whats the most strangest thing you have seen in public

This, but in a purpleish color with pink pok-a-dots.



Nothing says quality product like a new car that chooses to just use a cheap sealed beam light for a headlight.
What in the hell is that thing???
My first cross country trip Driving a truck going through Memphis Me and my trainer seen a good looking woman driving her Caddy with the sunroof open playing with herself. It was a eye opening experience.
was driving in Dublin, Ga, saw a car with a busted back glass. They had plastic covering it, but the plastic was held down by those small red bricks. I kept my distance.
Was in Las Vegas in 2002, seen this guy sitting on this wall like 5--10 feet from the sidewalk where everybody is walking past. He had NO arms or legs, just stubs, he was looking at everybody in hopes his friend would show up and I guess get him out of there.

He must have worked in one of the stage shows, I seen a few midgets running around in Vegas also. The midgets all look happy, this other guy look so sad.

I wanted to help him but what could I do for him? Never forget it, got me to be more thankful for just being healthy and having a normal body
I saw a street person in New York City riding a bike with one of those spring loaded carriers behind the seat and over the back wheel. She had an unwrapped loaf of Italian bread clamped in the carrier.

I needed to have a repair made to the foundation of my house. I was working in the basement when the doorbell rang. The contractor who was going to fix the foundation came down the stairs on crutches. He had one good leg and the other one was missing above the knee. It was wrapped in a bandage that was blood stained. He looked at me and said "I bet you've never seen a one legged foundation repair guy before........."
I worked as a valet parking cars at a club in the heart of the rough Tenderloin district of San Francisco, CA in 1995. Because I was the valet I worked outside on the street waiting for customers. A crowd had gathered and it was a homeless traveler being held up with an ice-pic by a well dressed junkie. The young drifter said he had no money and he looked broke. But the dynamics were the strange part. It appeared the junkie with the pic wanted to let him go but he had to save face being watched by the crowd that had noticed them. He (junkie) knew his reputation was at stake so he had to stab his victim to keep his image on the street. So he made dramatic but superficial wounds so the poor drifting kid would live fairly unscathed and he did not lose his name publicly because of the people watching. The sociology of inner city street dynamics-
This is more on the perverse side of things, and not really strange. When I was aboard ship in the Navy, the guy in the rack across from mine used to "enjoy" himself a little too often and he was not shy about it. He usually had some piece of clothing sticking out of the curtains (at least they were closed) and it would be moving back and forth like there was no tomorrow. He did this at least two or three times a night, regardless if there was anybody around. The funny thing is that this guy's last name was "Cummings"...

Then there were the dancers in Hong Kong that could give exact change without using their hands...
I worked as a valet parking cars at a club in the heart of the rough Tenderloin district of San Francisco, CA in 1995. Because I was the valet I worked outside on the street waiting for customers. A crowd had gathered and it was a homeless traveler being held up with an ice-pic by a well dressed junkie. The young drifter said he had no money and he looked broke. But the dynamics were the strange part. It appeared the junkie with the pic wanted to let him go but he had to save face being watched by the crowd that had noticed them. He (junkie) knew his reputation was at stake so he had to stab his victim to keep his image on the street. So he made dramatic but superficial wounds so the poor drifting kid would live fairly unscathed and he did not lose his name publicly because of the people watching. The sociology of inner city street dynamics-

...and all was just fine until someone lit-up a cigarette ; that's when all of the gasping and horror started !

I had some family up in Alameda . Used to LOVE going to visit them ; too bad they've all moved .
Was headed down the 5 freeway when I got tailed by a middle aged woman. She followed me about 5 miles honking and flashing her lights. I turned off the freeway and she pulled up behind me, got out an decided to try to get through my window scaring the hell outta me. She eventually caught her composure and freaked out. She then told me sorry and how she though I was her husband. She then proceeded to tell me about all the problems she was having with her husband (going into sexual detail). She then bought me a pack of smokes, gave me 5 bucks for gas (don't know why) and then gave me her number... GOD I love southern California !
This is more on the perverse side of things, and not really strange. When I was aboard ship in the Navy, the guy in the rack across from mine used to "enjoy" himself a little too often and he was not shy about it. He usually had some piece of clothing sticking out of the curtains (at least they were closed) and it would be moving back and forth like there was no tomorrow. He did this at least two or three times a night, regardless if there was anybody around. The funny thing is that this guy's last name was "Cummings"...

Then there were the dancers in Hong Kong that could give exact change without using their hands...

By some chance you weren't stationed on the Nimitz? LOL
I was goig to start this story with "Back when we were dirt poor" but considering our current situation...
The first time we were dirt poor, I managed to buy a 59 Galaxie 500 for a hundred bucks.
I told the wife "Don't open that right vent window or it will fall out". A warning label on the glass would have been a smart move. Anyway.. Now my neighbor/buddy and I could drive to the store rather than walk the railroad tracks.
Fast forward to maiden beer run 60% complete. I came out of the store to see Ricky has one of his strange and goofy expressions on his face and says "Sorry dude, I broke your hotrod". Yep, the right vent window layed shattered on the asphault. The guy in a station wagon parked beside us started laughing at all this and backing out at the same time. He backed right into another car that was moving forward out of the row behind us.
Both drivers got out of their cars and began to cuss rather than discuss. The driver that was moving forward was definately the drunker of the two.
When he went back to his open car door and pulled out a baseball bat, his drunk chick passenger jumped out and came around behind him. Now there are 3 people shouting cuss words.
I had my "hotrod" gathered up, fired up, and was ready to get gone if I could. I'm looking at the rearview mirror. The guy facing the bat glanced over his shoulder to see he was in the way of my backing out. That's when the batter decided to swing. The target guy leaned backward just in time to be missed. Faster than my buddy Rick could shout "Strike one" the bat went around 180 degrees and hit the chick right on her left ear. What Rick said came out like "Strike wahDamn!" The chick dropped like a rock ( unlike the vent window, she was shattered before she hit the asphault ).
So I asked Rick, "Do we hang around as witnesses ?" He says "HELL NO ! Lets get outa here."
Ambulance passed us going that way just as we were turning into the trailer park.
End of story.
Was headed down the 5 freeway when I got tailed by a middle aged woman. She followed me about 5 miles honking and flashing her lights. I turned off the freeway and she pulled up behind me, got out an decided to try to get through my window scaring the hell outta me. She eventually caught her composure and freaked out. She then told me sorry and how she though I was her husband. She then proceeded to tell me about all the problems she was having with her husband (going into sexual detail). She then bought me a pack of smokes, gave me 5 bucks for gas (don't know why) and then gave me her number... GOD I love southern California !

Wow thats awesome did you call her...... ;)

And that 5$ for gas was for you to go to her house
Start reading this with the, "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" gas sound in your head;

One winter the 5 foot by 5 foot FURNACE in our 84 year old house was slowly dying. My dad was trying to relight the pilot light with the gas turned on. My 6'5" hairy father, ( a man among men) on all fours, started crawling as fast as he could when the ssssound changed, all I could think of was "Indiana Jones running-from-the-boulder" as dad was over taken by the largest ball of fire the basement could hold. Like a Batman villain, dad only had half his hair, and it was so hard not to laugh at him knowing that he was okay.
That crawling image is now ingrained in my head.
The first pic is from San Francisco, They had a baby grand piano hung from the ceiling. It was used by a Go Go dancer. She would dance as they lowered it. Some guy was doing the hot nasty with her when it took off. He was crushed, she got off?? The second is the Naked Cowboy that haunts Time Square in NYC. The oddest was Vietnam in 67, Hinton holding up his hand to show me the hole through it...some firefight! He had the funniest grin on his face. He was ok! Oops pics didn't load. Let me try again.
Here they are


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a guy taking a dump off the curb and his drunk friend handing him taco bell napkins...only in colorado
This summer I saw a man dressed as a knight walking along the side of the side. No festival or anything going on, just some weird random thing.

I also had a squirrel in a tree throw rocks at me. Bounced one right off my noggin. WTF?
When I began searching for what would become my son's first car, I would use my lunch hour driving around neighborhoods street by street, looking into back yards and down alleys, hoping to spot a likely prospect. When I stopped by this one house to ask about a 65 Mustang, the owner came to the door without a shirt on and stood talking to me for about five minutes with a Q-tip sticking straight out of his ear. How can you not realize something like that?