Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

You agree with someone who doesn't believe in God?

I said "the less I believe in God" not "I don't believe in God". Get the facts straight. Slowly I'm losing faith that there is actually a higher power. I mean why create something .... universe, earth, life, and then let it go to ruin. Wars, famine, disease, cancer, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc... If you have a son or daughter and just walk away...... that's basically the same thing. Kind of like a botched science project that got tossed in the trash.
One of the problems is that men and women are running away from these problems instead of sticking around and being that person of integrity and leading the right way. Too many just running away....if you know the right way and are backing out because others are falling away....then shame on you. Why don't you actually stand up and take a stance!!

Sometimes the best response is NO response at all. Let the whole thing crumble on itself.
Well, Jesus said not to cast pearls at swine. I take that to mean not everyone is reachable. I enjoy witnessing to others, but there's a line in the sand where I stop. I am not going to force my beliefs down somebody else's throat. I may suggest a Bible verse or two and if they wanna know more, great. The way I see it is, if GOD wants me to witness to someone, his hand will be all over it. What was that song Tanya Tucker had years ago? "If it don't come easy, you better let it go."
This is why religion and politics are a taboo subject we could go on for ever arguing over our views if you go to church and worship god so be it but don't condem those of us that have different views on the subject you will never change my opinion on the subject and if i even went into my opinions about the bible,how the earth was formed,how man arrived on this planet some of you would have a stroke and tell me i'm nuts. All because you have been force fed your beliefs from a young age and lack an open mind to any other possible views on this subject, I'm am open minded i don't beleve or disbeleve, any thing is possible until it is proven one way or another sometimes you have to read between the lines to understand what is really being said.Read revilations if you think that grasshoppers that sting from their nose and tail and birds that drop bombs are whats awaiting us at the end of the world your nuttier than i.
Hey everyone, I have an assignment due in class tonight which requires a 2-3page paper as well.
These questions pertain to religion as well.
Well, here are the questions.
1. Who is Jesus Christ?
2. What do you think about the Church? (That's the Church overall)

That's it. Feel free to leave an answer whether you're religious or not, your opinions are very appreciated!!
Not trying to get any arguments started or try to get someone "converted" and what not.
Just want peoples opinions and answers.
Thanks everyone!! Oh yeah, if you could also leave your first name, that would be great too.

1. By today's standards he would be viewed just about the same as he was when he walked the earth by those in power. Anti establishment, think 60's hippie.

2. I don''t think he would approve of his church or any of the other organized religions as they operate today. As the old Ray Stevens song goes. Would Jesus wear a Rolex on his television show?
brothers please forgive me but...



Hey everyone, I have an assignment due in class tonight which requires a 2-3page paper as well.
These questions pertain to religion as well.
Well, here are the questions.
1. Who is Jesus Christ?
2. What do you think about the Church? (That's the Church overall)

That's it. Feel free to leave an answer whether you're religious or not, your opinions are very appreciated!!
Not trying to get any arguments started or try to get someone "converted" and what not.
Just want peoples opinions and answers.
Thanks everyone!! Oh yeah, if you could also leave your first name, that would be great too.

'64, Jesus Christ and his doctines represent the first time in recorded history that mankind challenged their overlords by declaring human beings are born free, and that the enslavement of mankind, which had prevailed for centuries past, would no longer be tolerated in God's eyes. The KJV is an intense history lesson detailing the struggle for mankinds independence from statists.

Ironically, he fought his most challenging battles with those he loved most, since mankind, during those days, wanted their Kings, who nearly always exploited their loyalty and enslaved them. The same thing is going on here in America today...

The primary tool for enslaving mankind was (as it is today) USURY, and this pitted Jesus Christ against the corrupt bankers and elite property owners during his period, which is why he "up set the money changers tables". He detested the concept of USURY, which was a tool to keep the rich in power and the poor enslaved. It goes unabated here in America, even today, unfortunately, but ignorance of scripture ensure the masses won't recognize it when it's being practiced under their noses.

Christ's demand for elevating all of mankind was intended to bring dignity and prosperity to those who had never experienced it before, and his benevolent approach to politics went against the grain of the power elite. He shunned 'eye for an eye' and replaced it with 'turn the other cheek', which instructed his followers to not engage in brutality to solve your disputes, since brutality always begets more brutality. Brutality is only permitted in defense. Unfortunately, his detractors chose the former because he had the courage to call them out in public and expose them for the scoundrels they were. He stood up for those that had no power and influence, and he was killed as a result of it.

This didn't make him weak, as he clearly stated that those who do not have a sword (a means to defend themselves and their family) should surely sell the clothes off their backs and acquire one. But he detested offensive violence as a means of intimidation by tyrannical rulers of his day.

Later, when Moses delivered the 10 Commandments, this document recognized and defined INDIVIDUAL rights, which was a direct challenge to the statists; monarchies; and dictators of His period. Christians have died by the hundreds of thousands over the centuries because they recognize Christianity as the only religion that puts the individual ABOVE the state, and therefore in direct confict with tyrants. It's also why they are persecuted enmass today, and, literally spat upon in nations rooted in other faiths, or those lacking it. If you doubt what I'm saying here, just do a deep dive into how the governments of other nations treat their citizens where ____________ is practiced. Plug in any faith, and then answer it for yourself.

Unfortunately, most Americans today, don't give a damn about the history of Christianity as they've been programmed to worship the statists, or engage in Churchianity (no explanation required). However, I can prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Founding Fathers understood the importance of defining moral code for Americans based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. It's also why they repeatedly chose the word "ordained" to describe our form of government. Our rights come from God, which means 'mortal' men have no right to revoke them. That's the crux of our struggle even today.

Now, many will try to challenge this by injecting the "separation of church and state" clause, however that clause was ONLY intended to prevent church leaders from engaging in abusive secularism (zealots), to the detriment of the citizens liberties. In other words, Faith and compliance to moral code was required, in accordance with the 10 Commandments, but NO secular movement would ever be permitted to undermine our Christian government and individual liberties.

Don't forget, the Founding Fathers were extremely sensitive to the abusive secularism practiced througout Europe, and they were bound and determined to preserve individual rights - in accordance with Christian doctrine. If anyone wants to challenge me on that, start another thread, and we can joust over it. In fact, I invite you to do so.

With regards to "the church" ? WE are the church. It really is that simple. The house of the Lord resides within us, and it's our responsibility to conduct our affairs in accordance with the teachings of Christ. In the end, unfortunately, it does kind of boil down to 'eye for an eye', or 'turn the other cheek'. A society filled with violence, or a society that forgives and forgets.

The other thing to remember here is (again), ADJECTIVES do not start or fight wars. Verbs are responsible for such activities. Don't allow someone to 'broadbrush' your faith with adjectives. Individuals with a corrupted interpretation of religion are at the core of blood purgings - as "religion" forbids such (at least the New Testament does). But I digress.

As others noted here, the concept of Church is now so institutionalized that Christ himself would probably order a few tomahawks to put things back on the right path (I'm joking of course), however, when the mega-Churchianity crowd comes knocking with their hands out, remember this" They aren't working on your behalf. They, truly, have become deputized statists hell bent on 'herding the masses' to support popular transgressions of our gov't., and bilking you of as much financial support as they can. They can also be counted on to promote such oxymorons as Judeo-Christianity, which, again, is a psychological tool to convince the masses they're 'like minded' theologies in the struggle for mankind. I don't remember ever reading about an epic event where Old and New Testament were....merged. Uh oh, sounds like another thread. What do you think guys ?

This is why religion and politics are a taboo subject we could go on for ever arguing over our views if you go to church and worship god so be it but don't condem those of us that have different views on the subject you will never change my opinion on the subject and if i even went into my opinions about the bible,how the earth was formed,how man arrived on this planet some of you would have a stroke and tell me i'm nuts. All because you have been force fed your beliefs from a young age and lack an open mind to any other possible views on this subject, I'm am open minded i don't beleve or disbeleve, any thing is possible until it is proven one way or another sometimes you have to read between the lines to understand what is really being said.Read revilations if you think that grasshoppers that sting from their nose and tail and birds that drop bombs are whats awaiting us at the end of the world your nuttier than i.

Well, not all of us were "indoctrinated" from birth. I didn't get saved until I was 21!! I used to shoot steroids, get drunk, bang chicks, curse, blah blah blah until then. So you're tellin me I don't have an open mind?? I have a lot of past experiences to compare and contrast my current life with Christ to show me that God IS real...that's having an open mind. He helped me from all that mess of a life. You may call it "using God as a crutch," or whatever else it may be called, but I'd rather use God as that crutch than go back to that old kind of lifestyle!! I'd rather have a horrible day as a follower of Christ than the best day apart from Him!!
As far as your Revelation theology goes, that's not the norm. That's just people trying to "predict" the future and the end times. Most are reading into it just trying to find something. What pretty much sums up Revelation is,"you better be right with God" that's it. Too many people go looking for things in the Bible that are not really "salvation" related and they like to twist it to tickle other peoples' ears; to make them worry just that little bit more....all the while God is probably shaking His head saying,"That's not the point!!! Who cares about birds dropping bombs and all that nonsense, just look to ME!!! The point is to 'LOOK TO ME!!'"
'64, self-realization is something most persons don't understand, and it scares them, thereby preventing them from opening their minds.

I always find it interesting: As you noted, I'd take my chances on a nation of "Bible Thumping" Christians over the "humanists" version of society. Regardless of how others expound on the "evils" of religion, or Christianity, they always do so without ever addressing the humanist's track record, which would give real reason to be scared.

Add to that the nations/governments within the past 2 centuries that had a zero tolerance for people of faith, and the choice is simple.

In Christ,

'64, self-realization is something most persons don't understand, and it scares them, thereby preventing them from opening their minds.

I always find it interesting: As you noted, I'd take my chances on a nation of "Bible Thumping" Christians over the "humanists" version of society. Regardless of how others expound on the "evils" of religion, or Christianity, they always do so without ever addressing the humanist's track record, which would give real reason to be scared.

Add to that the nations/governments within the past 2 centuries that had a zero tolerance for people of faith, and the choice is simple.

In Christ,


Right On!!
Agreed 100%!
Southernman, you sound like a counselor,lol. I agree. Most people don't want to face who they really are under the masks they put on around their friends, family, in public, etc.
Another thing to think about: If God were not real, what kind of man would place all these so called "rules and laws and regulations" upon HIMSELF to keep from enjoying the things that we would call sin? Yeah, that makes real good sense. I mean, who wants to not partake in those pleasures, etc, etc?
Honestly, it was fun at the time, but now that my eyes, heart, and mind have been opened by Christ, it makes me sick to think about doing those things. Not to say I'm not tempted to go back to some of them, but through the power of the Holy Spirit I have the strength to say no!
Southernman, you sound like a counselor,lol. I agree. Most people don't want to face who they really are under the masks they put on around their friends, family, in public, etc.
Another thing to think about: If God were not real, what kind of man would place all these so called "rules and laws and regulations" upon HIMSELF to keep from enjoying the things that we would call sin? Yeah, that makes real good sense. I mean, who wants to not partake in those pleasures, etc, etc?
Honestly, it was fun at the time, but now that my eyes, heart, and mind have been opened by Christ, it makes me sick to think about doing those things. Not to say I'm not tempted to go back to some of them, but through the power of the Holy Spirit I have the strength to say no!

Thanks '64 for the feedback and, yes, I've counseled - and witnessed my fair share over the years.

Stay your course and don't forget:

It's the 'humanists' out there desparately trying to 'sway' citizens away from that which protects them the most; "Our demand that our rights come from God and are therefore not subject to revoking by mortal men or corrupt regimes/government beaurocrats."

In other words, those that pontificate to you on "separation of church and state", do so with the intent of removing from you - that which protects you the most. Send 'em packing.

Nice '64 BTW

Southernman, you sound like a counselor,lol. I agree. Most people don't want to face who they really are under the masks they put on around their friends, family, in public, etc.
Another thing to think about: If God were not real, what kind of man would place all these so called "rules and laws and regulations" upon HIMSELF to keep from enjoying the things that we would call sin? Yeah, that makes real good sense. I mean, who wants to not partake in those pleasures, etc, etc?
Honestly, it was fun at the time, but now that my eyes, heart, and mind have been opened by Christ, it makes me sick to think about doing those things. Not to say I'm not tempted to go back to some of them, but through the power of the Holy Spirit I have the strength to say no!

I have been sober for 10 yrs now. I used to think (at the beginning of my sobriety) that God, Jesus (Higherpower) got me sober. As time rolled by I slowly realized through other troubles that I've had besides crack cocaine and alcohol that I was the one that got through them. I was the one who had to get up every morning and face the troubles I had (without drinking or drugging). I was the one that got past it. I did not pray about it. I never really thought about it actually. Finally life got better... it took sometime.

If I go back to drinking or drugging it will be MY choice and mine alone. It will not be because I have decided to quit praying or worshiping a Higherpower (God, Jesus). However I don't want to ever go back to drinking because... it will kill me. I know it will. I'm one of those that don't have another sobering up left. I almost died while I was out there. I have health problems because of it now.

I will never forget when I was young I asked my Sunday school teacher "But wonder if there REALLY isn't a God?" She said " I would rather go through life worshiping a God than not worship God and go to Hell." I have always been like why do I have to be afraid of God in order to worship Him? I found myself worshiping because I was afraid to go to Hell not because I wanted to worship God.

Anyways I'm not the smartest when it comes to this subject as you can tell. I just find myself in between God and just trying to get through life if that makes since.
..... religion has it's place not at car shows/football games ect. If your a christian and my foul language,jokes,smoking bothers you don't hang around me i'm not going to curb my lifestyle for anyone.......

But apparently Christians should curb their lifestyle for you??? If you don't like people wearing their "JOHN 3:16" shirts to a car show or football game, tough! I like the saying - If you don't stand for something, then you stand for nothing.

And now for those that call yourself "Christian" on this fine FABO site here's something that's been on my mind for awhile now. I read when someone is in need or going through a tough time, operation or whatever and you'll be the first one to keep them in your prayers. OK. Good. But why are you same "Christians" on the New and Politics dropping F-bombs like there's no tomorrow? Would you walk out of church on Sunday morning, shake the pastor's hand and say, "what a mighty fine f**king sermon that was today." Would you??? I know that people are not perfect (Christians included) and if you have to account to God for every word spoken (and presumably written down or typed on a keyboard), why do you get a pass for dropping the F-bomb on the internet???

I have been sober for 10 yrs now. I used to think (at the beginning of my sobriety) that God, Jesus (Higherpower) got me sober. As time rolled by I slowly realized through other troubles that I've had besides crack cocaine and alcohol that I was the one that got through them. I was the one who had to get up every morning and face the troubles I had (without drinking or drugging). I was the one that got past it. I did not pray about it. I never really thought about it actually. Finally life got better... it took sometime.

If I go back to drinking or drugging it will be MY choice and mine alone. It will not be because I have decided to quit praying or worshiping a Higherpower (God, Jesus). However I don't want to ever go back to drinking because... it will kill me. I know it will. I'm one of those that don't have another sobering up left. I almost died while I was out there. I have health problems because of it now.

I will never forget when I was young I asked my Sunday school teacher "But wonder if there REALLY isn't a God?" She said " I would rather go through life worshiping a God than not worship God and go to Hell." I have always been like why do I have to be afraid of God in order to worship Him? I found myself worshiping because I was afraid to go to Hell not because I wanted to worship God.

Anyways I'm not the smartest when it comes to this subject as you can tell. I just find myself in between God and just trying to get through life if that makes since.

Mullinax (I used to hang out with a Danny Mullinax and his sister Barb - in MD no less, back in the 70's - and your life reads just like Danny's, so I can relate), thank you for posting here and understand that persons of faith don't use Hell as a "fear" tactic. Let me tell you, Americans have no comprehension of real "fear tactics" or "hell on earth", but some of us who are married to foreign women and have spent time abroad can tell you this:

Humanist societies (nations that put down the concept of God-given rights - because they have elevated themselves [in their minds] to act as God on Earth) are societies that have murdered and butchered their countrymen on an unprecedented scale - yet we as free Americans have the gall to claim we are offended simply because persons of faith ask us to engage in free will, and self realization from time-to-time, self-control, and play by a few simple rules - the 10 Commandments ?!!!

People die - every day - fighting for access to a PORTION of the freedom and liberties we enjoy here in the US, yet we feel defeated when a "vice" kicks us to the ground. I'm not trying to be disparaging here, but American's problems pale in comparison to the majority of the rest of the worlds, and hopefully it will stay that way... Recently, my faith was tested as I was sticken with cancer, but every time I walked through the wards, I felt ashamed after complaining about how a benevolent God would allow it - because I spent time in the Children's ward, and saw how courageously they accepted their fate - without blame - and rarely complaining. The point is, there's always someone out there suffering more than me, and my problems are just that, my problems...

Also, when you state the Sunday School Teacher used the fear of "hell" to try and influence you to lead a moral life, did you not create a "living hell" for you and those around you (I'm not being judgemental here - just asking) by rejecting her advise, and God's gift to you? Is it remotely possible the real message was " I understand we're not perfect, but by maintaining high moral standards you can become a "blessing" to your family and others in need, and maybe even our nation as a whole ? Additionally, statists love to exploit the "BLAME" game, as they convince us that God somehow let us down when we fail, but the truth is, we let ourselves down by being too arrogant to accept any help from 'a higher order'. Our failings can be found by answering one simple question:

Is Man, the epitome of PERFECTION, and therefore the center of the universe ? Mullinax, pls answer this question for yourself and I'll be glad to expound if you like. But it holds the answers to your, and many others, previous statements.

You are not the first, nor only, person to "miss the big picture of religion and politics," because statists have controlled the game, and masses, with their version of 'imbecillic religionists' for many decades now, but you certainly are, as a person of free will, capable of opening up your mind to both hear, and understand this fact:

When you ridicule Christians and Christianity - you ridicule our Founding Fathers, our Declaration of Independence, our precious Bill of Rights, and UNDERMINE our ability to preserve INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, here in America for everyone. It, in some ways, parallels your lifecycle, since we all believe that vices only harm us [individually], yet don't take time to understand how we affect our families and society as a whole - the bigger picture - though it sounds like you do now. Rejecting the Founding Father's concept of God-given rights will put us all in shackles, eventually, since we're accepting the humanists demand that we worship them instead...vices aid them in their objectives for us.

I'm not going to preach to anyone here, but I do have an obligation to expain to all of you that the religious concepts that protect you the most, are destroyed as the result of your refusal to try and understand WHY it's important we, at least, respect them. It's important that, even if you're not a religious person, that you do no harm to the concept of God-given rights. Why ? I apologize for sounding like a broken record, but:

Mullinax, again, if your rights don't come from God, they are non-existent ! That's the underlying BATTLE, and reason why Chrisitians and Christianity are disrespected; riduculed; even hated; because most true Christians understand the aforementioned reference, and now, so do you.

It's a time-honored tradition where statists 'dummy up' the citizens to the point they reject the very systems that protect them - which always leads to the citizens being enslaved. If you doubt what I say, can you name me another nation, devoid of 'religionists' where you'd like to live, or even ONE from the past ?

To make it simpler: the old analogy of putting corn in a field to attract hogs, and start putting up perimmeter posts and fence until the only thing left is to slam shut the gate through which you're herding them. Then, one night when the 'hogs' are comfortably feeding, slam the gate closed, and prepare for slaughter. That's damned near the identical plan humanists have used on societies for centuries. Will we choose to allow ourselves to become victims, or will we demand they keep their mitts off our God-given rights and send them packing ?

You see, Christians also understand how 'nations' are created and their purpose:

Since the days of Hammurabbi; all nations started [many as tribes] when sufficient numbers of like-minded people banded together to form alliances. The outgrowth of these alliances were later codified in what people today refer to as religion (morals), which always defined the limits, or guidelines to which person/members/citizens were to conform. What is the REAL intent of morals ? Not just to protect and preserve the tribal/national way of life for future generations, but to ensure the next generation is more successful than the past. That's right, Mullinax, Gods requirement is that we serve our families first, our community/nation second - and ourselves last...but I digress here.

These 'old world' organizations required oversight, which for ions, was handled by the 'elders' or 'wisemen', and later priests, pontiffs, etc.

Without endulging you in a prolonged history lesson here, the significance of the above answers the question of: What came first, the Church or the State ? And is there any such thing as "REAL" separation ?

Well, if a state develops first - there is, historically, no room for Church or religious views. Humanists want you to believe their logic based on religion having no place in government, because they want to remove any notion of God-given rights, or an ordained government, and because it plays right into the hands of tyrants and dictators (persons that consider themself to be the equivalent of God on earth - Lenin, Mao, Trosky, Marx, etc).

However, where fundamental moral code is codified first, there is, typically limited room for government - unless the people [initially or eventually through coersion] relenquish such, and there are many examples of such across the globe today. Does that make sense ?

Religion gets a black eye where religious zealots have perverted the Word of God, and exploited the masses, and others, as a result of it, but the true Word of God forbids such perversion. It also requires us to look beyond the surface and understand our environment. As Moses so aptly put it: "My people are enslaved for lack of knowledge", and so it remains today...

I'll never judge my American brothers and sisters, but every once in a while I will nudge them to think long and hard about that which they have so little understanding. Your struggle with vices, is just that, your own personal struggle, and God knows we've all struggled/struggling with our own, and you should take pride in overcoming yours. It's no small feat.

Back to politics and government. What's MOST important is that we all have a point of reference whereby, through self-realization, and free will, we're able to conquer our vices and uphold a standard that our family and friends can ascribe to themselves.

Remember, our nation is based, 100% on the 10 Commandments, and there's nothing about them that are 'unreasonable' when taken within the context of the individuals, family, or our nation as a whole.

I also feel compelled to tell you that our discussion on 'religion' has two separate, yet similar, objectives:

1 Defining citizen and governemental moral code (politics).
2 Individual relationships with God, which is no business of the gov't...

I've spoken most to #1, since, in lieu of it, #2 really doesn't matter. Think about it...

And, finally, Mullinax, thanks for sharing your take on this stuff. I find it fascinating, and, yes, though we're riduculed about it, we will keep you and others like you in our prayers, because we understand the deep-seeded nature of your epic struggle, and it always helps to believe, actually know, that you're not alone - unless you choose to be - and God permits such, as you know...

Sorry for the length, but I detest a discussion laced with cliches. If I'm boring anyone, just ignore it. If you've got a dissenting opinion, put it on the table. As you can tell, I really do enjoy discusssing this stuff - while we still can. I'm actually surprised the typical group of sarcastic atheists haven't attacked me just yet. I think it may be attributed to the good nature and character of many of you that refer to yourselves as "car nuts", since, you truly must value working your *** off for little return, to be part of our club [kinda like us Christians]. God Bless you guys !!!

On a lighter note, I did have someone tell me they now understand why the humanists in our gov't are forcing the removal of the 10 Commandments from public view.

When lawyers and politicans are forced to read, Thou Shall not Lie or Steal, it creates a "hostile" working environment for them - not all mind you - just far too many....

But apparently Christians should curb their lifestyle for you??? If you don't like people wearing their "JOHN 3:16" shirts to a car show or football game, tough! I like the saying - If you don't stand for something, then you stand for nothing.

And now for those that call yourself "Christian" on this fine FABO site here's something that's been on my mind for awhile now. I read when someone is in need or going through a tough time, operation or whatever and you'll be the first one to keep them in your prayers. OK. Good. But why are you same "Christians" on the New and Politics dropping F-bombs like there's no tomorrow? Would you walk out of church on Sunday morning, shake the pastor's hand and say, "what a mighty fine f**king sermon that was today." Would you??? I know that people are not perfect (Christians included) and if you have to account to God for every word spoken (and presumably written down or typed on a keyboard), why do you get a pass for dropping the F-bomb on the internet???


Wylde1, you nailed it on the head ! Here in the US, it's downright ignorance that's corrupted God fearing Americans to think of disparaging language as now acceptable. When a language as beautiful as English is assaulted by foul mouthed ignoramasses, it's an outright display of disprespect for ones self...

Of course there's a bit of politics involve with it; getting citizens to engage in filthy language is a direct reflection on both the language and...the citizens. As Thomas Jefferson noted in the beginning:

"I am a Christian, that is to say a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus. I have little doubt that our whole country will soon be rallied to the unity of our Creator and, I hope, to the pure doctrine of Jesus also."
George Orwell, in the..end:

But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.

How prophetic...

foul language,jokes,smoking bothers you don't hang around me. Lmao Ok im am Christian NOW THAT BEING SAID i say what i want to when i want to and dress how i want to ive been kicked out of churchs cuz i will not dress the part as they want i never have a shirt with sleeves and im alway in blue jeans and steel toe boots .. i smoke yes its a sin yes i will have to take that up with the big guy ...... now who said that fu#k sh#t and what not was a cuss word really ? I cuss if u dont like it will i can help ya with that i respect u and would try not to cuz im a nice guy and if u dont beleave thats not for me to judge u ... If u want me to talk to ya bout it will be happy to this post has went nuts i know things bout some of u i didnt know b4 i had to get mine in b4 a mod locks it
Hey DD, where I worship at, we don't care how you dress. I could come in my work clothes....smelling like weld smoke, dirty, steel toe boots, etc and I know they wouldn't care. The pastor wears blue jeans and button up shirts and used to be a welder, mechanic as well.
As far as smoking being a sin.....That is what the majority I believe believes. That's probably due to the legalism of the Church in the early 1900-1970's. However, there is nothing in the Bible that says anything about smoking...other than...non directly addressing the prob...."your body is a temple so take care of it" passage. I don't believe it to be a sin/salvation issue. And our pastor believes the same...it's not a sin.
As far as cursing...you're right....who's to say what words are what?? I have a buddy from Bible college that would say piss all the time. One day as we were talking, he was saying the word (which is in the King James version of the Bible) and I asked him if he thought it was a curse word. He said no, then I asked him if he would say the word from the pulpit to a congregation in a sermon. He said no. I said, then why say it at all? He really didn't have an answer to that. I just think that when the majority believes it is a curse word, that's how we should treat it.....because if you're in the Body of Believers, those outside want to see something different, the Church is supposed to be Pure and Righteous. Thus lays the problem, the Church is partially ridiculed because of peoples' actions, words, etc. But we have persons' in the Church that don't know what from what as well.....the Body is made up of people and those people are at different places/levels/etc in there walk with Christ. We are all still growing and everyone deals with different issues than someone else.
Another friend of mine, practically family, is an Awesome man of God. One day when we were working on something, he said the SH!@ word and I was like, what? Well, he is from Louisianna, and what I learned here at college is that, it also depends on the culture as well. He doesn't consider that a curse word, that's the culture he grew up in.
Just my 2cents.

Just a reminder, this was intended for a class assignment. No one is being judged or anything like that. And if someone is judging another from this...shame on them.
We are all on this site to be a community in what we enjoy....and that's apart from religion, race, gender, etc, etc. I don't care if someone that isn't a Christian or is a Christian commented on or viewed this page....you're all friends in my book and would gladly hang out with each one of you.....even without witnessing!!LOL.
More people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason.

The 10 commandments explained:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-RGN21TSGk"]Ten Commandments - by George Carlin - YouTube[/ame]
class assignment that one hell of a class lol poke lol well 64 i have said what i came to say no hard feeling to any one but b4 its gets bad im going to bow out of here
More people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason.

You named it correctly.
People KILL people in the name of God...God isn't the one killing people.
Very much like Guns don't kill people, people kill people with the gun.
The gun was just the tool, very much like people use God's name as a tool to kill people. I agree with that. So let's take away guns right?? Let's take God out of schools, government, etc, etc??

10 Commandments explained: Good comedy routine...I'm sure George made a killin in profit$$$$ that night.