What Would You Do?



Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Belmont, California
No, This is not the TV show.
I sold a car on Ebay last month and the person that bought it has flaked out twice to come pick it up already. Last word was Father's day weekend and he was a no show. Supposed to come up this weekend and get it, so I sent an email to confirm it on Wednesday. No response!
It has been over one month already. Just so you know all the facts, I am in the SF Bay Area and the buyer is in San Diego area.
What to do?
1) Relist the car and give him his money back?
2) Relist the car and tell him tough luck?
3) Start charging his storage?

I would never do that to someone so I really need your honest help here guys, because I know how I would want to be treated.
Thanks in advance.
If you already have his money it means that he is serious. Perhaps he has a good reason why he has not come and picked it up. If the car is not in your way be patent with him. JMO
That is part of the problem, how long does one be patient and yes it is in the way of paving my circular so I can build my new garage.
How much money did he give you? I always try to work with people, because I don't really have any limitations on storage. But if you're waiting for the rest of your money (which is what I'm assuming) I would start laying down a deadline to him.......and maybe mentioning his "non-refundable" deposit. I try to be flexible with people if I think they are on the level with their reasons for not picking their stuff up; I know it can be overwhelming traveling 100's of miles.
It was paid in full, Father's day weekend I can certainly understand. It is the no reply that bothers me, but then again maybe he is just firming up the trip. I just don't like not knowing.
Write him a E-mail and a certified letter giving him CXX amount of time or....

Storage charges will Incurr
Money will be sent back and car relisted (could be a leagal problem there)
What ever else you think that may motivate him to pick it up.
Good Idea and yes I think the storage charge will motivate him. I will have to see if Ebay will show me his address for the Certified letter with proof of delivery.
You can also email and get your e mail to give you notice of delivery if you want to go that way.
If I had a issue ( death in the family for example ) I might not check my email for days.
If one parent passed and I had to move the other in with me, the days could turn into weeks. If I screwed up somehow and went to jail, weeks could turn into months.
In any case, the last thing I would want to find when I did begin to live my life again is someone taxing me.
If it truly is costing you to store the car, that's not a tax.
We can't know your complete situation or his either.
I will say this , If you had bought from me, the car would be sitting out where you can come and get it anytime you choose. I'll go fishing or whatever and not worry about it.
If you don't know where I put the title and keys... call me.
Perhaps something happened that he cannot contact you. This may come as a surprise to some folks but there is life outside this out rust buckets....
Send him another email telling him if he does not pick it up withing x amount of time, it will be going to a storage facility and he can pay to get it out/or not.
If it does end up going into a facility, just send him the address, phone number and wish him good luck.

Even libraries have internet access.

It would suck, but you can't be expected to store it for him indefinatly, and especially without hearing back from him.
Send him another email telling him if he does not pick it up withing x amount of time, it will be going to a storage facility and he can pay to get it out/or not.
If it does end up going into a facility, just send him the address, phone number and wish him good luck.

Even libraries have internet access.

Not a bad idea and you are right about internet access. How much time would you give a person that is already one month over?
For what it is worth.......buddy owns a trans shop. Not uncommon for a vehicle to sit for a few weeks before getting picked up. He has acquired several vehicles from folks that had him do some work and then more or less abandon the vehicle.....
Sounds like you have had several communications. In any of them did you ever exchange telephone/cell phone numbers? That's the first thing I did when I bought my '69 Dart on eBay. Voice contact is so much better than email/text messaging.
I assume you have a name and an address. Check a directory to see if you can get a phone number. If necessary, post up a request here on FABO for someone in the San Diego area to drive to his address and check for you.
He promised to call me on the 4th of June but didn't call until late on the 5th. To be honest with you I would rather Ebay and myself have all communication in black and white. Phone calls can be he said/ she said and I want everything clear. But your idea about the text messaging is good, will give it a shot.
You could always email him and say that it's parked out in front of your house with the keys in the visor.......you're going on vacation. :p
Call him and if you do get him on the phone send what was agreed on through eBay message system to make a verifiable trail for eBay.

Have you checked to see if he is bidding on other items on eBay?

Would you post the auction link for us to see?
I'd give him a 7 day "Must hear from you" and 14 days to move it.
He could even have it picked up and stored locally to you until he can get it.

It's his problem, not yours.

For all he knows you are having difficult family issue's of your own.
Hell you could be closing on a new home in Alaska for all he knows.
Call him and if you do get him on the phone send what was agreed on through eBay message system to make a verifiable trail for eBay.

Have you checked to see if he is bidding on other items on eBay?

Would you post the auction link for us to see?

I don't know how to see if he is bidding on something else.
here is the link:
