What stops you from moving to another state ??


Kern Dog

Build your car to handle.
FABO Gold Member
May 23, 2010
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Granite Bay CA
I hear it all the time....I want to LEAVE this stupid state!
For years, census figures have shown a population shift where people were moving further south and further west. In 1967, my parents moved from the Michigan/Ohio area and headed to California. They both had enough of the snow and wanted to raise the family in an area with more opportunity.
I've lived all of my life. I love the weather, I love the scenery.
I do NOT like the politics. I do not like the excessive traffic. So far, I have not reached my boiling point. I like my house and yard. I'd move, but where is it better ?
What about your family? I can get work anywhere, same with the wife. I just wonder where I could have the same weather and scenery without the idiot politicians. I love the Texas spirit. From what I have seen, the state looks barren and brown.
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I would like to move to Idaho ,
Or Montana !
I live in western Washington .
What stops me is being established and work .
I was born here and with the exception of 1 year in Hawaii have lived here all my life .
I strongly dislike the politics here and the traffic as well !
I must say that when it is nice here I don't think there is any place nicer!!
We were looking to move to the nc area a few years ago.

What kept us from doing so? We both make pretty good money here in jersey. Doubt we could make the same down there. Which means less money for retirement.

The other thing is we have an 8 year old. We have great schools here for her. Down there they are too hit and miss from everything I've seen.
Wherever we go I have to be within 2 hours (preferably closer) to the ocean. Need to be able to do day trips to a beach to play in the waves.
More chance of snow here too. I like playing in the snow with the daughter.
We like to head to Wilmington ny to ski. It's a 6 hour ride now. No need to add another 6 hours to that.

Have a few friends in the Clayton and charlotte areas. They constantly talk about moving back to jersey.

I'm sure there are more reasons that I'm forgetting but that's the basic jist of it.

Just Not worth the move at this time for us.
Retire first. Snow bird second. Move third IF it fits and suites.

Good luck Joe!
Retire first. Snow bird second. Move third IF it fits and suites.

Good luck Joe!
I lived in California for 4 yrs, it was great for weather and riding 4 wheelers in the desert. but they absolutely have and vote in, some of the screwiest, left wing, power hungry, bad for the state and nation, "POLITICIANS" of about anywhere!
Family political, on a estate close out. I have lived in Pismo Beach,46 years..The political is a PITA,granted....The tourism, drives me bananas...Of course the oldest sister ( and in control of the estate,is a tourism state employee...). I love her to death,just riding it out. Most likely Nevada,New Mexico, a long shot..Wisconsin.( I do have some sane family,there....) ....Different idea,for a thread,K.D...I dig it.
For me, it's location to family. After spending 20+ years in the USAF, it's time to be near family. Over the years you miss the opportunity for reunions, weddings, funerals, etc...

I was able to find a great job here, so that's another reason. I also like that Ohio doesn't tax military retirement.

I may move to Tennessee after my next retirement. I like the fact of no state income tax and the beautiful lakes.
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I live in Mississippi and enjoy it most of the time the job opportunity's aren't great and income is generally low but we don't have the government on us 24 7. No smog check on cars. They are building a continental tire plant here that is supposed to employ 2500 people so there is some good news. The weather is great most of the time
About half moved now. Don't know whether to try and sell my house or dismantle it board by board and take it with. Not sure where to go next. I have a small place in Nevada where I can hang out while I decide.
I would like to move to Idaho ,
Or Montana !
I live in western Washington .
What stops me is being established and work .
I was born here and with the exception of 1 year in Hawaii have lived here all my life .
I strongly dislike the politics here and the traffic as well !
I must say that when it is nice here I don't think there is any place nicer!!

I lived in California for 4 yrs, it was great for weather and riding 4 wheelers in the desert. but they absolutely have and vote in, some of the screwiest, left wing, power hungry, bad for the state and nation, "POLITICIANS" of about anywhere!

We have lots of Californians coming up here to get away from " Liberal California" and yet they all seem to have DEEP enough pockets to pay cash for monster homes and buy up our back country 10,000 acres at a time. And they seem to bring with them the very lifestyle the were trying to escape.. I had some people stop in driving a Hummer with Cali plates and they wanted to buy another Hummer.... very superficial ... all they could talk about is how much they hated California.
They and their late 20s daughter just paid cash for big homes...
They must be doing something right in CA to build all that prosperity !

Others say they would love to move up here but couldn't reproduce the wages they earn down there.... and they are correct.

I live here for the outdoors.... Hunting , dirtbiking , skiing , camping.... other than my Mopars it's really all I want to do.
Born and raised here in Ca. I've lived in the same county all my life (51yrs). I don't like most of the people, the politics, traffic. I have a good job w/benefits, and still live paycheck to paycheck (my own fault, not California's). I couldn't imagine not living here. I like the weather, except for 100* summers. I love the fact that I can be in the mountains, or beach or desert in a matter of 1-3 hrs. Would I like the slower pace of the mid-west? Or the quiet solitude of the Smokey Mountains? Absolutely! But California is my home and like it or not it's where I'm staying. Unless California succeeds from the Union, then I'm out! I'm an American first! Just my 2 cents.
After talking to many older folks that lived in Cali back in the 50 and 60s I would have loved to be there then !

I'm allergic to people so I can't live anywhere congested...no matter what they are like....lol
In my 45 years in Washington state split between Kirkland, Camano Island/ Stanwood, and Wenatchee .
I have seen quite a bit of change!
I remember coming back from Camano island in the mid 70's
There was literally a handful of vehicles on I-5 or 405 , often we were the only ones for long stretches !
Would love to go back !!!
Oh yeah I forgot..... NO bugs or Humidity here..


Legal Marijuana-------------------Just kidding, still work for a drug free company.
I was born here and I will die here. Washington state has four seasons and three distinct climates that I can access within 4 hours.
I like it here!
I was born and raised in Cali, it was great until the 80's. I left for the military until I retired then moved back to work for the military as a civilian. It is horrible here now. My wife and I plan to move when I fully retire in about 4 years. Texas is one of the places we are thinking about moving to. My wife is from panama so we will probably live there a few months a year. Panama is a very laid back old fashion place, no rat race there
Only delay is digging out of my ex stealing everything , paying off her debts and then rebuilding $ for the down payment.

I am only going about 75 miles, and it's way cheaper than where I'm at now.

I have traveled extensively and I can't imagine living away from Lake Michigan, the Dunes, the rivers, the woods.
I'm originally from South Jersey. Been living in Florida for 32 years. My wife and I make good money or we would leave now. Plus my son has about 6 more years left of school. And he's in a good school and does well. We will buy a second home/retirement home in about two years. It will be in GA. Mountains or TN.
Raised in Jersey for 57 years, and want to move in Northeast Alabama near a cousin who relocated there 8 years ago and loves it. Cindy actually got 2 great job offers(60k+ is great for Alabama where your property taxes are under $100 a month)in Birmingham, but we were not ready to make the move. We are thinning the herd in the basement and garage, so when the headhunter calls again, our answer can be yes. I am also tired of traffic, headlights at night, traffic, endless building, noise, traffic, being asked to pay for everything, corruption that rivals NYC, traffic, rude people, Taxes,etc. Being able to see my neighbors house 500 feet away if fine with me, as well as a workshop for the Dart. Heck, I will take slow paced old fashioned living any day. A busy Saturday being cutting the lawn and BBQing a brisket. Family, friends, neighbors and fabo friends would be the hard part, as well as knowing it wasnt like this when I was a kid.
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Cool topic! Moved to South Florida in 73 as a kid. It was great then, lots of open spaces, laid back beach town. So different now, all built up. Everything's changed, traffic, too many people, no more open space. We used to have a drag strip, gone to development. There used to be mud trucks running around all over. Riding my Dirt bike was not a problem. I would love to go to North Florida, been through many small towns there and its like it was here 30 years ago. My job keeps me from leaving right now, 2 1/2 years from retirement. Plus family and my youngest has 2 more years of school. After that we'll see.
Don't know where you could go to get away from stupid politicians. Maybe after the last election it could start changing slightly. I understand that people are moving to the urban areas of Colorado from California to get away. Then they try to change it into what they just left.