the what pisses u off thread

people that i work with ( the majority ), swap meet four wheelers, golf carts, mopeds, and shirts with stains... thats a just a few
1.) People how try to give me advice on "How to raise my 'unruly' child." I tell them. "My child has autism. What's your excuse?" :shaking: :-#That shuts them up!
2.) Trying to find a parking spot in a crowded parking building and just when you think you've found one, it's not empty.
There's a Smart Car parked there.

3.) 'Soccer Moms' in 3 ton SUV's with the cell phone in one hand and lipstick in the other.:tongue3:
OK, rant over... for now :bootysha:

when the same questions are asked over and over day after day..

the way some people brown nose each other, starts to stink after a while...

people that know WAY LESS than me some how still run the show.....

the short sale on us west coast mopar guy's, it takes a while before people listen to us...

people that try and tell me how this and that came about, but they have it all fk'd up and I have to end up correcting them, I hate having to do that but can't stand newbies getting a line of swill, ya know?

older people that when you do correct them on mopar history and tech, they don't believe you, you have to beat them with the 234 head for them to acknowledge it's even real???

guys that sht on hyperutectic pistons cause they used a set out of/beyond app and broke their sht....

guys that think 10-14* of initial timing is good enough....

more to come
Chevys and their spindly rods, paper thin 'sbc' cylinder walls, garbage stud mount rockers, gazillion tooth distributors, putrid 23* valve angle, Cacked out anglularity @90* due to the pos rod ratio, heavy boat anchor cylinder heads=bbc heads weigh more than hemi heads fyi, fuel pump push rod that gets bent and knocks causing joe chevrolame to think it's a rod and pull it for another 'goodwrench special', and of corse the end exhaust bolts that never go back in because the exhaust manifolds have warped out 1/8''!!!

more to come
Chevys and their spindly rods, paper thin 'sbc' cylinder walls, garbage stud mount rockers, gazillion tooth distributors, putrid 23* valve angle, Cacked out anglularity @90* due to the pos rod ratio, heavy boat anchor cylinder heads=bbc heads weigh more than hemi heads fyi, fuel pump push rod that gets bent and knocks causing joe chevrolame to think it's a rod and pull it for another 'goodwrench special', and of corse the end exhaust bolts that never go back in because the exhaust manifolds have warped out 1/8''!!!

more to come

:-D That made my day

Bicyclists and pedestrians that won't get out of the way
People who wear hats in restaurants while eating. Especially the older men, I'm 40 and know better, they should too. Men who wear earrings. Kids with all the staples (jewelry) in their face.
People who won't stop for pedestrians in a cross walk. I'm a mailman and that pisses me off to no end. Since I'm on the mailman thing, if it's broke, fix your freaking mailbox. Don't hide your mailbox. Is it easier for you to check your mail than it is for the carrier to deliver? If so, move the box so the carrier doesn't have to walk 100' out of his way to service your box. keep your damn dog in the house, don't worry about how the dog will react to me, worry about how I'll react to your dog. I will spray dogs!
It's called a snow shovel, use it. That whole sleet, snow, rain or gloom of night thing is ****. If I can get hurt getting to your box, I won't service it. Dumb asses who call me "Cliff". really? are you that un-original?
Off the soap box now!
cilff? gun bunny, why cliff?

i do deliveries for a chinese resturant and i hate when i have to drive up and down the block for 10 f-in minutes to find a house number, like when there on the front door but that is up a 200' drive way with no lights so i cant see it from the street so i go up there only to find out that this is the wrong house.... stupid bastards. house numbers should be on a mail box out front or if its on the house it should be written in bright reflective numbers so that it can be seen it should not be painted the same color as the house and/or be like 2 inches tall.

im done for now.
house numbers should be on a mail box
Amen! of course I know all of the #'s in my office, but sometimes I do routes in other offices, I don't know them at all.
cilff? gun bunny, why cliff?
I love you man! You haven't seen Cheers? Cliff Claven?
mean people!

Principals who throw their authority around yet know less than the teachers they supposedly lead. ( I am a teacher)

neighbors (down the street) who find out our street is a few inches from being wide enough to legally park on the street and start reporting it when we've been here for 10 years and others since 1965 and the complainers have lived here less that a year
When broads wear too much perfume, gag, makes me wanna hose'em off before lettine'm in my car or house cause the stink just hangs on....

what is a woman with that much perfume trying to hide anyways...
blabber mouth dimwits who hav to get on the cell phone when ever they get in the matter that it's 7AM and you're doing 60mph in the fast lane only keeping up with the car next to you making a nice road block for the rest of us....thanks a million....

If a quarter hits your car, it's just me 'paying you back'
when you post an ad on craigslist and say that you are available from 8-5 and then some dumbass who isnt even interested calls you at 4AM
nothing really pisses me off. I try to be happy as much as I can.

you guys sounds like a bunch of old men at Hardees drinking coffee complaining about how things aren't the way they were in "your day" LOL