What Did You Get To Do Growing Up That Your Kids Will Never Be Able To?

We used to all go out on a stretch of I-16 to race on the weekends. There was a Twiggs County Sheriff's deputy that would come out and block the west bound lane going towards Macon long enough for a few pairs of cars to run, then block it off again, ect. Of course, somebody PAID him something. Plus, he got a small chunk of the winnings. Although I didn't know him then, there was one guy that had a 67 Hemi Belvedere. "I" never saw it lose, but I am sure somebody beat it sometime. Anyway, now that fella is one of my good friends. He has a black 71 Cuda with a 14.1 528 wedge motor, a six pack, 4 speed and a Franklin quick change. Yeah. I said 14.1, and it's a street car. lol Frankie, you may well know him too. He's a professional welder in the area. His name is John.
Everything! I don't have kids and never will! LOL!

Build a fort
Make a jumping ramp out of anything to jump with your bike
Busy signal on a phone
1)Walking to the local dairy and get chocolate milk to drink on the way home
2) Taking my allowance to go to the five & dime store to get a new toy to play with until the following week
3) Going fishing with all my buddies
4) Building carts out of scrap wood and wheels to race down the nearest hill
I live in a vey quiet neighborhood and let my daughter steer as we idle down the streets going to and from my parents.
Going with my dad to The Owl, a local bar in Canon City, where we'd eat cheeseburgers and play pool until they closed ... The Owl's still there. Dad isn't.
Here are a few that i remember.......
Never wearing seat belts.
My dad smoked in the grocery store. There were ashtrays in the aisles!
Paying with checks or cash only.
We didn't have a phone. We lived out of town about 5 miles, and finally got a ''party line'' when they finally ran the telephone poles out past where we lived.
No running water. We didn't have a well and we hauled water, and used an outhouse for many years.
Singing the national anthem and saying the lord's prayer at the start of each school day in grade one (1968). I still think it was a good thing. And it was a public school.
Writing and mailing letters to relatives. Then waiting for 3-4 weeks for a response.
Music......The Beatles and rolling Stones were ''radical ****'' to my parents and when my brother bought and played Alice Cooper's first album, my mom almost fainted and forbid it when she was around.
There's lots more, that's just a few quick ones.........
Steering a 62 Cadillac with left hand sitting by Dad just barely peeping over the dash, going 70 down the interstate:D
Walk miles to go fishing/swimming, as long as home by dark.
Hunting unsupervised with shotgun @ 12 years old.
Riding in the back of a new 69 4 spd GTO with cheeks plastered back from the Gs.
Watching the older guys street race on a 2 lane main road.
In my teens hitchhikeing anywhere we wanted to go.
We all could go on and on.
Ride a BMW motorcycle from Connecticut to Florida with a buddy on board while in high school and watch Fireball Roberts win the Firecracker 250. We probably didn't have more than $100 between us. Slept outside each night.

Tour Canada on the same bike a year later with the same friend. Have his BSA breakdown in the middle of nowhere and I pull him into the nearest town with a tree limb. AND, to have a guy pull up as we entered town, tell us where his house was and where the key was hidden. He said to use whatever tools we needed. We fixed the bike and wrote him a nice note and continued on our way.

Stop at a road side lookout dressed a leather jacket and helmet, climb to the lookout and promptly fall all the way back down the trail.

Tell fellow high school kids we had a car. When they asked to see it, we'd have them come with us to a kids house. He lived at an 80 acre gravel bank and we'd take them for a ride they will never forget. Car was a '36 Ford that was given to us. We found it in the woods. The RR corner was jacked up and the fender removed. A long belt was around the tire and was connected to a circular saw blade about 3' in diameter. Someone had cut all the available trees and left it there. The trees had grown back by the time we found it!

There is no way today's kids could have as much fun as we did back then. Freedom is the key and sadly it is being taken away bit by bit each day.
Play outside all day and not get sun burned.
Wear a buck knife on your belt to school.
Have a rifle mounted in the back glass of your pickup at school.
Going with my dad to The Owl, a local bar in Canon City, where we'd eat cheeseburgers and play pool until they closed ... The Owl's still there. Dad isn't.

I remember 4 numbers total from my childhood. Mine, my grandmothers, my best friends, and the Wagon Wheel Bar. Lol. 5406 btw. And we only had to dial one number before the 4, not the whole 3 digit prefix. Played a lot of pool and pac-man there growing up.
Raise you hand if you know what "horizontal hold" is.
No, children. That's not what it is.

I remember learning to drive and hanging my head out the window in the heavy rain to see because the vacum windshield wipers would stop when you stepped on the gas to go up a hill.
..yes,twist the antennae for a channel
..an ice box and the "ice man" came twice a week
..milk delivery
..BB gun fights...hitting clothes only and usually in the butt
..walk all day to fish speckles in beaver ponds and hunting,canoeing at 12 yrs old
..i remember camping up the local creek in the woods in winter under a self made
" lean to "
Getting the strap at school,i once got the strap for wearing my hat inside in grade 1
Going down stairs on Sat. morning and listening to John Sparky on the radio as most people did not have TV.

Riding in the locomotive while they switched cars on the siding.

Searching the dump for a battery to start our field cars.

Going camping with a kerosene lantern as flash light batteries were too expensive.

Take my .22 to school for rifle club.
As a kid I would be gone from sunrise to sunset no cell phone to "check in" and I'm certain no one ever came looking for me lol. We would get lost in the woods for hours and hours. We used to go to a junkyard down the road and walk in with any random adult that would be walking in and play in there until staff figured out we were by ourselves.
make believe my hand was a gun and point it at another student in school.

Hell, I took guns to school!

Pop's muzzleloaders to be precise, to make a video about the Revolution in the seventh grade. Teachers thought it was cool to have "authentic" looking rifles for the video and the principal wanted to know if my dad would teach him how to shoot 'em.

Walking over to the high school, it was no big deal to see shotguns in the gun racks in all the pick ups.

I remember archery in high school gym class...
Being Dads remote control and grateful we only had 3 channels.

Watching Neil Armstrong land and walk on the moon.

Drinking from a whites only fountain.

Watching Vietnam protesters across the fence at our base.
bailing hay, no cell phones, no computers. just going out side to play. now even me always looking at the phone just need to get a house phone again. sitting on the hood of a car looking at the stars
Driving my pickup to school at 13.

Being clocked at 137 in a 55 in my '70 Challenger, and then sitting in the ditch for an hour BS'n with the sheriff about his fast cars when he was a teenager. No ticket either.

Following the local constable around town idling along in reverse because we were bored.

Occasionally bumming a beer off the local sheriff.

Skipping school to ride dirt bikes on the Pecos River. Go into town at lunch, eat a burger, gas up and take off again. Usually some kids from neighboring towns there too. Now they call the cops and fine the parents if you skip. Hell, sometimes we just needed a day off.

Spending 30 minutes seeing who could cut the wildest donut in the middle of the main drag.

Going into the grocery store with Mom and coming out 30 minutes later to find the '67 Plymouth is still semi-running on oilpatch drip gas with the key off. How that old 318 lasted 197,000 beats me........

Putting a dime in the old style Coke machines that had the bottles hanging on racks by the neck, and eating frozen Snickers bars kept in the same machine.

Eating a burger at the local drug store while reading a comic book you just bought.

Looking at the toys and model cars in a Gibson's or Wacker's store.

Bottle rocket wars on the main drag with 10-12 kids on each side of the street. Heaven help anyone who drove through the middle of it.

Going Trick or Treating and not worrying about the candy.

Burning your school's letters on a rival's football field for the Homecoming game.

Getting in a fist fight without worrying about getting shot or cut. Whoever got their butt kicked excepted that fact and went on with their rat mashin'.
7 year old playing dominoes with the old guys at one of the local bars..............................................
I forgot about those old times Oklacar :toothy7: That was me. :D
Shoot my .22 in the back yard in a residential neighborhood
blow up piles of dog crap with firecrackers in your back yard
climb between the front and back seats of the car while your parents were driving.
stand out in front of the town hall/police dept at 14 years old with a rifle in your hand.
dialing 5 numbers on a phone to make a call
shooting and getting shot by squirt guns and rubber band guns in the hallways at school
riding your motorcycle down the hallway and out the back door at school
doin my teacher in the school parking lot in her long shaged out chevy van during lunch break
spinning donuts in my barracuda at the 4 way on main street , trashed with 5 people in the car and the cop watching
sign up for the draft