Video Obama does not want you to see.



Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2005
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In a tree near you.

Strange how obama does everything in his power to conceal, dodge, sidestep, or downplay his past associations by saying "It's taken out of context."

What little information that HAS surfaced about Obama should be enough to make any blue blooded American "cling to their guns and religion."
That last part was Obama's words, not mine.
Don't know how the presidential race will turn out. I don't care what party, race, color, creed, religion (or lack of), a candidate has. I only care about how they will affect the future of me and my family. That's why I am voting for Senator Obama. I think that our odds for the future are better with him than with Senator McCain.
Don't know how the presidential race will turn out. I don't care what party, race, color, creed, religion (or lack of), a candidate has. I only care about how they will affect the future of me and my family. That's why I am voting for Senator Obama. I think that our odds for the future are better with him than with Senator McCain.

I'll cling to my guns and my religion.
theyre both dangerous and we're dicked either way. So stock up on hooch and enjoy the ride!
I agree with Baxter61 above. But, I don't know that I agree with the video.

See the following: (see the second question)

I think this is a very important election for my kids (and grandchildren). It would be good if the bullshit would stop and decisions made on facts. Stop giving us reasons to vote against Obama and give us reasons to vote for McCain!

If we want to talk bullshit, did you see this:
Can I vote for someone that's backed by witchhunters? Can you? It must be true, I seen it on TV and on the internet...
theyre both dangerous and we're dicked either way. So stock up on hooch and enjoy the ride!

I agree.

one taxes and spends, other borrows and spends...

Who exactly is supposed to pay for all this stuff?
And W is good friends with saudi royalty where roughly 90% of the plane attack particpants were from? What's the point?

I know someone that killed a real POS person, others were huge drug dealers, doesn't mean I think they are rotten people 30 years later. I've known others that have done far worse, IMO, than either of the above and never got caught criminally. One was a deeply religious MFer pile of crap too. So somehow I'm questioned for knowing (insert whoever here)?

I dislike both these candidates.

Have fun with the hype and wake me when it's over.
vote for who you want but when they take away your hot rods you will wish you had voted for Mccain dont think its true check out the DNC VOTING RECORD ON OLD CARS THEY WANT US ALL TO DRIVE NEW ONE FOR SMOG CONTROL HEY RIGHT JUST LIKE THEY DONT HATE GUN.!!!!! LOOK AT THE VIDEO OF OBAMA ITS JUST THE TRUTH SEE FOR YOUR SELF .
They have been trying to hit the white house for years, they finally got smart and stopped using planes and bombs. "The greatest thing the devil did was convince the world he didnt exist." McCain bled for this country and paid his dues, Obama wount even put his hand over his heart for the pled and him and his wife are very open about being disappointed and ashamed of our country!:stop::stop::stop:
My thought is that it comes down to the worse of the two evils and Obama is by far the worse. I do plan to "cling to my guns and religion" which means I will avoid Obama and democrats in general. I do not like McCain and do not trust where he will take the country but I think where Obama will take the country is much worse. WARNING, if democrats come into power, expect the largest tax increase in the history of the country. It will not be called a tax increase, they will just allow the Bush tax cuts to end and will not call it a tax increase. They will just blame Bush even though he will no longer be in power. That is one of Nancy Polsiki stated goals is to get rid of the Bush tax cuts and with Obama in power she can do it and blame it on Bush.

My hope that in 4 years Sarah Palin will gain some experience and if she keep her values in tack, I will totally support her. I have never finanically supported a political canadite before but in this case, I will consider supporting and campaining for her. This is provided she maintains her values after 4 years in Washington. As you can gather, my vote is more for Sarah Palin then for McCain. Without Sarah on the ticket, I may not have voted at all and I know my wife and mother would not have, but with Sarah on the ticket they will now be voting.
My hope that in 4 years Sarah Palin will gain some experience and if she keep her values in tack

IMHO, whichever party in power after this election is a one term wonder.

They are being handed the proverbial "**** sandwich."
Probably need to take a good look at Palin. The odds of McCain (who has already lived longer than the average life span) making it to the end of a four year term are pretty slim. After all, the president has the most stressful job in the world. The other thing to consider is that in his 70's, McCain cannot be as mentally sharp as he once was. It is just natural progression. And as we age, we tend to fondly look at how things were in the past rather than realistically looking to the future.
I was born in the 1940's and retired almost nine years ago. Since Bush has been in office, my expenses have tripled and my income is flat. My investments have lost nearly 30%. I am not ready to have a third term of the same policies. If McCain wins, I am afraid that we will all need religion and guns. We will have to pray for a good shot to put food on the table.
Having said all of this, I strongly believe and support our democratic process. If McCain gets elected, I won't like it, but I will support him.
Don't know how the presidential race will turn out. I don't care what party, race, color, creed, religion (or lack of), a candidate has. I only care about how they will affect the future of me and my family. That's why I am voting for Senator Obama. I think that our odds for the future are better with him than with Senator McCain.
And on what do you base that belief? I ask because I have asked that of every Obama supporter I have met and not one of them has been able to come up with a single thing. All they can do is repeat the hollow things he has said in his speeches that are in direct opposition to what he has actually done.
Vote for Nader! 'Nuff said.
Are you kidding me? The first time he made a serious run at the Presidency I read his platform and it was an almost direct quotation of the communist manifesto. Heck, look at his history. If he was in charge all of our cars would be on the way to the crusher. NO THANKS.