ticket misdomeaner help

I really got to say, even between the bullshit of member A arguing with member B, that mistakes are allowed.

But it's time to remember that you're 20 and seeking an education. You're a man now and men make mistakes. The trick of it, was, what are you going to do to rectify that mistake? Because it's not just getting out of this one, but how are you gonna keep it from happening again? A lawyer can and will help out with this one, but what about the next one and the one after that?

Some mistakes can be gotten out of easily enough by rethinking the decisions that got you there to begin with.

Your future is ahead of you to make of it what you will and good, bad, or indifferent, you'll have to live or die with the consequences of your actions, be it this time or the next. Just remember, every decision has consequences. It how you deal with those consequences that take you from being a boy to being a man.

I'm not bashing, so before you (or anyone) take offense, that's the simplest thing you can ask yourself. Lord knows I've done some **** that's gotten me in trouble. Trick of it is, where do we go from there?

Well said.
lol yea he is he has nothing better to do than harass people over the internet and be borderline racist.

Borderline Racist? Did I miss something?

My advice would be to eat that little bit of weed. LOL

I would call you a kid, but at your age I was fighting in a war a few thousand miles from home. Man this is one of those hard lessons in life. Did you know what your were doing was wrong? I'm sure you did. Do you know there are consequences for your illegal behavior? I'm sure that you are now learning how real those consequences are for one small lapse of judgment. Welcome to adult life. Guess what it gets worse. In a blink of an eye you could make a horrible decision and throw away your entire life or the life of someone else. Some of these guys are being kind of hard on you, but I think it's for your own good. Guess what? When you screw up and ask total strangers for advice, but only want to hear the sugar coated advice that will make you feel all warm, fuzzy and get rid of that knot in your stomach. Guess what? You need to feel that knot in your stomach, do the time and pay the fine and don't do it again. My 02
Borderline Racist? Did I miss something?

My advice would be to eat that little bit of weed. LOL

I would call you a kid, but at your age I was fighting in a war a few thousand miles from home. Man this is one of those hard lessons in life. Did you know what your were doing was wrong? I'm sure you did. Do you know there are consequences for your illegal behavior? I'm sure that you are now learning how real those consequences are for one small lapse of judgment. Welcome to adult life. Guess what it gets worse. In a blink of an eye you could make a horrible decision and throw away your entire life or the life of someone else. Some of these guys are being kind of hard on you, but I think it's for your own good. Guess what? When you screw up and ask total strangers for advice, but only want to hear the sugar coated advice that will make you feel all warm, fuzzy and get rid of that knot in your stomach. Guess what? You need to feel that knot in your stomach, do the time and pay the fine and don't do it again. My 02

Good reply
Find a way to pay a lawyer. A lawyer will get it knocked down to something that doesn't matter on your record
How do you pay taxes if your NOT working??..and NO my tax money that i work my *** off for should NOT go to fund someone elses education..Obama a f-ing moron..you go to school you get the diploma YOU pay for it,all these little whining spoiled brats graduating and then all of a sudden can't pay back there students loans should be thrown in jail until they pay up..

I agree with you..:prayer:

I guess I am going to be the bad guy and say I am glad you got caught with it and you should pay your dues for doing so. Your friend who has the medical card should lose it and go to jail as well. 20 years old in school trying to learn and smoking pot.. then comes on a public forum and confesses to everything including his friend giving him his medical pot... Some brain cells have left the building for sure..

Don't waste this opportunity to learn and be a productive part of society.
now im only 20 and in college and looking for a job, but now i have no form of income.

you're not the only one that pays taxes, i pay taxes

and how do you pay taxes if you don't get a pay check??

do yourself a favor. get a lawyer and get one fast.
get a lawyer is best advice, But I thought this was a car forum, what kind of car were you driving? how much horsepower, were you tacking 5500 going for third, always drive like grandpa, make sure your lights and blinkers are good when your cruising with "a friend" , enjoy college , learn all you can , it will all pay off, especially the lawyer bill, good luck
Just ignore the stupidity, these people act like they have never made a mistake and have led a perfect life. As you can tell by the commentary they obviously have done a ton of screwing up

yea there's a lot of people that are just hypocrites that say everyone that does anything wrong need to go to jail but when they get caught they act like they deserve to get let off with nothing.
No, you have it all wrong. No ones being a hypocrite. Its called, LIFE. Its also called experience, been there done that, read the book, saw the movie. Get my point? Its also called graduated from UHK. That's University of Hard Knocks. Summa Cum Laude. Now, you need to disengage that jaw, and engage those ears. In other words, shut up and listen. Best advice was from post #2. GET A LAWYER! You can't afford not to get one. Is possession of pot a serious crime? In some ways yes, some ways no. But, GET A LAWYER! You need someone who knows how to navigate the court system. Now, read and heed. If not it sucks to be you. Good luck, and I do mean that.
if you would actually read the thread you would see i don't buy weed i got it from a friend and what makes you assume that your taxes are paying for my school? you're not the only one that pays taxes, i pay taxes, my friends pay taxes and most everyone pays taxes, so what makes you paying taxes so special that it cant go to fund higher education? further more a higher educated public is better for the public and will be free in a few years with the bill that's in front of the house and senate. even more than that what's so wrong with smoking some weed every while , do you get demonized for drinking a beer every now and then. even our president omits to smoking marijuana and even enjoying smoking marijuana. its comments like these that show the ignorance of those who don't want to actually understand currents and policies

whats wrong with it is that in most states it isn't legal. really doesn't matter if it will be legal down the road where you live. its not legal now and you got busted. and beer is legal.

now get your head out of your *** and hire a lawyer asap.
it is legal where he lives (Wa.), it will be legal where he got caught (Oregon) across the river literally, on July 1st - IF he was 21 or older. It is however just like drinking under age. It is against the law even in his own state to do so. As said, Get a lawyer.

whats wrong with it is that in most states it isn't legal. really doesn't matter if it will be legal down the road where you live. its not legal now and you got busted. and beer is legal.

now get your head out of your *** and hire a lawyer asap.
I don't get the tax aspect of this conversation!!if you don't have a job you pay no income tax, if you don't have a home you pay no property tax, exactly what kind of taxes do you pay then..sales tax??? Not the same!!!
I don't get the tax aspect of this conversation!!if you don't have a job you pay no income tax, if you don't have a home you pay no property tax, exactly what kind of taxes do you pay then..sales tax??? Not the same!!!

To kids it is! :wack::wack:MT
Mister meaner here in the Natural state............... If you are talking about pot, about a half joint that is..
I agree with you..:prayer:

I guess I am going to be the bad guy and say I am glad you got caught with it and you should pay your dues for doing so. Your friend who has the medical card should lose it and go to jail as well. 20 years old in school trying to learn and smoking pot.. then comes on a public forum and confesses to everything including his friend giving him his medical pot... Some brain cells have left the building for sure..

Don't waste this opportunity to learn and be a productive part of society.
now is the time to get off the pot and learn and plan his life :glasses7:
I hope reality kicks in soon, this buck has no idea sounds like..
Ok kid don't get a lawyer, tell the world you didn't buy the weed it's just a friends script. I'm not the unemployed dumb *** who got himself in this situation crying on the internet for advise on an automotive forum. What'd your parents, guardians or who ever's paying your bills, tell you to do about this? Maybe you should discuss it with them.
Ok kid don't get a lawyer, tell the world you didn't buy the weed it's just a friends script. I'm not the unemployed dumb *** who got himself in this situation crying on the internet for advise on an automotive forum. What'd your parents, guardians or who ever's paying your bills, tell you to do about this? Maybe you should discuss it with them.

I have a lot of friends who got busted smoking weed and they either hired a lawyer or they paid their dues. I feel bad for people that get bent over a barrel over a little pot but I don't feel bad for people that broadcast their problems all over the internet. We all have problems but most people deal with them privately.

Now find a cheap lawyer. Your in one of the Hippie Meccas, I am sure there are lawyers all over for broke kids that get busted with pot.
yea there's a lot of people that are just hypocrites that say everyone that does anything wrong need to go to jail but when they get caught they act like they deserve to get let off with nothing.

There's also those of us who do wrong, know it's wrong, and take the consequences for what they are, learn from it, and move on.

You can't put **** like this out on the internet and not expect to take some bashing. Not everyone is gonna hold your hand and pat you on the head. Take it for what it is.

Tell you the truth, you've said some pretty objectionable things yourself to folks in this thread, too, and that's just fanning the flames. Best to let it die here, take everyone's advice to finding a lawyer, put your big boy pants on, stop carrying a chip on your shoulder, and get over it.
If he let's mommy or daddy know his funding might run out lol. Kids today, alot have no clue about accepting responsibility for their actions, it's everybody else's fault. Lawyer up, suck it up, learn from it, and move on.
By the time this gets before a judge it will be legal in your state, a LAWYER will get it dismissed.

Now playing hardball with a cop is fine if your **** is in one sock, yours was not. Even if you refused a search he could have impounded your vehicle due to the insurance thing, which he did, and then inventoried it at the yard, so you still would have been busted.

1. Get a lawyer like the guys have already told you.

2. If your going to smoke weed don't ride around with it period.

3. Don't tell anyone it is your buddies prescription, giving someone prescription meds is a far more serious crime than the little bit of weed you got caught with.