ticket misdomeaner help

Sorry, if the cop really smelled weed, he has probable cause. At that point his asking for consent is a game.
Yep if he did smell weed or if he smelled liquor-he had cause and the absolute worst thing to do if you are guilty is give a cop a hard time.Lawyer up-pay the price and learn a lesson.If not you will have a long hard road.
i didnt buy it, i got it from a friend that is an oregon medical marijuana patient and the threet value of what they confiscated was around $1-$2

how you obtained it is hardly the point
see what that $1.00-2.00 is going to cost you in the long run
the education you are getting is better then the one from college....called real life.....

speeding while having pot in the car or smoking .....brilliant...
if it were me I would ask the judge if you could do some jail time, instead of paying the fine. next time tell the cop to go pound sand, he probably was smell'n the residue from his own mustache. I don't trust cops under the age of 40. but I don't trust anyone judging me.
hi, so a week ago i was on my way to the beach in oregon with my friends and my friend was speeding and got pulled over. the cop smelled weed and asked where it was, so as i've been taught i gave it to him. it was less than 1/4G of weed but after the cop impounded the car 10 miles from the beach for "no proof of insurance" when we did have proof of insurence he gave my friend over 1k in tickets and my a $650 "possesion of marijuana" ticket. now im only 20 and in college and looking for a job, but now i have no form of income. from what i read this it also goes on my record as a misdomeaner and will keep me from getting jobs. can somone help me out with what i should do? cause im so lost and scared that the fees from not being to pay off this ticket at first will put me in debt for the rest of my life and will keep me from being able to get a job. if you think this makes me a bad person and i deserve everything please dont comment i dont need any more people like that.

You were taught wrong. Never consent to a search. No way, never. And the U.S. Supreme Court just ruled that they can't extend a simple traffic stop to detain you to wait for a drug sniffing dog to come out either. Your favorite words to any cop should be, "I don't answer questions, am I being detained, or am I free to go?" If they don't say that you are being detained, instantly turn around and start leaving. If they do say that you are being detained, ask them what crime they suspect you of committing. If they can't tell you, immediately go with #1 again. Lather, rinse, repeat as desired.
At this point you need a lawyer, not the internet. That is all
Something else that you may have to consider, depending on how you are actually financing your college education:

Is it true that drug convictions might affect my ability to get federal student aid?

Yes; your eligibility might be suspended if the offense occurred while you were receiving federal student aid (grants, loans, or work-study). When you complete the FAFSA, you will be asked whether you had a drug conviction for an offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid. If the answer is yes, you will be provided a worksheet to help you determine whether your conviction affects your eligibility for federal student aid. Preview the drug eligibility worksheet.

If your eligibility for federal student aid has been suspended due to a drug conviction, you can regain eligibility early by successfully completing an approved drug rehabilitation program or by passing two unannounced drug tests administered by an approved drug rehabilitation program. If you regain eligibility during the award year, notify your financial aid office immediately so you can get any aid you’re eligible for.

If you are convicted of a drug-related offense after you submit the FAFSA, you might lose eligibility for federal student aid, and you might be liable for returning any financial aid you received during a period of ineligibility.

Find more information on this topic in a fact sheet called "FAFSA Facts for Students with Drug-related Convictions."

Here's the link.

As others have said, see if you can find a good lawyer. Also, while I don't personally smoke, I don't have any issues with those who do. Just be smart about it. Good luck!
No offense to anyone on this forum but the only advice I would take from this thread is to call a lawyer and wait until it is legal to have the pot.

Good luck
Wow... You know pot becomes legal here next month. You can have half a pound. Must have got nailed in some small town that needs some money.
Don't pay attention to stroked340...he's an ***. Just put him on the ignore list like I did.The only time you will see his posts are when someone quotes him.

lol yea he is he has nothing better to do than harass people over the internet and be borderline racist.
Wow... You know pot becomes legal here next month. You can have half a pound. Must have got nailed in some small town that needs some money.

yea thats what i was thinking it was the end of the month and they had to meet their quota. it was on 26 in oregon 10 miles from seaside if you wanna look it up lol
LAWYER!!!!!! REALLY, a bad decision now could haunt you for the rest of your iife. Mopar Tim.
Confuscious say, man who stands on toilet is high on pot....
Sorry, if the cop really smelled weed, he has probable cause. At that point his asking for consent is a game.

Yes, but don't bend over for them, make them work for it...

Hold your ground and let the lawyer do his job...

They could just say that they smell weed, when they don't, just to get you to think that they have probable cause and let them search your car. Bottom line, if they have to ask you, then they don't have probable cause. Don't give it to them. If they really have probable cause, then he can lock you in the back of his car and search yours without asking.

Cops routinely lie, it's legal for them to lie to you to get a confession out of you... So therefore, it should be right to lie back to them.... I can throw them farther than I trust them...

I've had cops lie to my face many times. I don't trust them after that and guard what I say to them or don't tell them anything. You have the fifth amendment to protect you from incriminating yourself. Cops are trained to get around that if they can. You can't expect me to cooperate with you when you won't give me the same courtesy...

Look at all of the riots lately about cops crossing the line. It's been going on for so long, that people are getting fed up with it and protesting. It's caught up to them and now they have a bigger mess do deal with... People know that the courts will back the cops and are not letting that happen and are taking matters in their own hands. Right or wrong, that's what's happening...

I'm sorry, but if you lie to me, then I don't feel the need to tell you the truth either. I like how the "rules" are stacked in their favor. They can lie to me, but don't want me to lie to them... BS...

They lie all the time in court to get their convictions and the judges believe them over you. You have to realize that they are trying to trap you and act accordingly... Get a lawyer...
You were taught wrong. Never consent to a search. No way, never. And the U.S. Supreme Court just ruled that they can't extend a simple traffic stop to detain you to wait for a drug sniffing dog to come out either. Your favorite words to any cop should be, "I don't answer questions, am I being detained, or am I free to go?" If they don't say that you are being detained, instantly turn around and start leaving. If they do say that you are being detained, ask them what crime they suspect you of committing. If they can't tell you, immediately go with #1 again. Lather, rinse, repeat as desired.

Kid get a lawyer, shut up about using your friends prescription drugs illegally(Just more trouble in long run)
As far as walking away, a ticket is in lieu of arrest, cops discretion.
Kid get a lawyer, shut up about using your friends prescription drugs illegally(Just more trouble in long run)
As far as walking away, a ticket is in lieu of arrest, cops discretion.

If you actually would have really thought about what you were reading I was just explaining to one member not what I'm going to do legally, so shut up with you dumb redundant comment.
Just fight it and drag it out as long as you can, it will end up getting dismissed in court. They can charge you all they want but they aren't going to chase such a petty *** charge especially when it's about to be legal. Trust me on this I live in Colorado where it is already legal and they have much bigger and better fish to fry
If you actually would have really thought about what you were reading I was just explaining to one member not what I'm going to do legally, so shut up with you dumb redundant comment.
Just ignore the stupidity, these people act like they have never made a mistake and have led a perfect life. As you can tell by the commentary they obviously have done a ton of screwing up

Between the hating, there's some good advice on here. I gots some words of wisdom for you too:

1- You're 20, you're allowed some screw ups. Good for you for going to college. Have some fun and grow up when you're ready. Responsibility comes in stages.

2- Get a lawyer, do your homework, get informed. Your options are only limited if you let them be.

3- Don't worry about your future. Records can be expunged... besides, in 10 years when you have a mortgage/family/etc., it'll be legal all over and no one will care. If everyone's future was ruined by young mistakes we'd all be unemployed. Hold your head up, get yourself through it and add it to the stories you'll tell your grandkids about the old prohibition days.

4- If everyone on FABO had an 1/8th of something sticky and some good rolling papers, there'd be a lot less bitching.
I really got to say, even between the bullshit of member A arguing with member B, that mistakes are allowed.

But it's time to remember that you're 20 and seeking an education. You're a man now and men make mistakes. The trick of it, was, what are you going to do to rectify that mistake? Because it's not just getting out of this one, but how are you gonna keep it from happening again? A lawyer can and will help out with this one, but what about the next one and the one after that?

Some mistakes can be gotten out of easily enough by rethinking the decisions that got you there to begin with.

Your future is ahead of you to make of it what you will and good, bad, or indifferent, you'll have to live or die with the consequences of your actions, be it this time or the next. Just remember, every decision has consequences. It how you deal with those consequences that take you from being a boy to being a man.

I'm not bashing, so before you (or anyone) take offense, that's the simplest thing you can ask yourself. Lord knows I've done some **** that's gotten me in trouble. Trick of it is, where do we go from there?