people walking their dogs past our corner lot fence like she enjoys doing so much. The family is giving her lots of love and encouragement but she is greiving pretty bad (as all of us are)!! Its gonna take some time. No doubt another puppy will be in the works but right now is not the time. The only change to that thought process is Abbie. If she continues to have a rough time we may have to push up the time table. A new puppy will never replace Barney but will maybe give Abbie some pupose. She has never been without a partner and never been in the house alone. Thanks again for all the support. Gotta cut this letter here. Cant see the keyboard with all the welling up in my eyes.
I lost my buddy early this spring and it sure is hard to except it.
I hope Abbie gets back to her ol self again soon :clock:
Sorry to hear about your lose bud, I know it hurts
Sorry to here about your little guy. I know it will be hard on you and your family. We lost our Sammy 8 years ago and I can't replace him. I like to think our little ones are on the other side waiting for us. And one day the family will be complete again.
Sorry Chaz to hear of your loss. Barney was a beautiful canine. My thoughts will be with you.
Sorry to hear about Barney Chaz, Rufus and Gem and the rest of us send our condolensces. Gem(Jack Russell) is wigged out by the camera, so I cant add pic of her.

DSCF4020 (Medium).JPG
My dog got in the garbage and got a turkey leg bone out of the trash this morning. I think Barney just made me cut him some slack. I,m not going to get on him. r.i.p.Barney.