They walk among us!



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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Cincinnati, OH
So, I had a discussion with a guy today. He honestly believes the world is flat.
At first I thought he was messing with me, but after a few moments listening, this guy actually believes the crap he was trying to tell me.
I didn't even try to argue with the this dude. I just told I didn't agree with him.
Turns out there's others like him and they even have their own forum and everything.
A seat for every *** and *** for every seat I guess.
I've heard it.

I've also heard from those who think we actually are living inside the world. Hollow Earth kinda thing.
I believe it.
It is easy for anyone to prove the earth is flat.
It is all but impossible to prove it is round.
And no I will not argue with you about this either. Your mind is closed about this subject.Only you can unlock it, and only you will decide if or when this might happen.
I used to be like you. I laughed and scorned the idea. My mind was closed, locked up tight.
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The truly frightening part is that these people are allowed to drive automobiles and vote. Worse yet, they procreate and add even more wastewater to the gene pool.

Sometimes you have to wonder how their brains can even generate enough power to make them walk upright.
I had a kid (23) helping me out with some work last year, he was trying to tell me this world is flat **** too. Told him to keep it up and I`ll push you over the edge, he finally shut up when I told him his pay fell out of my hand and the wind blew it right off the edge. Dumb ***.
So I guess they don't believe in satellites circling the earth or their images or astronauts that have circle the earth? Were they drinking kool-aid when they told you this? Ask them how we have sun rise and sun set? I they were right, when the earth rotated, light to dark and dark to light would be like a light switch! Or maybe the earth doesn't rotate?
I believe it.
It is easy for anyone to prove the earth is flat.
It is all but impossible to prove it is round.
And no I will not argue with you about this either. Your mind is closed about this subject.Only you can unlock it, and only you will decide if or when this might happen.
I used to be like you. I laughed and scorned the idea. My mind was closed, locked up tight.

Except there's thousands of pictures proving it is round (a sphere actually but that's a 3D space argument). If that isn't enough. The next time you're flying, look out the window. You can see the curvature of that earth....
Except there's thousands of pictures proving it is round (a sphere actually but that's a 3D space argument). If that isn't enough. The next time you're flying, look out the window. You can see the curvature of that earth....
Agreed but you are preaching to the choir here.
I had a good friend come to this conclusion recently that the world is flat. He is an Alfa Male type guy ...blacl belt in mixed martial arts , gym rat, fun guy to hang out with. The other day he shows up at my work preaching this earth is flat stuff and I started to laugh. He burst into tears saying that Revelations in the Bible has already happened in 70AD. We can all still be save. Trump getting elected and Rockafeller passing away are all signs. They are lying to us spreading the lie that the earth is round. All I could think was this guy has lots of guns lol. I didn't know what to say. I considered him a friend but not sure what to do about it now. I felt like maybe he was on some crazy drugs or maybe hasn't slept in weeks.
I had a good friend come to this conclusion recently that the world is flat. He is an Alfa Male type guy ...blacl belt in mixed martial arts , gym rat, fun guy to hang out with. The other day he shows up at my work preaching this earth is flat stuff and I started to laugh. He burst into tears saying that Revelations in the Bible has already happened in 70AD. We can all still be save. Trump getting elected and Rockafeller passing away are all signs. They are lying to us spreading the lie that the earth is round. All I could think was this guy has lots of guns lol. I didn't know what to say. I considered him a friend but not sure what to do about it now. I felt like maybe he was on some crazy drugs or maybe hasn't slept in weeks.
I think your friend has taken to many shots to the head! Sounds like you need to distant yourself from him! I've had to do so to people in my life.
I think your friend has taken to many shots to the head! Sounds like you need to distant yourself from him! I've had to do so to people in my life.
i think it may have more to do with being unemployed for the better part of a year and spending All of his time reading stuff on the internet while getting high. He has an income just not official and not taxed if you know what I mean.
i think it may have more to do with being unemployed for the better part of a year and spending All of his time reading stuff on the internet while getting high. He has an income just not official and not taxed if you know what I mean.
Yeah, sounds like has been "sampling" his product to much! When you said this about him, I thought of a long time friend of mine that cooked his brain on crack and meth to the point I couldn't trust him around me any longer.
Yeah, sounds like has been "sampling" his product to much! When you said this about him, I thought of a long time friend of mine that cooked his brain on crack and meth to the point I couldn't trust him around me any longer.
He doesn't deal with crack or meth....that I know of but he does love the weed lol. I think what he needs is a strait job so he can get back to normal life. Problem is he makes better money with the side business lol.
Let me tell you about my crazy friend, Gary. We've been friends since High School (I graduated HS in 1968) We stayed in touch during the 20 years I was in the Air Force. Over the last 15 years, or so, he has gotten weirder, and weirder and weirder. He is in some strange cult that has picked through the bible and chosen what to believe. There are only 6 of them in Topeka. They take turns meeting at each other's houses and watching videos. They spend a lot of time trashing the Gospel and working out things to say to Christian friends to try and confuse them. He tried to trash Christianity to my face several times until I PUT A STOP TO IT. He truly believes that the US government blew up the world trade centers. The proof, he says, is that the government cleaned up the mess really fast and dumped it in the ocean so nobody would have a chance to see that there was NO airplane wreckage in the rubble. The airplanes crashing into the towers was photo shopped. We did NOT go to the moon. He says there is "Compelling evidence out there". He is a homeopathic medicine nut. Regular doctors don't care if you live or die, all they want to do is, "Cut, Burn and Poison". Every non-homeopathic doctor in the country is in on a conspiracy to just prescribe unneeded drugs and pocket the kickbacks from the drug reps. He just found out he has stage 3 Colon cancer, and his quack doctor has him on a diet of Kale, lettuce beets, etc. Because according to him, homeopathic cancer cures have a 95% success rate and chemo is less than 5%. When he sees a jet flying high up in the air and leaving a contrail, he thinks that the white vapor is mind control drugs from the government. He only drinks 'magic' water from his special filtering machine. It not only filters the water, but it ionizes it in a way that changes the pH of your blood. Trust me, you can't permanently change the pH of your blood. I could go on, but you get the point. It is getting REAL hard to still be his friend. I need to stand by him because of the cancer, but It is hard to be around him.
Saying the earth is flat has always been around but in these current Times people seem to be saying it as if it seems like "The cool thing to do" Following Trends. They Don't really seem to care about evidence as much, They think if they Believe it, It's The truth and Questioning it is not a Option.
Let me tell you about my crazy friend, Gary. We've been friends since High School (I graduated HS in 1968) We stayed in touch during the 20 years I was in the Air Force. Over the last 15 years, or so, he has gotten weirder, and weirder and weirder. He is in some strange cult that has picked through the bible and chosen what to believe. There are only 6 of them in Topeka. They take turns meeting at each other's houses and watching videos. They spend a lot of time trashing the Gospel and working out things to say to Christian friends to try and confuse them. He tried to trash Christianity to my face several times until I PUT A STOP TO IT. He truly believes that the US government blew up the world trade centers. The proof, he says, is that the government cleaned up the mess really fast and dumped it in the ocean so nobody would have a chance to see that there was NO airplane wreckage in the rubble. The airplanes crashing into the towers was photo shopped we did NOT go to the moon. He says there is "Compelling evidence out there". He is a homeopathic medicine nut. Regular doctors don't care if you live or die, all they want to do is, "Cut, Burn and Poison". Every non-homeopathic doctor in the country is in on a conspiracy to just prescribe unneeded drugs and pocket the kickbacks from the drug reps. He just found out he has stage 3 Colon cancer, and his quack doctor has him on a diet of Kale, lettuce beets, etc. Because according to him, homeopathic cancer cures have a 95% success rate and chemo is less than 5%. When he sees a jet flying high up in the air and leaving a contrail, he thinks that the white vapor is mind control drugs from the government. He only drinks 'magic' water from his special filtering machine. It not only filters the water, but it ionizes it in a way that changes the pH of your blood. Trust me, you can't permanently change the pH of your blood. I could go on, but you get the point. It is getting REAL hard to still be his friend. I need to stand by him because of the cancer, but It is hard to be around him.
9/11 Truthers are the result of to much isolation and enthernet access. The Enthernet can be a Cult generator.
The Jim Jones 900 dead members that drank the Kool Aid. Waco Texas Branch Davidians , World is flat? All proof that some people will believe any thing. This is nothing different. What is hard to fathom is how some people can be lead so easily?
Some people believe that the only existence that they can prove is their own. Or some weird crap like that. I didn't care enough to follow up on it. But that's just me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm into checking out conspiracy theories and I do believe some. I dont trust most doctors but there are several intellectual doctors out there that do their research and alot that just go by the pharma ways. I also believe that in some cases both homeopathic otlr naturalistic and new age meds together can really do some good. I don't take synthetics myself case my body isn't the best. But the earth is ******* round. Am I allowed to cuss if not sorry. Get on a boat in the ocean and go fishing. Notice it looks like your in the middle of a circle and you can't see further than 15/miles out. There is a reason for that. If it were flat it would be further than 15 miles. As for the lunar landing. I'm not one to say it was fake but if it was its cause they were up there checking other **** out. Plane defiantly hit the towers. Sure they could have packed explosives in the tower it was a terrorist attack after all. Was our gov responsible maybe, maybe not, but we are the ones who trained and funded that terrorist group just like we helped get Isis going as well then the gov wanted to help another rebel group. But ask yourself if you give a bum on the street 1000 dollars do you think he will invest it properly and be able to get off the street or do you think he's gonna plan to do a bit of good but instead parties it up. I've seen it plenty of times. I know there is alot of secrets and conspiracies, but come on ppl use your brain. We don't live in a hole in the earth, there is no dome above us. Now aliens may be watching us. Technically God would be considered an alien. And if he don't exist in sure we are not the only ones here.
O I do believe giants existed tho. From the Bible to the native Americans and multiple other religions there is talk painting and carving. I can't believe that some don't believe they existed lol. I love science tho.
Don't delve to deep into conspiracy theories. Alot of em are vs and will warp your mind. They are fun stories sometimes. And nothing wrong with having an imagination. Just don't believe everything you see or read.
If this isn't inappropriate admin you may delete it. I won't get butt hurt. Have a good day everyone. Hopefully my brake line will stop fighting me today and my day can be good as well
I was at Bryce Canyon in Utah recently, checking out the hoodoos (as you do), when a guy came up to me and asked me whether I believed in Bigfoot.

Like..."Hi, do you believe in Bigfoot"?

"Uhhh, no....I don't", I say.

"I've seen it".

"I don't believe you".

Nice place, I recommend a visit....just keep an eye out for the fruitcakes.

My grandpa has friends that are astronauts (he had a 39 year career at NASA), and they say the world isn't flat. Since they've seen it with their own eyes, I'll believe them.